Sunday, July 20, 2014

Our concerns over Elizabeth Warren

The definitive Elizabeth Warren Storify   
Run Liz Run Elizabeth Warren for President Video Netroots
"With Elizabeth Warren reaching cult status, and momentum growing to convince her to run for President, it’s worth keeping in mind that Elizabeth Warren’s career is nothing like portrayed.
No, I’m not just referring to the Cherokee deal. From her legal representation for large pay of the biggest corporate interests to questions raised by other professors about her academics, there is a story behind Elizabeth Warren which is at risk of going down the memory hole.

"That’s the main reason we created — to preserve the record and the research.

"It’s also why Twitter user @Coondawg68 has created a Storify, Liz Warren #RunLizRun on the occasion of Warrens star appearance at Netroots Nation (the left-wing blogger gathering). It is an accumulation of much of Warren’s story via tweets, some of which are pugnacious, but most informative as to the historical record:"   Full article...

Video: Any thoughts on this Israel/Hamas war in Gaza, Elizabeth Warren?  "Comic relief amid an unusually grim news cycle from Capitol City Project. This morning she outlined 11 commandments of progressivism at Netroots Nation; the clip below was her chance to outline number 12, “Blame Israel.” She passed, which is too bad. I’m curious to see how she handles the deep, thinly concealed split on the Middle East between her two constituencies. " ...

OUT: Cult of Obama // IN: Cult of Warren     "In many ways, Elizabeth Warren is the perfect Democratic Party candidate to follow Obama. First term senator? Check. No major accomplishments to speak of? Check. No executive experience? Check. A questionable life story that the media refuses to investigate? Check. She really has it all.

"The progressive base of the Democratic Party recognizes her potential and just like they did with Obama, they’re already creating a cult of personality around her"
"If you can stomach it, listen to this new song created by the folks at Ready For Warren."
Language advisory.

... "For her part in the transformation of politics into religion, Warren has created a list of progressive commandments.

"Emily Roller of National Journal reported:" ...

Under other circumstances, this writer would be one of the Warren supporters mentioned above: "Ten Reasons Why I Am No Longer a Leftist"

Danusha V. Goska   "How far left was I? So far left my beloved uncle was a card-carrying member of the Communist Party in a Communist country. When I returned to his Slovak village to buy him a mass card, the priest refused to sell me one. So far left that a self-identified terrorist proposed marriage to me. So far left I was a two-time Peace Corps volunteer and I have a degree from UC Berkeley. So far left that my Teamster mother used to tell anyone who would listen that she voted for Gus Hall, Communist Party chairman, for president. I wore a button saying "Eat the Rich." To me it wasn't a metaphor.

"I voted Republican in the last presidential election.

"Below are the top ten reasons I am no longer a leftist. This is not a rigorous comparison of theories. This list is idiosyncratic, impressionistic, and intuitive. It's an accounting of the milestones on my herky-jerky journey." ... 
Full article..


Alan Caruba; Obama Encounters an Apex of Anger

Warning Signs

"Barack Obama has managed to do something one would hardly imagine a President could achieve by the midpoint of his second term. He has managed to anger most segments of the American populace, including those to the far Left who constitute a significant part of his base.  It has taken time for most people to reach this point.
"Americans are amazingly patient with their presidents, but Obama has pushed them beyond scandal fatigue. The “final straw” appears to be the illegal alien invasion masterminded by Obama.
 "What they are seeing and hearing is not what they were sold; a charming man of allegedly extraordinary intelligence. Friday’s press conference regarding the shoot down of the Malaysian commercial aircraft showed us a man utterly lacking any moral outrage and, as always, “leading from behind” by insisting this was Europe’s problem, not one that would be addressed by an America doing anything more than applying a few economic sanctions.
  Political Cartoons by Dana Summers
 "He looked and sounded bored, annoyed that he had to utter a bunch of empty platitudes about Russia; the same Russia with which he and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had declared a “reset” from previous administrations’ relations. Putin took his measure and saw weakness.
 "Obama’s response to the Middle East was to pull out all our troops from Iraq and a muddled series of actions in Afghanistan topped by the announcement of when troops there would leave, always a very bad idea when the enemy is still in the field. The “Arab Spring” became another Obama nightmare of bad decisions."... More...
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

CNN's Sally Kohn implies conservatives racist over border with Canada
CNN contributor Sally Kohn implies conservatives racist over Canadian border.

"It seems these days that liberals look for any excuse to accuse conservatives of racism, even when there's no reason. If they can't directly make the accusation, then they're certain to imply it. Such was the case Saturday when CNN contributor and Daily Beast columnist Sally Kohn implied racism with a tweet wondering why conservatives aren't worried about the border with Canada, Twitchy reported.

" 'Along US/Canada border for few days, not single border patrol agent. Why aren't conservatives complaining about border security here? Hmm," she tweeted, in what was clearly an effort to foment hate against conservatives.

"Although not directly stated, the implication is quite clear. Conservatives aren't complaining about the northern border because of racism, despite the fact that thousands of illegal immigrants are not pouring over it to get into the country. Kohn's implication was noted by a number of people who took her to task for the offensive message." ...  Read more...

Another incident of the silliness that CNN produces to go with this, and this, to name just two.
Hat tip to Joe Newby at Rush Limbaugh