Saturday, April 12, 2014

From TruthorFiction: The Muslim Brotherhood Has Infiltrated The White House-Unproven!

Truth Or Fiction  "Summary of the eRumor: This is a forwarded email with the title of  "White House Staff" or "New In The White House" that alleges that six American Islamist Activists who work with the Obama Administration are Muslim Brotherhood operatives influencing American policies."


"The Truth: This eRumor is an unproven conspiracy theory." 

The text does not say it is false, you will notice. Read the short summary of each individual to see what you can determine for yourself. Take a closer look at each of these and see what you think:

  • Arif Alikhan   - Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
  • Mohammed Elibiary- Homeland Security Adviser
  • Rashad Hussain- Special Envoy to the (OIC) Organization of the Islamic Conference
  • Salam al-Marayati- Obama Adviser –founder Muslim Public Affairs Council and its current executive director
  • Imam Mohamed Magid - Obama's Sharia Czar – Islamic Society of North America     Truth or Fiction, having no sense of irony, says there is no office called "sharia czar", just as there is no group in Obamacare called "death panels". Forget the title; just watch for the end results. TD
  • Eboo Patel- Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships
  • Hat tip to Gail Downie; Nehalem, Oregon

New HHS Secretary Nominee Sylvia Burwell: Behind Government Shutdown Fiasco And Vince Foster Shenanigans

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok
Political Cartoons by Steve Breen
"Burwell is the Director of the White House Office of Budget and Management. It was she who sent out the order to shut down the National Parks, the memorials, even the National Zoo’s Panda cam. It was on her order that elderly veterans were shut out from their memorials and others actually thrown out of their homes or businesses that happened to operate in National Parks.

"At the time, remember how Democrats tried to blame the shutdown on Republicans, attacking any effort trying to reign in spending. The shutdown was targeted to hit the most people and to be as public as it could possibly be to maximize effect." ...

The IRS Scandal Comes Into Focus

Kimberly Strassel  Via Lucianne: Motive, method and very curious behavior. Read as if life depended on it... because it does.
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson
"Nearly a year into the IRS scandal, we still don't know exactly what happened—though we are finally getting an inkling. That's thanks to the letter House Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp sent this week to the Justice Department recommending a criminal probe of Lois Lerner.

"The average citizen might be dizzied by the torrent of confusing terms—BOLO lists, Tigta, 501(c)(4)—and the array of accusations that have made up this IRS investigation. Mr. Camp's letter takes a step back to remind us why this matters, even as it provides compelling new information that goes to motive and method—and clarifies some of the curious behavior of Democrats during the investigation."

How the U.S. Went Wrong and Why

Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler
American Thinker  "It is tempting to simply list all the ways the Obama administration -- particularly Secretaries Kerry and Hagel -- has been wrong on foreign and defense policy. After all, Russia/Ukraine, Syria, Iran, China, and Israel/Palestinians are nothing to sneeze at. But finding a common thread among the mistakes might be the beginning of a corrective policy -- if not by this administration, then perhaps by Congress or the next administration.
 Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
"The common thread is hubris, the supreme confidence that what you think is what everyone thinks -- they’re just waiting for you to show up. Hubris is the natural state of affairs in the faculty lounges of major universities and, most likely, in the “World’s Greatest Deliberative Body,” in which the president, Hagel, Biden, Clinton, and Kerry all served."  ... Full article

Common Core Portrays White Voters as Racists Who Hate Obama

College Insurrection  "College Fix editor Nathan Harden has the story."

Common Core Text Portrays White Voters as Obama-Hating Racists
A biography of Barack Obama designed for fourth graders and approved under the new federal Common Core curriculum standards portrays white voters as racists, hell bent on preventing Obama from becoming president.
The book in question, entitled “Barack Obama,” is published by Scholastic, and is now being read by elementary school students under the Common Core program, Red Flag News reports.
The book tells the story of Obama’s historic campaign to become the nation’s first black president. So far so good. But along the way the text paints white voters in a rather unflattering light: “Some people said Americans weren’t ready for that much change. Sure Barack was a nice fellow, they said. But white voters would never vote for a black president,” the book reads.
The book then mentions Obama’s former minister Jeremiah Wright: “Obama’s former pastor called the country a failure,” it reads. “God would damn the United States for mistreating its black citizens, he said.”
The text makes no mention of the fact that millions of white voters did, in fact, vote for Obama. Nor does it mention that Obama distanced himself from Wright during his campaign.  Full article

Sen. Sessions: ‘Deliberate Plan by President’ to Collapse U.S. Law Enforcement System

Bloviating Zeppelin
"Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) said today that Americans need to stand up to “a deliberate plan by the president of the United States” to collapse the nation’s law enforcement system regarding illegal immigration.
“ "Our law enforcement system is in a state of collapse, and it’s a deliberate plan by the president of the United States, and it’s wrong. And, people need to be aware of it and need to stand up to it and I believe the American people are beginning to do so.”
“ 'So, you come into the country illegally and the attorney general of the United States declares that these individuals have a civil right to amnesty. How can this possibly be: the chief law enforcement officer in America?" ... 

God's Not Dead

Freedom's Journal
God not dead
"God’s Not Dead is an alarm for unconverted sinners and a wake-up call for slumbering Christians and that is why it is worth seeing, and seeing more than once.  This is the movie for which the mall-churches should be buying out theaters and holding small groups;"...
"If I had any criticism of the movie, it’s that some of the characters are almost a caricature; too severe in their nature and forging a thread worn stereotype, but they do have some basis in reality: Kevin Sorbo could have been portraying Ted Turner, a bitter man turned hostile to God because of the excruciating experience of losing his sister at a young age.  Fortunately, it doesn’t get in the way of the most daring Christian movie since The Passion of the Christ."

Consequences for Putin

Argus Hamilton  "The White House warned Russia of consequences Tuesday if they invade eastern Ukraine as threatened. There are ways to cripple Russia's economy. The best idea is to declare Russia a small business and force it to comply with Obamacare, and in six months it will be a thrift shop."