Tuesday, April 21, 2020

De Blasio’s social distancing tip line flooded with penis photos, Hitler memes

Amy Noelle

New Yorkers rag on the mayor  "Mayor Bill de Blasio’s critics let him know how they really felt about him ordering New Yorkers to  for violating social-distancing rules — by flooding his new tip line with crank complaints including “dick pics” and people flipping the bird, The Post has learned.
"Photos of extended middle fingers, the mayor dropping the Staten Island groundhog and news coverage of him going to the gym have all been texted to a special tip line that de Blasio announced Saturday, according to screenshots posted on Twitter.
"One user sent the message “We will fight this tyrannical overreach!” to the service and got an automated message that in part said, “Hello, and thank you for texting NYC311.” 
“F–k you!” replied @MorganLSchmidt1, along with a meme showing Adolf Hitler and the words “TO THOSE TURNING IN YOUR NEIGHBORS AND LOCAL BUSINESSES — YOU DID THE REICH THING.”
Target on the mayor's back

Washington State, is Governor Jay Inslee the best you have in your state?

National Review: Yes, But Where Did She Go to Law School?
From Slate:  Washington State Now Has the Most Diverse Supreme Court In History
"Donald Trump’s presidency has been a disaster for judicial diversity. His judges are overwhelmingly straight, white, and male. Many are wealthy corporate attorneys born into privileged American families whose connections guided them along a path to power. In other words, Trump judges do not look like the country they serve.
"While the federal bench grows more homogeneous by the day, Democratic governors are diversifying their state judiciaries to an unprecedented degree. On Monday, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, a Democrat, elevated Grace Helen Whitener to the state Supreme Court. Whitener is a disabled black lesbian who immigrated from Trinidad. She joins Inslee’s two other appointees: Raquel Montoya-Lewis, a Jewish Native American who previously served on tribal courts, and Mary Yu, an Asian-American Latina lesbian who officiated the first same-sex marriages in the state." . . .
Washington Supreme Court Justices Mary Yu, Grace Helen Whitener,
and  Raquel Montoya-Lewis.
. . . "The Washington Supreme Court is notably liberal; in recent years, it has issued decisions abolishing capital punishment and juvenile life without parole while upholding LGBTQ non-discrimination laws and progressive public financing of elections. It represents a vision of a different kind of jurisprudence from a radically diverse bench—what the federal judiciary might look like if a Democratic president and Senate controlled the judicial confirmation process. Joe Biden has already pledged to name a black woman to the U.S. Supreme Court if elected, but he’ll have scores of lower court vacancies to fill, as well. He should look to states like Washington to learn how to reshape a judiciary to look more like the country it serves." . . .
Soccer star Megan Rapinoe will be secretary of state if Jay Inslee has any say
“My first act will be to ask Megan Rapinoe to be my secretary of state. I haven’t asked her yet so this could be a surprise to her,” Inslee said at the progressive Netroots Nation conference in Philadelphia. The governor explained that he wanted a secretary of state that leads with “love rather than hate.”
. . . “ 'I actually believe this, because what I think what she has said that has inspired us so much is such an antithesis of the president’s foreign policies,” said Inslee, who isn’t the first politician to throw Rapinoe’s jersey in the political ring. When Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) dropped out of the 2020 presidential race last week, he joked that Rapinoe would have his support if she chose to run for the White House. “I think she turns 35 next July,” Swalwell quipped." . . .

Some of that RapinoeLove:

Gov Inslee's choice to represent our nation around the world. Including Iran and Saudi Arabia.

