Monday, April 12, 2021

Renaming-Obsessed San Francisco School Board Should Rename Harvey Milk Elementary

 legalinsurrection  . . . "Another San Francisco school that’s crying out 

Obama's hero
for renaming is the Harvey Milk Elementary. Yes, there is an elementary school in San Francisco named after the member of San Francisco Board of Supervisors who was romantically involved with a
string of
 troubled teens. One of Milk’s young lovers, Jack Lira, committed suicide while living with the aspiring First Gay MayorMilk was nonplussedIn Cult CityDaniel J. Flynn notes that in a few short weeks after the death, Milk moved a new lover into the apartment where Lira took his life. 

"Milk, of course, was no children’s rights advocate. As families were fleeing the pre-AIDS San Franciscothen Supervisor Diane Feinstein raised a stink about exhibitionists taking over the city and proposed confining porn stores to designated areas. Milk campaigned against her solution which in his opinion was “something out of the 50’s, and “19th century moralistic.” The horror! 

"Milk’s celebrated activist career and short tenure on the Board of Supervisors are highly controversial.

"He was an early practitioner of canceling, with his targets being the anti-gay crusaders John Briggs, and Anita BryantThe Jewish radical frequently used Holocaust analogies to evoke a sense of urgency behind the gay rights movement. " . . . - Navy Names Ship After Homosexual Pedophile

Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council wrote, “Milk is famous only for winning one election, being murdered — and having sex with men.” Nevertheless, Milk has been celebrated with an opera, a 2014 postage stamp, a state holiday, a children’s picture book, and was played by Sean Penn in a movie of his life in 2008. He posthumously received the Presidential Medal of Freedom for some reason from Barack Obama in 2009.

 Ray Mabus names Navy ship for Harvey Milk, bypasses military heroes - Washington Times

Elaine Donnelly, who runs the Center for Military Readiness, said Mr. Mabus has endorsed enlistment quotas for women and overturned his Marine generals’ view that mixed-sex land combat units are less effective.


So much for our free press

CBS's SWAT Starts Questioning Anti-Cop Culture: 'How Do You Cancel the Police?' | Newsbusters  "Could common sense actually be returning to network television cop shows? Are some Hollywood scriptwriters waking-up to the insanity of the left's radical anti-police activism?

"CBS's normally BLM-friendly cop drama S.W.A.T called out the anti-police crowd's woke hypocrisy and unfairness in this week's episode, 'Sins of the Father,' on April 7. In the episode, quintessential good guy Sgt. Deacon Kay (Jay Harrington) was excited about his son's school career day. Deacon planned to speak to the kids about his work as a police officer. Then he got a call from his son's teacher telling him the parents do not want a cop presenting to their kids." . . .

A Million Little Lies? ABC Drama Pushes False Narrative on Asian Hate | Newsbusters

This was an obvious jab at Trump for initially referring to COVID-19 as the “China virus,” which the left believes is the cause for the supposed uptick in violence towards Asians, despite the media also repeatedly calling it the "Wuhan" or "Chinese Coronavirus." Yet, Trump simply called it the “China virus” because that’s where it originated, just like West Nile virus, Spanish Flu, Ebola, Zika, Lyme and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) were all named for their place of origin.

 Big Three CENSOR Study Saying Biden’s Corporate Tax Hikes Will Cost 1M Jobs in 2 Yrs | Newsbusters  "The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news networks ignored yet another major economic report slapping down President Joe Biden’s ridiculous corporate tax hike plan as disastrous. 

"The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) released a new damning economic study Thursday ripping apart another Big Lie in Biden’s agenda. The study projected that a corporate tax hike from 21 percent to 28 percent — in addition to other items like increasing the top individual tax rate and reinstating the corporate alternative minimum tax — “would result in less economic activity and 1 million jobs lost in the first two years.” But that’s not all. “The average annual reduction in employment would be equivalent to a loss of 600,000 jobs each year over 10 years,” the study’s summary reported. So much for Biden’s recent assertion that “[t]here’s no evidence” his corporate tax hike would hurt the economy." . . .