Heritage "Three years ago, President Barack Obama set forth to recast American foreign policy in an image of his own design. It was one in which the White House engaged with enemies and undercut allies, apologized for American exceptionalism, and favored the “soft power” of treaties and international organizations. This “Obama Doctrine” was tailor made to burnish America’s supposedly flagging reputation on the world stage. Today we are seeing the disastrous results of a doctrine gone wrong."

....In the course of three years, President Obama has pursued a foreign policy that has left America less secure today and even more at risk tomorrow. A nuclear Iran, a failed Afghanistan and Iraq, an unfriendly Egypt, an Israel at risk, and an underfunded military are all serious concerns for the American people. Rather than continue pursuing the ill-advised Obama Doctrine, it is time for the President to put defending America first and appeasing our enemies last. That is a doctrine the American people can depend on.
NY Times: Violent Uproar in Afghanistan Casts Shadow on U.S. Pullout "But behind the public pronouncements, American officials described a growing concern, even at the highest levels of the Obama administration and Pentagon, about the challenges of pulling off a troop withdrawal in Afghanistan that hinges on the close mentoring and training of army and police forces."
At right; An American soldier guarding the Parwan detention facility near Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan last year. Korans from the library at Parwan were mistakenly incinerated at the Bagram base last week
Dangers of the Obama Doctrine "President Obama’s use of drone strikes to target terrorists is depleting U.S. intelligence on al Qaeda and making America less safe in the process, according to Marc Thiessen, an American Enterprise Institute fellow."
Sweetness and Light; Hillary: GOP Politics Inflame Koran Situation "How come no one ever asks Mrs. Clinton about the reports that the Korans were defaced by Muslim prisoners writing in them? And how come no one ever asks Mrs. Clinton about her endless criticism of President Bush over his handling of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?"
...."At that time, Hillary scolded Petraeus, saying that his progress report on Iraq required "a willing suspension of disbelief." Of course, it turned out that the General was correct and Mrs. Clinton was laughably wrong. (See this commentary about Kirsten Powers on Friday's Fox Special report)
"And never mind that, way back in June 2006, Hillary called the Republicans a "disgrace" for playing politics with the war in Iraq."
"You have to ask yourself if anyone on Obama's team understands the mentality of the savages who form the profane cult of extremist Islam. The answer is no, but you still have to ask yourself."
Robert Spencer: WILL OBAMA BEHEAD THE QUR’AN-BURNERS? "Some have rightly skewered Obama and his cohorts for their cowardice and eagerness to appease the Afghan mobs, especially as the death toll steadily mounts. No one, however, has noted the most remarkable aspect of this entire episode: the United States Government has, no questions asked, eagerly embraced Islamic law (Sharia) regarding the treatment of the Qur’an, and assured the Afghans that it will be enforced."
(Emphasis added)
TW agrees that an apology was fine since it is offensive to Muslims and we do need to work with them. But it should stop there and the issue should be raised as publicly as possible about what Muslims feel should happen to those who defaced the Korans by using them for message boards.
The burning was not a crime according to US law and any attempt to punish those who burned them shows willing submission of the US to laws of Islam. TD
Remember when Bibles were burned? “Military personnel threw away, and ultimately burned, confiscated Bibles that were printed in the two most common Afghan languages amid concern they would be used to try to convert Afghans, a Defense Department spokesman said Tuesday.”
Obama Praises the Koran and Disrespects the Bible / Video
Hat tip to Dee Sutton Velez; Tampa, Florida