The Power of Media Ignorance

Victor Davis Hanson  "Almost two weeks ago I offered at NRO a few synopses of various theories about why California — which, for a variety of reasons, had seemed so ripe for a New York–style epidemic — had nonetheless strangely been exempt at least for a while from the virus’s spread. I included the pedestrian possibility of some previously acquired “herd immunity,” given the state’s singular exposure from November to January 31 to direct flights from China, including those from Wuhan, and initial CDC and media reports last year of an unusually early and severe assumed flu hitting the state.
"Within a few days, I was hit by media inquiries and private calls asking about my ongoing “coronavirus antibody testing studies.”
"Despite ad nauseam corrections that I had never claimed in the NRO article or elsewhere to be a doctor, much less an epidemiologist or a conductor of any such study, and that the Hoover Institution is not a medical school, the fake news still spread.
"I got dozens more calls and emails from private citizens who thought they had the virus and wanted confirmation of that supposed fact, in order to venture out and help others with antibodies. Some said they wanted “in” immediately.
"Others called saying they were scared that they had an unknown illness and wanted confirmation of what it had been." . . .

Trump campaign goes for the jugular with new ad: 'Let them eat ice cream — Nancy Antoinette'

I'm concerned that this video may have a negative impact on the Trump-Pelosi relationship. TD

Thomas Lifson  "No doubt, NeverTrumps are clutching their pearls over the visceral new campaign ad released under President Trump's imprimatur.  It certainly isn't gentlemanly the way George W. Bush was; it's primal in its attack on Nancy Pelosi and its appeal to class resentments.  It's not the sort of lose-with-dignity approach favored the last generation of the GOP establishment.
"But in an era of phony impeachment efforts and special counsel investigations and "blood on his hands" accusations, it is giving back to the Democrats exactly what they have been hurling Trump's way.
"It will require only 75 seconds of your life to savor it:"

"Best of all, it is entirely factual. Clueless Pelosi doesn't understand the way the lockdown is strangling the livelihood of Americans who don't live in $8-million mansions with $24,000 refrigerators.
"The  Democrats have been playing class warfare games for a century, even as the plutocracy has become their funders and puppet masters.  They think they have immunity.  They are very wrong."

The NFL Drops New Guidelines for Thursday’s Draft, and They Aren’t Colin Kaepernick-Friendly

RedState  "The NFL has issued new guidelines for 2020’s draft, and a kibosh is being put on politics.
"As reported by the New York Post, for Thursday’s virtual draft, aspiring athletes should “show up” to the selection ceremony sans-inappropriate-message. That is to say, the new rules prohibit shirts with sexual or violent content, garb that promotes non-NFL-affiliated brands, and clothing serving up political statements.
"From the Post:
Commissioner Roger Goodell will finally be able to announce picks this year without getting booed, but anyone thinking of still dissing him, the league or anyone else in it is out of luck. Prospects cannot wear anything that includes “disparaging depictions of the NFL” or “derogatory statements regarding the NFL, its owners, employees and/or NFL partners,” according to the memo.
"And they’re keepin’ it clean:
No racial, religious or ethnic slurs, explicit language, or libel or hate speech. And even more specifically, no “obscene, pornographic (or escort services), violent (including firearms or other weapons), or sexual imagery.” . . .
Below: which is more offensive to you?

Che and Democrats

"I just looked up the Wikipedia article on Che," Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted while she was supposed to be working. "I don't see anything about him addressing climate change and wanting to destroy an entire economy based on wild-eyed apocalyptic predictions. I might have to throw away my Guevara T-shirts, to be honest."  Babylon Bee (below)
Really, Ethel?  "We recently saw a photo of Ethel Kennedy, the widow of the late Senator Robert Kennedy, with an image of Che Guevara in the background.  

