Saturday, August 13, 2011

Time for a Foreign Policy Paradigm Shift; More Reasons to Renounce the Left

Bruce Thornton  "The paradigm of American neo-imperialist, neo-colonialist sins as the cause of our enemies’ aggression, one allegedly legitimized by the disaster of the Vietnam War, must be put to rest. We must take off the “kick me” sign the left has hung on America’s back for forty years, and develop a new paradigm: a foreign policy based on the unembarrassed assertion of American power in service to American goodness, backed up by a demonstrated willingness to stand by our allies and punish our enemies. If we do, we will find it much easier to pursue our global interests and defend our security."

Throughout the twentieth century evil men have dominated guilt-ridden peaceful populations because of the unearned guilt the pacifists had placed on themselves. That guilt still burdens the west while evil grows unabated and more murderous by the year. Courageous leaders who would face down this growing darkness are castigated by the left as war-mongers and racists. Meanwhile threats mount against civilization caused by forces of religious intolerance from the outside and anarchy from the inside. We see the former manifested in the ayatollahs and the Islamists; the latter is evident by forces within such as this, and this, and this.

Meet Washington's Foreign-Policy Fools

The National Interest  "Washington’s policy pirouettes during the Arab Spring have been breathtaking. As protests rose in Egypt, vice president Joe Biden cited Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak’s value as an ally. As the regime tottered the administration endorsed a phased transition. As Mubarak’s end neared, U.S. officials endorsed his ouster. None of these pious pronouncements had the slightest effect in Cairo. Popular demonstrations reached a roaring crescendo because most people had tired of dictatorship, not because Washington reluctantly warmed to democracy. Rather, the administration looked pathetic, desperately trying to get ahead of the latest crowd.
"The administration continues to play much the same game in Yemen. When protests first sprouted in Yemen, the White House was backing president Ali Abdullah Saleh. He was a standard issue Third-World thug, but he won favor in Washington for being willing to battle jihadists, including the local al-Qaeda organization." Much more...
Hat tip to Big Peace.

Charles Krauthammer: The system works

Charles Krauthammer  "Of all the endlessly repeated conventional wisdom in today’s Washington, the most lazy, stupid and ubiquitous is that our politics is broken. On the contrary. Our political system is working well (I make no such claims for our economy), indeed, precisely as designed — profound changes in popular will translated into law that alters the nation’s political direction.
"The process has been messy, loud, disputatious and often rancorous. So what? In the end, the system works. Exhibit A is Wisconsin. Exhibit B is Washington itself."
"Notice how the loudest complaints about “broken politics” come from those who lost the debate. It’s understandable for sore losers to rage against the machine. But there’s no need for the rest of us to parrot their petulance."

America — not just declining, it’s intentionally being destroyed!

Black Quill and Ink  Quoting Cicero:
“A nation can survive its fools, even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves against those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city . . . . A murderer is less to fear.”

UK Anarchy? Poverty Didn’t Cause Those Riots; Just Ask Some Of Those Arrested! Calls for rioting in the US

UK Daily Mail  "Poverty, social exclusion, poor education - these are just some of the theories put forward to explain the recent rioting.
"Yet shockingly, among those in the dock accused of looting are a millionaire's grammar school daughter, a ballet student and an organic chef.
"A law student, university graduate, a musician and an opera steward also said to have taken part.
"They are just some of the youngsters from comfortable middle-class backgrounds who have been charged with criminality."

Laura Johnson's £1m detached family home in Orpington, Kent. It has extensive grounds and a tennis court

"If you don't treat poor and working people with dignity now, chickens are going to come home to roost later," West said. "And it won't be about love and justice. It will be about revenge, hatred, and then we all go under."  Basically, this is a Maxine Waters-style call to riot; "Brothers in the hood, you have our approval to help yourselves to new stuff!"

Mayor Nutter’s Call; It is a sign of the times that basic decency has grown unusual.  Expect this courageous man to be attacked by the usual suspects, two of whom are linked to in the preceding article.

Concealing black hate crimes  "Across the U.S., mobs of black youths are organizing on Facebook to loot stores and beat whites. Yet none dare call the "flash mob" attacks hate crime, least of all the attorney general."