Thursday, October 9, 2014

Which is the JV commander?

The JV Team Takes on ISIL   “ 'We don’t have a strategy yet,” the commander in chief told us in August regarding countermeasures against ISIL. That was despite months of warnings about the rise of this terrorist threat in the Middle East. No wonder Barack Obama blamed faulty intelligence for his own unpreparedness." ...
" Kirby implicitly acknowledged the foolish limits placed upon the U.S. military by the president. This became an American military operation once we launched airstrikes, and any gains ISIL makes are now against the U.S. That makes recruitment easier, among other bad consequences. It’s astounding that the Pentagon is having to concede territory to ISIL because Obama is so uncommitted to victory that he’s unwilling to even name the operation, much less make it a successful one."

Islamic State’s Female Sharia Enforcers Lashing Women For Showing Their Eyes

This should show the shallowness of the Democrat's silly "war on women" slogan

From Business Standard:  A former Islamic State (IS) fighter, who joined the terror group’s women’s brigade, has reportedly revealed that women were not allowed to show their eyes and were lashed for not adhering to the rules outlined by the terror group. 
The 25-year-old fighter, who called herself Khadija, said that the group was responsible for patrolling the streets of Raqqa and ensuring that women abided by the codes of conduct laid down by the IS that banned form-fitting or beaded abayas, reported the CNN. 
The squad is called Khansa’s brigade and comprises about 25 to 30 women led by commander Umm Hamza, she said. Khadija said that the brutalities unleashed by the group prompted her to leave the group.

From Rolling Stone: In Defense of Obama

"The Nobel Prize-winning economist, once one of the president’s most notable critics, on why Obama is a historic success." To sum this column up, it's all the Republican's fault.
Paul Krugman
Paragraph 1:  The introduction to Krugman's own thoughts on Obama.

Paragraph 2: ..."Republican greed, the GOP's unwillingness to make even token concessions."

Paragraph 3: ..."Economic management has been half-crippled by Republican obstruction" ...

Paragraph 4: ..." the onslaught from the right, which has never stopped portraying him as an Islamic atheist Marxist Kenyan."

Paragraph 5: ..."There's a different story on the left, where you now find a significant number of critics decrying Obama as, to quote Cornel West, someone who ''posed as a progressive and turned out to be counterfeit.'' They're outraged that Wall Street hasn't been punished, that income inequality remains so high, that ''neoliberal'' economic policies are still in place. All of this seems to rest on the belief that if only Obama had put his eloquence behind a radical economic agenda, he could somehow have gotten that agenda past all the political barriers that have con- strained even his much more modest efforts. It's hard to take such claims seriously."

Paragraph 6: "Finally, there's the constant belittling of Obama from mainstream pundits and talking heads." ... 
Paragraph 7: "But this bashing is misguided even in its own terms – and in any case, it's focused on the wrong thing."

 Paragraph 8: " ...(in which Republicans never, ever have a good word for a Democratic president, and vice versa),"...

"And so on, as the above is just the tip of the Krugman iceberg, which includes thoughts such as:

" ... John Roberts...nonetheless opened a loophole that has allowed Republican-controlled states to deny coverage to millions of Americans."
"Of course, this success story makes nonsense of right-wing predictions of catastrophe."

Chris Matthews Says Obama Should Stop ‘Pandering’ to ‘Ethnic Groups’ [VIDEO]

Matthews commits random act of journalistic commentary.

Daily Caller   "If there are two things MSNBC host Chris Matthews is known for, they’re his love for President Barack Obama and his knack for assuming that everyone who disagrees with him is a racist. It’s a bit shocking, therefore, to hear him tell Obama to lay off the racial politics not once, but twice."
"Matthews made a similar point when Mitchell asked whether or not Obama could rescue the final two years of his presidency. “The fact is, this president has the opportunity to put it together,” he said. “But he needs to stop playing politics, stop running for office, stop playing the ethnic groups, and say, ‘Look, I’ve only got two years left. I have to get something done.' ’”