"At first, I thought that the lady was photographed in the wrong place.  I tried very hard to give her the benefit of the doubt.  After all, she is the widow of a former attorney general and U.S. senator plus sister in law of a president who almost went to nuclear war over Cuba.
"We were later told that Mrs. Kennedy is a big fan of Che because she has a "subversive streak."
"With all due respect to Ethel Kennedy, who just turned 92 this month, Che was not exactly nice to subversives.  He usually locked or executed them.
"The lady's love affair with Che reminds me of what Howard LaFranchi of the Christian Science Monitor wrote a few years ago entitled "Bush and Che: different concepts of freedom."
"My favorite line is this:
"The admiration for El Che no longer extends to his politics and ideology, certainly not to his Marxism," says Martin Krause, dean of the Graduate School of Economics and Business Administration in Buenos Aires and a longtime analyst of Argentine society. "It's a romantic idea of one man going to battle against the windmills, he's a Quixote.
"In other words, they don't have a clue of who this man was. They love the image on the T-shirt or that he rode a motorcycle up and down the countryside.  
"Che was about tyranny and repression. There is nothing romantic about Che, unless you believe in political prisons or you don't know anything about this man's life.
"It is not fun to start an argument with a mother, grandmother and great-grandmother.  However, watching people who live in freedom sharing the stage with Che is hard on the eye."  Silvio Canto, Jr.

Che even made a Babylon Bee parody that hits close to home, I'd say:
Resurrected Che Guevara Announces 2020 Run, Democrats Quickly Criticize As 'Too Moderate'
Such a sweet smile
. . . Guevara announced his run but was quickly denounced by many of his fellow candidates and other prominent Democrats."I'm just not sure Guevara is far enough left to be a viable Democratic candidate this election," said one political pundit on CNN. "He's really a centrist in the midst of this field of radical leftists, and we just don't think he's going to stand out this time."Democrats pointed out that while Guevara was a mass murderer, he really needs to specifically come out as allowing murder up to and including the moment of birth if he's going to be accepted as a mainstream Democratic candidate. . . .
*Red State. . . "Ernest Hemingway lived in Cuba at the time of the Revolution. “Guevara was jailer and executioner-in-chief of Castro’s dictatorship. As boss of the notorious La Cabaña prison in Havana, he supervised the detention, interrogation, summary trials and execution of hundreds of ‘class enemies.’”
"Hemingway once “witnessed the shooting of prisoners condemned by the tribunals under Guevara’s control. He watched as the men were trucked in, unloaded, shot, and taken away.”
"That was the real Ché Guevara.
"Yet, he became a hero in the counterculture of the 1960s. Guevara, or rather his famous photo, has become a symbol of rebellion for many in the West." . . .

Democrats Underestimate Trump at Their Own Peril

"Billy Graham’s son, Franklin, set up an emergency tent hospital, by invitation, in Central Park—and was accused by the mouthy Left (one faction for which, it really is “the city that never sleeps”) of trying to evangelize New York City. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was calling for absurd numbers of ventilators, and Trump responded at once and generously—to him and everyone else—as all conceded, including normally strident critics among the Democratic governors."

Conrad Black
The president’s enemies have not figured out how cunning he is, because he doesn’t seem cunning—at first.
"It is almost unbelievable that the Democrats have allowed themselves to be so completely out-maneuvered by President Trump in the coronavirus and economic crises. They are all calling for an indefinite protraction of the economic hemorrhage, with unemployment increasing by hundreds of thousands every day, even as the incidence of the virus declines.
"The Democrats started out with every advantage: the crisis came out of the blue and burst over the administration. As soon as there was any hint of how aggressive and dangerous the virus was, the anti-Trump press went wild—frightening the public with visions of a bubonic plague that threatened the life of everyone despite the fact that approximately 98 percent of people under 65 who get the coronavirus, survive it.
"At first, Trump was a bit blasé about “the flu.” But then, as he noted the potential scope of the problem and stopped direct flights from China on January 31, he was accused of “racism” and “xenophobia” by those pendants of the Democratic weltanschauung, likely presidential nominee Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).
"As drastic forecasts of immense numbers of fatalities started tumbling out of ostensibly credible centers of epidemiology, the new refrain was that Trump was a moronic enemy of science. For a brief shining moment, his supposed complacency about the coronavirus was linked to his skepticism about the dire threat of climate change." . . . More...