Saturday, September 14, 2013

Tunnel Wall has limited internet access

TD is near Fort Collins, CO and the internet has been down for going on three days, the only access being a McDonalds in Wellington, CO.
Please keep checking in every day because we hope to make up for lost time as soon  as practicable. TD

Managing Our Expectations: What We Can and Can’t Learn from Innovations in Teacher Quality in Other Countries

American Enterprise Institute  "International comparisons are prevalent in the education reform debate, but this work often concentrates on celebrating culture-building in countries such as Finland and Singapore and encourages the replication in America of overseas models. This paper takes a distinctly different approach to investigating talent management practices internationally by examining practices in a wider range of countries such as China, The Netherlands, and Norway, among others, with a focus on how they are seeding, implementing, and evaluating their interventions. These case studies will seek to broaden our thinking about how innovation within America’s recruiting, training, hiring, evaluating, and teacher compensation systems can be encouraged."