Sunday, June 30, 2013
West Goes Nuclear On Obama: “The Time Draws Near To Teach This Usurper And Charlatan The Lesson Our Forefathers Taught King George III”…
Weasel Zippers " “Teens trained to be messengers to family members.” Covered California spokeswoman Sarah Soto-Taylor said staff have not questioned this goal. She stated, “We have confidence that the model LA Unified brought to the table will be successful in reaching our target population, which includes family members of students.” LA Unified will also use tax-paid staff to promote ObamaCare through phone calls to students’ homes, in-class presentations, and meetings with employees eligible for ObamaCare’s taxpayer-covered healthcare, the grant award says."
Trayvon Martin case: How Rachel Jeantel went from star witness to 'train wreck'
The Christian Science Monitor "To be sure, in the scathing commentary about what some called her puzzling demeanor and alleged lack of education was lost her singular background and her youth: A black and Creole girl growing up in a segregated Miami community, she represented part of the problem of the case – an America so divided, that many can’t “code-switch,” or move between the gauzy racial, cultural, and socioeconomic divides that have become hardened with the nation’s first black president, and which have helped fuel political polarization.
Krauthammer; Nationalized gay marriage, now inevitable
Charles Krauthammer "Under the Defense of Marriage Act, the federal government does not recognize same-sex marriages even in states that have legalized it. This week, the Supreme Court ruled DOMA unconstitutional.

"There are two possible grounds, distinct and in some ways contradictory, for doing so. The curious thing about the court’s DOMA decision is that it contains both rationales.
"The first is federalism. Marriage is the province of the states. Each state decides who is married and who is not. The federal government may not intrude. It must therefore recognize gay marriage where it has been legalized."....
"There are two possible grounds, distinct and in some ways contradictory, for doing so. The curious thing about the court’s DOMA decision is that it contains both rationales.
"The first is federalism. Marriage is the province of the states. Each state decides who is married and who is not. The federal government may not intrude. It must therefore recognize gay marriage where it has been legalized."....
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