Tuesday, March 31, 2015

How Long Can South -African/ African- American Noah Tread Water?

PowerLine Blog  "The Daily Show has announced little known South African comic Trevor Noah as Jon Stewart’s replacement, and going with an unknown talent is an understandable move for such an iconic show. (Some initial media reports predictably referred to this South African as “African-American” because they’re afraid to say “black,” because PC.)

"But speaking of PC and compromised comics, the furor that has erupted over some of Noah’s old un-PC tweets reminds me of that old Bill Cosby punch line: “Noah—How long can you tread water?” Because it looks as though Trevor Noah may come undone for making jokes about un-petite women and Jews. Dave Weigel notes over at Bloomberg that Noah has gone from Progressive hero to villain in 24 hours." One of several Noah tweets here:

 Noah 3 copy
...Rush Limbaugh/31/liberal_hate_tweets_obama_regime_economist_and_new_daily_show_host
 "But the new Daily Show host said that present day America has worse race relations than apartheid South Africa."
. . . "Hands up, don't shoot," and he said, "I never thought I'd be more afraid of police in America than in South Africa. It kind of makes me a little nostalgic for the old days back home." So why move here? If you're more afraid of the cops in the United States than you were during Apartheid in South Africa, why move here? Why move to such a violently racist country? What was he thinking? Anyway, the audience of The Daily Show loved it. They ate it up. So all of this lying bigotry and discrimination and hatred is perfectly fine wherever it occurs on the left.

"They have to make things up about conservatives and white police officers! They have to make things up and then perpetuate the lies that they tell. This Religious Freedom Restoration Act, think of it as it's a shield. It's protection is right there is in the name of the law. It's not a gun; it's not a weapon. It's not a sword, as people say. It's a shield. It protects people. And, boy, has it been distorted way out of the ballpark." . . .

Commentary relating to the Kerry/Obama - Iran deal

The White House insisted Friday that Barack Obama's Mideast strategy is working. Right now the U.S. government Mideast policy is backing the Iranians against Sunnis in Iraq while backing the Sunnis against the Iranians in Yemen. Laurel and Hardy looked better pushing a piano up the staircase.

Saudi Arabia demanded nuclear weapons Friday when the U.S. conceded a nuclear lab bunker to Iran and released photos of Israel's nuclear bomb facility. You know this won't end well. It's like overhearing the flight attendant saying over the PA system that she can't get the captain to stop crying. Comedian Argus Hamilton
 DEBKAfile: Nuclear talks reach dead end. Partial document to be released  "Officials close to the nuclear talks in Lausanne between the six power and Iran confirm that this round has come to a dead end, having failed to reach agreement on fundamental questions by the March 31 deadline.. DEBKAfile has reported consistently that supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s radical clergy and Revolutionary Guards had set their faces firmly against this deal, preferring to leave a diplomatic void for Tehran to continue to develop a nuclear weapon, without US interference. Sources in Lausanne report that the diplomats gathered there are working on a joint partial communiqué to mask the fiasco and justify the continuation of negotiations up until the next deadline in late June."

. . . " Wynes refused to answer my questions about why the RJC is hosting Fiorina, who traded with Iran in violation of the U.S. trade embargo and sanctions. Wynes also refused to answer my questions regarding why the RJC is hosting a woman who praised and palled around with Jesse “Hymietown” Jackson, who has a history of Jew-hatred and anti-White racism. “I’m not gonna answer that,” he responded. " . . .  Debbie Schlussel

Jewish leaders call on Fiorina to apologize for HP sales in Iran [VIDEO]  "A small group of Jewish leaders is calling for Republican Senate candidate Carly Fiorina, a former Hewlett-Packard CEO, to apologize for the company’s alleged sale of printers and other products to Iran through a distributor during her six-year tenure.
 . . .
"Fiorina’s campaign, however, says the allegations are not true." . . Full article in the Jewish Journal
 Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
The Iran nuke deal and the greenies  "Politics isn’t the only thing that stops at the water's edge.  It looks like the administration's climate change agenda and war on oil are for domestic consumption only."
 Hold it.  Didn’t President Obama just veto the Keystone pipeline project because of the evils of oil?  And now he’s the driving force behind the lifting of sanctions on Iran, which in turn will  open of the oil well valves?

