Pence: I Worked With Buttigieg For a Long Time...What's the Problem Now? "As South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg continues to suggest Vice President Mike Pence is a bigot for his belief in traditional marriage, the latter wonders what happened to their former friendly working relationship. The two worked together when Pence was governor of Indiana, suggesting Buttigieg was clearly aware of Pence's religious beliefs. Yet, since announcing his run for president, Buttigieg has suggested that Pence's quarrel with his lifestyle is not with him, but "with my Creator."
. . . "We worked very closely together when I was governor and I considered him a friend," Pence said. "He knows I don't have a problem with him. I don't believe in discrimination against anybody. I treat everybody the way I want to be treated."
. . . Critics were ready to troll Pence last month when the openly gay prime minister of Ireland arrived at the White House with his partner. Instead, shockingly, the vice president politely greeted them with the same respect he shows any head of state. . . .

"The Constitution says I have a right to practice my religion, but there are very real forces that don't want me to do so, the Democratic Party first and foremost among them. I will vote for people who support my right to practice my religion, even if they aren't perfect people. Politics is not the same as religion, after all. In politics, it's okay to accept that which is less than perfect. In my faith, I strive to be perfect even as my Father is perfect. I know the difference. Does Mr. Buttigieg?
"So Pete should give it up. I know that as a Democrat, he likely would be opposed to what I believe in. Even if he is willing to let me believe, he would likely bow to those in his party who want to crush me and prevent me from living out my faith.
"I will vote for candidates who may not be perfect but who will let me live my life, and my faith, as I desire."