Mass Immigration Turned California Blue, And Your State Might Be Next (
The left weaponized mass migration to turn California into a one-party state. Now, the Democratic Party is working to subject the rest of the country to the same fate through open borders and amnesty.
"It can be all too easy to forget that California, now a Democrat-mismanaged chronic cesspool, used to be a conservative stronghold. The state gave America Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan and voted for the GOP in nine out of ten presidential elections between 1952 and 1988.
"Clearly, a lot has changed. California hasn’t supported a single Republican presidential candidate in any of the eight elections since 1988. What’s more, the margin of support for Republican candidates has consistently shrunk, with Bill Clinton receiving 46 percent of the vote in 1992 (an election with three serious candidates) and 51 percent in 1996.
"In 2020, Joe Biden garnered more than 63 percent of the California vote, the Democrats’ best year in the state since Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected in a national landslide. Since 2007, Republican Party affiliation has plummeted from 33.8 percent to an abysmal 24 percent, now tying with no party preference.
"What happened? How did the state that gave us Nixon and Reagan become a Democratic stronghold in the span of a few short election cycles? Was the Democratic Party’s messaging just that effective? Doubtful.
"While it’d be reductionist to attribute California’s leftward trend to a single variable, there’s one that can not only be blamed for much of the shift, but is also integral to understanding the left’s strategy to sink Republican majorities across America."...
. . . "Such fears are well founded, with Sen. Ted Cruz only beating out Beto O’Rourke by 2.6 percent in the 2018 Senate election in an uncharacteristically close race. While many have expressed concern over the possibility that those who have moved to Texas from failed Democrat states might turn it blue, studies have found that such voters tend to be overwhelmingly supportive of the GOP
Instead, a cross-reference of data from the Statistical Atlas (which displays counties with a higher foreign-born population in the lighter color) and election results show that O’Rourke secured landslide victories in counties that had the largest shares of immigrant voters.