With his billions no way can he be touched.
George Soros, 89, is still on a quest to destroy America
Mr. President, It’s Time to Investigate George Soros for Funding Domestic Terrorism
. . . "I’m sure there are many other millionaire and billionaire socialists and globalists involved. It’s time to make them sweat. It’s time to make them run for their lives. If found guilty, it’s time to freeze their assets and hunt them down.
"My fellow Americans, we are at war. We must face it head on. The evil globalist and socialist elites are out to bring down and destroy America.
"Their political arm is the Democrat Party.
"Their propaganda arm is mainstream media and social media.
"Their funding arm is Hollywood and Silicon Valley billionaire elites.
"Their brainwashing arm is made up of millions of Marxist public school teachers and college professors. . . .
Yes, George Soros Sent Money to Fund the Riots—and So Did Taxpayers
George Soros, 89, is still on a quest to destroy America
How else can we listen to his words in Davos, Switzerland, track his funding of American political races and pay attention to what he says about President Donald Trump, capitalism, and the leftist causes he backs and the leftist Open Society Foundations he runs, and come to any other conclusion?
Mr. President, It’s Time to Investigate George Soros for Funding Domestic Terrorism

"My fellow Americans, we are at war. We must face it head on. The evil globalist and socialist elites are out to bring down and destroy America.
"Their political arm is the Democrat Party.
"Their propaganda arm is mainstream media and social media.
"Their funding arm is Hollywood and Silicon Valley billionaire elites.
"Their brainwashing arm is made up of millions of Marxist public school teachers and college professors. . . .
Yes, George Soros Sent Money to Fund the Riots—and So Did Taxpayers
. . . "George Soros’ Open Society Foundation features prominently among the organizers and major donors of this program. Also listed is the Tides Foundation, which created the national organization and funding mechanism around the Indivisible movement, which billed itself as the tea party of the left. They want to organize the resistance to Donald Trump using tea party tactics.
"These days, it seems like if you scratch a violent radical protest group, you unearth the involvement of George Soros, merely one among a vast network of billionaire donors hell-bent on destroying America. Someone ought to write a book about that.
Jeff Reynolds is the author of the book, “Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and Their Campaign to Undermine Democracy,” available now at www.WhoOwnsTheDems.com. Jeff hosts a podcast at anchor.fm/BehindTheCurtain. You can follow him on Twitter @ChargerJeff.
From 2017: George Soros’s 7 Step Plan to Destroy America; still kicking.
. . . "His playbook is a combination of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s hero, Saul Alinsky and his book, Rules for Radicals. . . .
. . . "Perpetrate an economic collapse that will put millions of desperate people on the street.
The eyes of Soros
. . . "His playbook is a combination of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s hero, Saul Alinsky and his book, Rules for Radicals. . . .
. . . "Perpetrate an economic collapse that will put millions of desperate people on the street.
The plan calls for the complete disintegration of law order.Mr. Soros has his excuse, the election of Donald J Trump as President. Mr. Soros has engineered group think in which some groups, collectively, have manufactured enough fear based upon lies, that people are striking out. We are seeing this with riots in our major cities." . . .