Friday, March 1, 2013

Republicans warn Obama has 'poisoned' relations with campaign-style attacks

The Hill  "President Obama's public shaming of congressional Republicans to act on a range of issues may be winning at the polls — but it risks alienating the people needed to reach bipartisan compromise.
"While Obama has made a strategic calculation that he needs to marshal public support to push through his agenda, centrist Republicans warn the president and his allies could go too far with partisan events and campaign-style ads targeting GOP lawmakers."
Liberals are just fine with the climate created by Obama:
Many Democrats are happy to see a more aggressive Obama — and argue Republicans complaints are sour grapes from those who lost the election.

Hail Armageddon

image2-Today's cartoons: Obama chases 'Armageddon'
Charles Krauthammer  "A normal citizen might think this a good thing. For reactionary liberalism, however, whatever sum our ever-inflating government happens to spend today (now double what Bill Clinton spent in his last year) is the Platonic ideal — the reduction of which, however minuscule, is a national calamity.
"Or damn well should be. Otherwise, people might get the idea that we can shrink government and live on.
"The Obama administration has every incentive to make the sky fall, lest we suffer that terrible calamity — cuts the nation survives. Are they threatening to pare back consultants, conferences, travel and other nonessential fluff? "Hardly. It shall be air-traffic control. Meat inspection. Weather forecasting."

Krauthammer pretty well nails the way a government that is not of, by, and for the people handles the welfare of it's, well...subjects.
He has much more to say in this article.

Nov, 2011; Armageddon

Friday press release: Obama Moves to Approve Keystone Pipeline

Big Government  "This afternoon, the State Department released a draft environmental assessment of the proposed Keystone Pipeline. The assessment concluded that blocking the pipeline would have little impact on stemming climate change nor curtailing the development of Canada's oil-sand fields. In other words, the State Department has concluded building the pipeline will have little impact on the environment.
"There is an old saw in media that the best stories are released Friday afternoon. Administrations release information then to try to bury the news over the weekend. The assessment is sure to enflame the hair-shirt wing of the Democrats. The left has been divided over the pipeline, with unions strongly supporting the construction against the environmental community. Today, it looks like Obama is siding with the unions."
"The report also destroys a key talking point by anti-energy groups who argue that stopping the pipeline would stop crude from Canadian oil sands from coming to market. “[A]pproval or denial of the proposed Project is unlikely to have a substantial impact on the rate of development in the oil sands, or on the amount of heavy crude oil refined in the Gulf Coast area,” it reads. It goes on to state that, “If all pipeline capacity were restricted, oil sands production could decrease by approximately 2 to 4 percent by 2030.” Alternative methods of moving oil would be used."

When this petulant juvenile encounters real journalists

When the Obama Administration Goes After a Journalist for Reporting the Truth  "As the broken bodies of journalists abused by this Adminstration begin to pile up -- making the Nixon Administration look like boy scouts -- media types just might begin to report the news objectively and with greater regard for the truth than their personal, ideological predilections have, to date, allowed.  This is a change we can all hope for.  And, to honor the first fallen heros, we should call it "Marinucci-Woodward Journalistic Integrity.""  Read more:
Political Cartoons by Eric Allie
From the UK: The Mutt and Jeff of the Obama administration
"Is the United States about to become a laughing-stock to the rest of the world? It seems to have accrued a Defence Secretary who is the toast of Iran, and a Secretary of State who is a blithering idiot.
"It was hard to imagine that the new guy at State, John Kerry, could make himself look even more stupid than he has done by his science-denying belief that the planet is about to fry through man-made climate change. Well, he has indeed now exceeded such expectations."
"Not so much a Defence Secretary, then, as an Offence Secretary – upsetting America’s allies and sucking up to its mortal enemies.
"Kerry and Hagel – the Mutt and Jeff of the Obama administration.
"And Iran, not surprisingly, is beating its chest in delight and racing towards building its genocide bomb."
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Senator: Obama has media 'enemies list'  "Inhofe, a Republican, told nationally-syndicated "Andrea Tantaros Show" Friday morning that he wasn't surprised when Washington Post Watergate sleuth Bob Woodward and other mainstream reporters revealed that they have been threatened by Obama aides for criticizing the administration's tactics, especially during the fight over the sequester."
George Will; “I will do many things for my country and my profession,” Will said. “I will not take seriously Mr. Carney.”  "During the White House press briefing on Thursday, Obama press secretary Jay Carney had a dire warning if the sequester deadline passed, which was those “severe cuts” would take their toll on middle-class jobs and “slash vital services for children, seniors and our troops and military families.”

WaPo Fact-Checker Blasts White House Sequester Scare Tactics " So, Obama lies. And for the most part the media had blindly played right along. But thanks to Bob Woodward leading the way, a few brave members of the media's Cult of Obama have woken up (if only for a moment) and risked a backlash from their colleagues by reporting the truth about Obama and his sequester lies."

The President's schedule for today, March 1

10:05 am
The President hosts the bipartisan, bicameral leadership of Congress at the White House; the Vice President also attends
Oval Office Closed Press
11:35 am
The President delivers a statement
Brady Press Briefing Room Closed Press

Mr. Obama, cartoonists wonder if this is what you call governing

More Frankenquester follies  "Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) claimed today that "over 170 million jobs" could be lost due to sequestration. Later in the presser, Rep. Waters corrected herself, saying it was only "750,000 jobs" that could be lost." Oh, well then...that's different.
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
How Bad is the Sequester?  "Nearly every news report describes the horrendous $85 Billion across-the-board cuts. The legacy media outlets are wrong on two accounts."....
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson
What Happens Next on the Sequester? "But it's hard to imagine either Mitch McConnell, John Cornyn or John Boehner agreeing to turn off sequester in exchange for any taxes -- all of them would be watching their political careers flash before their eyes if they do." "
Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
Political Cartoons by Gary McCoy
This looks bad. Really bad: "Female passengers, who undergo nearly nude full–body scans, will be relieved to learn this drastic reduction torpedoes the ink budget. TSA can no longer afford to print particularly comely images for posting in the lunchroom."....

This man will wish he were never born. And Bob Woodward as well.

Ron Fournier: Why Bob Woodward's Fight With The White House Matters to You

All the President's men are dumping on Bob Woodward.

National Journal ".... I essentially broke ties with a senior White House official.
"Yes, I iced a source– and my only regret is I didn’t do it sooner. I decided to share this encounter because it might shed light on the increasingly toxic relationship between media and government, which is why the Woodward flap matters outside the Beltway."
...."I had angered the White House, particularly a senior White House official who I am unable to identify because I promised the person anonymity. Going back to my first political beat, covering Bill Clinton’s administration in Arkansas and later in Washington, I’ve had a practice that is fairly common in journalism: A handful of sources I deal with regularly are granted blanket anonymity. Any time we communicate, they know I am prepared to report the information at will (matters of fact, not spin or opinion) and that I will not attribute it to them."

Woodward and Bernstein's Watergate papers that brought down the Nixon Administration  "Between 1972 and 1976, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein emerged as two of the most famous journalists in America and became forever identified as the reporters who broke the biggest story in American politics."

Remember when Robert Redford played Bob Woodward in this movie?
All the President's Men  "All the President's Men is a 1976 Academy Award-winning political thriller based on the 1974 non-fiction book of the same name by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, the two journalists investigating the Watergate scandal for The Washington Post. The film starred Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman as Woodward and Bernstein, respectively; it was produced by Walter Coblenz, written by William Goldman, and directed by Alan J. Pakula."