The Germanwings co-pilot did incalculable damage.

"It is far easier for an individual to do great evil than to do great good"

Political Cartoons by Dana Summers

Dennis Prager   . . . "Yet every one of us knows one or two depressed individuals, and it is inconceivable that they would commit mass murder. As a number of Lincoln biographers have noted, most recently Richard Brookhiser, the great president was probably depressed all his life. And he was a moral giant." . . .

The nuclear deadline is upon us...well... maybe not

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell 

 WaPo/ABC poll: 59% support Iran deal, same percentage not confident it will prevent Iran nuke    "Maybe Barack Obama really does represent the American people best … or perhaps he’s left the electorate as confused as his administration."
. . .
 "Why make this deal at all? Michael Ramirez makes the point clearly in his editorial cartoon for Investors Business Daily:"

The French fear Obama’s destabilizing shift toward Iran over Saudis, Israelis
. . . "Fearing correctly that they had lost the faith of the American president, Israeli officials turned to France in mid-March in the effort to ensure that at least one Western nation had Jerusalem’s interests in mind while negotiating a nuclear deal with Iran." . . . 

The UK Guardian cited above reports: Israeli officials head to France in last-minute bid to block nuclear deal  . . . "France has been more hawkish than the US at the negotiating table, reportedly demanding more stringent restrictions than other western delegations."

 Obama wants to turn America against Israel  . . . " When questions first arose regarding his controversial relationship with the anti-American, anti-white, and anti-Semitic Jeremiah Wright (whom he called his “moral compass” and “political mentor”), the media were eager to dismiss allegations that he shared -- or even heard Wright express -- such beliefs."
. . . 
"The New York Times quoted Wright as predicting that if more people knew about his closeness to Barack Obama and his own views, "a lot of his Jewish support will dry up quicker than a snowball in hell.' " 
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

The New Intolerance; Indiana isn’t targeting gays. Liberals are targeting religion.

Wall Street Journal  Entire article reprinted below:

Begin quote:

"In the increasingly bitter battle between religious liberty and the liberal political agenda, religion is losing. Witness the media and political wrath raining down upon Indiana because the state dared to pass an allegedly anti-gay Religious Freedom Restoration Act. The question fair-minded Americans should ask before casting the first stone is who is really being intolerant.

"The Indiana law is a version of the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) that passed 97-3 in the Senate and that Bill Clinton signed in 1993. Both the federal and Indiana laws require courts to administer a balancing test when reviewing cases that implicate the free exercise of religion.

 To wit: Individuals must show that their religious liberty has been “substantially burdened,” and the government must demonstrate its actions represent the least restrictive means to achieve a “compelling” state interest. Indiana’s law adds a provision that offers a potential religious defense in private disputes, but then four federal appellate circuits have also interpreted the federal statute to apply to private disputes. 

The federal RFRA followed the Supreme Court’s Employment Division v. Smith ruling in 1990 that abandoned its 30-year precedent of reviewing religious liberty cases under strict scrutiny. Congress responded with RFRA, which merely reasserted longstanding First Amendment protections.

In 1997 the Supreme Court limited RFRA’s scope to federal actions. So 19 states including such cultural backwaters as Connecticut, Rhode Island and Illinois followed with copy-cat legislation, and Indiana is the 20th. Courts in 11 states have extended equally vigorous protections. 

 Indiana was an outlier before the new law because neither its laws nor courts unambiguously protected religious liberty. Amish horse-drawn buggies could be required to abide by local traffic regulations. Churches could be prohibited from feeding the homeless under local sanitation codes. The state Attorney General even ruled Indiana Wesleyan University, a Christian college which hires on the basis of religion, ineligible for state workforce training grants.

