Tuesday, April 28, 2015

If Only President Obama Weren’t Black (Got your attention, didn't we?)

 “If only President Obama weren’t black, maybe he would realize that people don’t dislike him because he is black, they dislike him because he is a self-absorbed ass.”
. . . " But there was a President of the United States willing to make jokes about the “F-word” and an Imperial Court to worship him.

"Byron York notes that much of President Obama’s speech to the White House Correspondents Dinner centered around “black anger.” In other words, President Obama let loose over the weekend that he has concluded all the opposition to him is because he is black.

"It must be comfortable and convenient for President Obama to assume the opposition to him is because of his race. He can negotiate a bad deal with Iran and conclude the public hates it because he is black. He can tell people they can keep their doctors then take their doctors away from them and console himself that the anger of the public is just racist. He can see a solid position in Iraq and Afghanistan squandered as ISIS overruns us and, when people point it out, conclude it’s just because of his skin color. People can drop out of the workforce because they can’t find jobs and when their stomachs rumble and their mouths grumble, President Obama can look himself in the mirror and think it’d all be different if he were not a black man.
"If only President Obama weren’t black, maybe he would realize that people don’t dislike him because he is black, they dislike him because he is a self-absorbed ass." . . .

Emphasis mine, TD

As another US city burns with rage, is Obama going to be the President who did less for black Americans than a white one did?. . . "Barack Obama was elected President on a tidal wave of hope, optimism and genuine belief from tens of millions of African-Americans that he would finally get them true justice and equality.
"What’s the point being the first black president if you CAN’T do that?
"But he’s failed.
"Many black Americans feel even more marginalized than they did before he came to power. They feel even less ‘equal’, even more exposed to injustice. Most are just as poor and badly educated as they were before Obama got to the White House.
. . .
 Barack Obama was elected President on a tidal wave of hope, optimism and genuine belief that he would finally get African Americans true justice and equality. He’s failed
"The President needs to do more than just utter yet more platitudes from the Oval Office.
He should be down in Baltimore today, talking directly to the people who feel he has betrayed them.
"HIS people, with HIS skin colour, who voted for HIM because they thought HE would change the system.
"Less talk, more action, Mr President.
"Or you will go down in history as the guy who did less for blacks in America than Lyndon Johnson – a white man."

Alan Caruba Predicts Israel Will Attack Iran Soon

Netanyahu told Congress this year: "Once Iran produces atomic bombs, all the charm and all the smiles will suddenly disappear. They’ll just vanish. It’s then that the ayatollahs will show their true face and unleash their aggressive fanaticism on the entire world.” He offered a comparable message to a joint meeting of Congress in March of this year.

"Is anyone listening? Not President Obama. On April 25, writing in The Wall Street Journal, Mortimer Zuckerman, the chairman and editor in chief of the U.S. News and World Report, said “President Obama has been chasing a rainbow in his negotiations with Iran. He has forsaken decades of pledges to the civilized world from presidents of both parties. He has misled the American people in repeatedly affirming that the U.S. would never allow revolutionary Iran to acquire nuclear weapons.”

It’s bad enough when you can’t trust your nation’s enemies, but when you cannot trust your own President you have a very big problem because Iran is not just a threat to America and Israel, but to the entire world." . . .

Surprise Attack on Iran: Can Israel Do It?  " According to a report in March by the Israeli daily Haaretz, Israel continues to prepare for a strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Quoting anonymous members of the Knesset who were present during hearings on the military budget, officials in the Israel Defense Force (IDF) have allegedly received instructions to continue preparing for a strike and a special budget has been allocating for that purpose." . . .

Iran says powerful air defense system to be ready in 2015  ..."The Russian version of the missile shield can trace around 100 flying targets simultaneously and destroy a number of them, while the Iranian adaptation is said to possess a higher targeting capability, among a number of optimized features.
"Iran has also upgraded the S-200 missile defense system, improving its mobility and a narrower ready-for-operation time."

Kristallnacht in America

Kristallnacht – The Night of Broken Glass 
 ... “ 'What happened in Germany was a consequence of racism, hate, and prejudice. Every new generation must be aware that the cancer of hate and prejudice is also with us today. There is no way anyone can walk away from messages that contain racism, prejudice, and name-calling. You must always stand up against racism and prejudice, even if you are not being directly persecuted.”
-Survivor of the Holocaust, Werner Coppel, now living in Cincinnati, OH   

And what led to this frightful, violent night? This: 
. . . "Initially denied entry into their native Poland, Grynszpan's parents and the other expelled Polish Jews found themselves stranded in a refugee camp near the town of Zbaszyn in the border region between Poland and Germany. Already living illegally in Paris himself, a desperate Grynszpan apparently sought revenge for his family's precarious circumstances by appearing at the German embassy and shooting the diplomatic official assigned to assist him.
. . . "The Nazi Party leadership, assembled in Munich for the commemoration, chose to use the occasion as a pretext to launch a night of antisemitic excesses. Propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, a chief instigator of the pogrom, intimated to the convened Nazi 'Old Guard' that 'World Jewry' had conspired to commit the assassination and announced that, "the Führer has decided that … demonstrations should not be prepared or organized by the Party, but insofar as they erupt spontaneously, they are not to be hampered."

"It was vom Rath’s murder which sparked the “spontaneous” outburst of violence against the Jews, or so the Nazis said. .  .  The Nazis’ actions in 1938, however, suggest that they were preparing their most ruthless anti-Jewish operation yet - and vom Rath’s assassination was a convenient catalyst for such a strike." . . .

Baltimore Mayor gives rioters 'space to destroy'
. . . " in effect, that the rioters had permission to have at it. They did so with a will in a day long orgy of looting, burning, and mayhem that made the city resemble a war zone that local police seemed helpless and unwilling to prevent."

And loot they did: 

What is happening in the streets of Baltimore and Ferguson is sheer, unpolluted racism.    

 Horrific video shows Baltimore store owner hauled from his premises, sucker punched and kicked as he lay in the street

Will Hillary Use the "Two for the Price of One" Argument in Her Campaign?


Voice of Lillpop ..."Back in 1991, when Bill Clinton was trying to unseat George H. Bush for the US Presidency, Clinton pitched the intelligence and managerial experience of his spouse, Hillary Rodham, as a benefit that would accrue to America in the event he was elected.

“ 'Two for the price of one,” was how Bill Clinton phrased it, referring to Hillary’s strengths, but, oddly enough, nary a word about her defects, which, we have learned over the past 24 years, are numerous and grave.

"Very grave!

"Now that Hillary is a declared candidate for the presidency on her own, it’s worth remembering that she brings one hell of a lot of “baggage” with her.

"In addition to her well-deserved reputation as a ruthless, congenital liar willing to do anything to secure power and wealth, Hillary remains manacled to Slick Willie, the sex-addicted perjurer who defiled the presidency with unspeakable acts of sexual harassment against unwary(and some not so unwary) females who traversed the halls of the White House, or who were lured into that infamous little back room off the Oval Office.

"Slick Willie’s extra-marital sexual proclivities were particularly robust when president # 2, Hillary, was away.

"Because Slick Willie lied under oath in federal court, he was impeached by the House of Representatives, but because of gutless, immoral Democrats in the Senate, was not removed from office. Clinton was, however, disbarred from the US Supreme Court.

"Given Bill Clinton’s sordid history, the “Two for the Price of One” argument he used in 1991 should be turned around and used against Hillary in 2016!

"The theme “Addition by Subtraction” would apply in this case, meaning that by not voting for Hillary, the Slick Willie  burden would be removed, and the American people would be adding to the integrity and purity of the Democratic electoral process."
