Monday, August 1, 2016

Benghazi mom's big mistake: not being a Democrat

Benghazi mom Pat Smith: Why wasn’t I treated with the same reverence by the media as the Khans?  White privilege perhaps?
" . . .Brooke Baldwin spends several long minutes nudging Smith in every way she can think of to side with the Khans against Trump." . . .

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Father Of Muslim Soldier: Trump Is Incapable Of Empathy  
Trump released this statement recently:
Captain Humayun Khan was a hero to our country and we should honor all who have made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our country safe. The real problem here are the radical Islamic terrorists who killed him, and the efforts of these radicals to enter our country to do us further harm. Given the state of the world today, we have to know everything about those looking to enter our country, and given the state of chaos in some of these countries, that is impossible. While I feel deeply for the loss of his son, Mr. Khan who has never met me, has no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution, (which is false) and say many other inaccurate things. If I become President, I will make America safe again.
"Yeah, there’s no real defense against this. It was totally unwarranted, and could’ve been a good point for Trump to learn one thing about becoming president: some people really, really don’t like you and will say things that will upset you—ignore them. There are bigger issues at hand. If Trump wanted to respond—and he shouldn’t—but if he had to, he could’ve kept the first two sentences of his July 30 statement, while adding that he wished Mr. Khan and the rest of his family the best." . . .
Have We Forgotten That Hillary Pretty Much Called A Gold Star Mother A Liar?   . . . "Okay—so Trump’s remarks, which arguably were touching upon the whole Islamic submission of women angle, were terrible. Yet, let’s not forget that Hillary Clinton also criticized a Gold Star mother. During the Democratic debate on March 9, Clinton pretty much called Patricia Smith, mother of slain U.S. Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith, a liar (via Fox News):" . . .

Figures released for England and Wales have shown nearly 900 Syrians have been arrested in just one year for crimes including rape and child abuse


Police arrest 900 Syrians in England and Wales for crimes including rape and child abuse

. . . "And officials say the migrants were accused of sickening crimes including rapes and child abuse.
"Now critics say they are concerned that the thousands of Syrians entering Britain each year under resettlement schemes are being allowed to enter the country unchecked.
"Among those arrested are four Syrian immigrants have been charged after two 14-year-old girls were allegedly sexually assaulted - just yards from Newcastle United's stadium. " . . .  

What Donald Trump Should’ve Said & Still Needs to Say to Khizr Khan, Muslim Grandstander

Debbie Schlussel


. . . "If I were Trump, I would have turned Khizr Khan’s most soundbited statement around. Khan told Trump, “You have sacrificed nothing and nobody” for America. Instead of giving the silly, braggadocious, and tone-deaf response that Trump gave about how he’s sacrificed to create businesses and jobs, I would have asked, “Mr. Khan, what have Bill and Hillary Clinton sacrificed for America?” I might have added, “Hillary sacrificed her basement bathroom closet for a server to jeopardize American national security and the identities of our foreign operatives. Is that your idea of sacrificing for this country?” Whitewater, cattle futures, the Rose Law firm records, Monicagate, e-mails, the McDougals, the Iran deal sell-out of which Hillary was the chief architect, Benghazi, etc., etc., etc., ad nauseam, ad absurdum, ad infinitum–is that your idea of how Hillary Clinton sacrificed for America? Trump should have turned this on Hillary and challenged the Khans to answer these questions and tell him what exactly is Hillary’s sacrifice for America, when her whole life is a textbook example of me-me-me narcissistic selfishness."

The Muslim speakers at the DNC; Muslim copies of Cindy Sheehan?

How sad that the Khans lost their son in battle and it is good that we learn of Muslims who do serve America with honor. Have the Democrats soiled his memory with his grief-stricken parents' speaking at the DNC Convention?

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Gold Star Hypocrisy  "It was a magnificent thing for Secretary Clinton and the Democratic Party to honor the heroism of, in Captain Humayun Khan, a Muslim-American who gave his life for his comrades and country. It was a reminder at a time when America is under attack by an enemy who claims to be acting in the name of Islam that there are millions of loyal Americans who adhere to the Muslim faith. Captain Khan’s heroism is impossible to alloy.

"We hung back from airing our own doubts about the remarks of Captain Khan’s father, Khizr Khan. We were as shocked as millions of Americans were by the partisan way in which, with his ad hominem attack on Donald Trump, Mr. Khan used his son’s sacrifice on the field of battle for political purposes. " . . .
The truth is that the biggest problem Mrs. Clinton has in this race — and we understand she might well win it — is that everything about her is political. Her support for the war was political. Her opposition to the war was political. Her use of Captain Khan’s example was political, as was her use of Captain Khan’s father. The only things real in this drama turn out to be the intrepidity of Captain Khan himself, the grief of his family, and the fidelity of the president who sent him to war.
Khizr Khan was tricked into smearing Donald Trump . . . "For just about every American alive, Capt. Khan is an inspiring and unifying figure. To Hillary Clinton, he is a tool to be used to divide people." . . .