 In February, 16 prominent First Amendment scholars, some of whom support same-sex marriage, backed Indiana’s legislation. “General protection for religious liberty is important precisely because it is impossible to legislate in advance for all the ways in which government might burden the free exercise of religion,” they explained.

 That hasn’t stopped the cultural great and good from claiming Indiana added the religious defense in private disputes as a way to target gays. If this is Indiana’s purpose, and there’s no evidence it is, this is unlikely to work.
The claim is that this would empower, say, florists or wedding photographers to refuse to work a gay wedding on religious grounds. But under the RFRA test, such a commercial vendor would still have to prove that his religious convictions were substantially burdened.

And he would also come up against the reality that most courts have found that the government has a compelling interest in enforcing antidiscrimination laws. In all these states for two decades, no court we’re aware of has granted such a religious accommodation to an antidiscrimination law. Restaurants and hotels that refused to host gay marriage parties would have a particularly high burden in overcoming public accommodation laws. 

In any event, such disputes are rare to nonexistent, a tribute to the increasing tolerance of American society toward gays, lesbians, the transgendered, you name it.

The paradox is that even as America has become more tolerant of gays, many activists and liberals have become ever-more intolerant of anyone who might hold more traditional cultural or religious views. Thus a CEO was run out of Mozilla after it turned out that he had donated money to a California referendum opposing same-sex marriage.

Part of the new liberal intolerance is rooted in the identity politics that dominates today’s Democratic Party. That’s the only way to explain the born-again opportunism of Hillary Clinton, who tweeted: “Sad this new Indiana law can happen in America today. We shouldn’t discriminate against ppl bc of who they love.” 

 By that standard, Mrs. Clinton discriminated against gays because she opposed gay marriage until March 2013. But now she wants to be seen as leading the new culture war against the intolerant right whose views she recently held.

The same reversal of tolerance applies to religious liberty. When RFRA passed in 1993, liberal outfits like the ACLU were joined at the hip with the Christian Coalition. But now the ACLU is denouncing Indiana’s law because it wants even the most devoutly held religious values to bow to its cultural agenda on gay marriage and abortion rights.

Liberals used to understand that RFRA, with its balancing test, was a good-faith effort to help society compromise on contentious moral disputes. That liberals are renouncing it 20 years after celebrating it says more about their new intolerance than about anyone in Indiana.
End quote.  

Indiana really needs to calm down.

 It can't be too bad because Al Sharpton doesn't like it " In the opening segment of MSNBC’s “PoliticsNation,” host and notorious tax-evader Al Sharpton compared the newly-enacted Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act to Jim Crow and slavery. “This is a key moment for the country,” he said." . . .

"I’m Only Going to Do Business in States That Support the First Amendment From Now On"

"This protest movement against Indiana’s Religious-Freedom Restoration Act has gotten completely out of hand. The outrage is based on lies, misinformation, and propaganda about things that are not even in the law.

"Apple CEO Tim Cook wrote in a Washington Post editorial that the new law says “individuals can cite their personal religious beliefs to refuse service to a customer or resist a state nondiscrimination law.” That’s a complete fabrication and the Washington Post allowed him to get away with it.

"You will not find one word in the law that allows someone to refuse service to a customer. All it says is that the government must show a compelling interest if it’s going to force people to violate their religious beliefs and if people believe the government has done so, they are allowed to raise religious liberty as a defense in a court case. That’s all. Not one word about gay lunch counters and no separate drinking fountains, despite the hyperbole comparing the RFRA to Jim Crow laws." . . .
 Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley
NRO: In Defense of Indiana "The anti-RFRA backlash is a perfect storm of hysteria and legal ignorance. Indiana is experiencing its two minutes of hate.
. . .
"All the Indiana law says is that the state can’t substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion, unless there is a compelling governmental interest at stake and it is pursued by the least restrictive means. The law doesn’t mandate any particular outcome; it simply provides a test for the courts in those rare instances when a person’s exercise of religion clashes with a law."   Rich Lowry