Is There a Backstory about Khizr Khan and Donald Trump? . . . "Khizr M. Khan used to work for Hogan & Hartson and Lovells, which has ties to the Clinton Foundation.  Accordingly, "Hogan Lovells LLP, another U.S. firm hired by the Saudis, is registered to work for the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia through 2016, disclosures show. Robert Kyle, a lobbyist from the firm, has bundled $50,850 for Clinton’s campaign."
"Was Mr. Khan merely being used by the Clinton campaign to advance their own agenda?  Or is there an even larger issue concerning the influence such people as Abedin and Khan exert concerning Clinton's bid for the highest office in the land?
"The questions need answers."  
 Eileen F. Toplansky

Clarice Feldman:  Who is Khizr Khan, the father of a fallen US solder?
. . . "So I did more digging and learned  that is also the phone number of a group called  American Muslims Vote, which says its mission is to:
To create an enlightened community by providing and developing Patriotic American Muslim leadership and
Encouraging American Muslims to participate in the democratic process at local, state and national level and vote on the election day.
DNC Angry Muslim Father and Trump Basher – Khizr Khan – Reportedly Has Ties to Muslim Brotherhood Terror Organization
. . . "Khan wrote articles regarding OPEC – the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries – (OPEC) and Sharia Law. The members of OPEC are primarily Muslim countries.  In one of Khan’s writings he shows his appreciation for an icon of the Muslim Brotherhood, Said Ramadan.  Ramandan is a known as a Muslim Brotherhood agent and was the son-in-law of Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood." . . .

Related: CAIR Prodding Muslim Women To Speak Out Against Trump…

Walid Shoebat has this take on Mr. Khan.

A rant about the artificial Khizr Khan kerfuffle, which is intended to silence conservatives
Even if America doesn’t want war, Islam does, leaving America with two options:  fighting the war or preemptively surrendering. The Democrats wish to do the latter, but they don’t want the American people to know, so they engage in the endless “religion of peace” charade.
Here is what ISIS says about the Khan family and their loss:
Islamic terrorists embrace a stone-age ideology. However, these organizations have also embraced contemporary technology and techniques of persuasion. Those targeted as worthy of death by these jihadists need to recognize just how culturally aware and strategically savvy they have become.
Dabiq 15, the latest issue of ISIS's online propaganda magazine, includes the following photo and caption on page 27:
Khan Arlington Cemetery

THEY'RE WATCHING: ISIS Magazine Says Captain Khan, Mentioned at DNC, Deserved Death  . . . "ISIS is communicating that Captain Khan had strayed, and was thus killed and is currently being punished in the afterlife."
"In particular, the article quotes Muhammad himself on the topic:
Indeed, the Prophet said, “Whoever dies unbound by a bay’ah (pledge of allegiance) has died a jahili [ignorant of Muhammad's teachings] death” (Muslim). And he said, “Whoever dislikes something in his leader, let him be patient. For whoever leaves the obedience of lawful authority, even a hand span (and dies), has died the death of Jahiliyyah” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

Obama's Loose Lips

Socio-Political Commentary

"Ever since he became President Barack Obama has worked to weaken America’s posture toward our adversaries. Some of these have been obvious: eviscerating American armed forces, betraying ally relationships built up over decades, and empowering foes such as Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood. Others have flown under the radar screen but, like the diminishing fleet of stealth fighters in the Air Force, can nevertheless be devastating.

"These deliberate steps began early.

"Within a few months of Barack Obama’s inauguration, his administration made public detailed interrogation memos describing the techniques used by the Central Intelligence Agency to gather information from terrorists. Those methods were among the Bush administration’s most closely guarded secrets. Barack Obama ordered the release of these secrets despite pleas from then-CIA director, Leon Panetta:" . . .Ed Lasky

The PC juggernaut goose-steps on and on:

Fascists at Texas university order diversity training for saying all lives matter
Student at University of Houston suspended, ordered to diversity training for saying all lives matter

"If colleges are indeed training the nation’s future leaders, America is doomed.  On Sunday, the Daily Caller reported that Rohini Sethi, a student government leader at the University of Houston, was suspended and ordered to diversity training for engaging in the heinous act of free speech.  In this case, the offensive speech was a Facebook post that read, “Forget #BlackLivesMatter; more like AllLivesMatter.”
"The post, according to the report, was made shortly after the July 7 Dallas police shootings.
"According to the Daily Caller:
“Just for her to say, ‘forget Black Lives Matter,’ is a punch in the stomach,” student Nala Hughes told a local press outlet at the time.
Sethi serves as the vice president of UH’s student government association (SGA), and several UH students demanded her immediate removal.
"As it turns out, it’s not that easy to remove a member of the student government, so the good fascists at the University of Houston found a way to extract their pound of flesh." . . . 

But wait! There's more!
The ABA's Plan to Impose Political Correctness on the Practice of Law  . . . "The ABA is totally uninterested in professional ethics based on sound moral choices, and has shifted its agenda to imposing a progressive political orthodoxy upon the legal profession, through the politicization of legal ethics.  If adopted by the ABA House of Delegates, the new Rule 8.4(g) will lay the groundwork to weed out lawyers who do not share the ABA's peculiar "politically correct" views."

Members Only: the Right to ‘Private’ Associations   . . . "He quotes Andrew Koppelman, a constitutional-law professor at Northwestern University School of Law: “When an association reaches a certain size and importance, the public has a legitimate interest in what goes on inside them.”
"By “public,” Koppelman surely meant government, not the People." . . .