Saturday, March 30, 2013

Jesus Painting by David Garibaldi

American Thinker" David Garibaldi paints secular people primarily, but this is a nice "surprise" video in which he paints Jesus on the cross.
"Were you expecting such a 'twist' near the end? "

Hillary Clinton’s legacy of mismanagement abroad

Jennifer Rubin  "The mainstream media assume that, if Hillary Clinton wants the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, all she need do is give an imperial wave, accept the crown and then begin her effortless procession to the White House. Perhaps. The same was said before the 2008 election. Now Clinton has a foreign-policy record, which political reporters unschooled in the issues and too nervous to dissect accurately (she’s going to be president, don’t you know) would have us believe is positive. Rubbish.

"Here are her top 10 disasters:"  Full article here.

The above article is linked to by Alan Caruba in his commentary, Hillary's Burdens.  Mr. Caruba sums up his argument against a Hillary presidency with this assessment:

A Hillary presidency is likely to be an extension of the Obama presidency and that has not served the nation well. The huge national debt is beginning to penetrate the dull minds of liberals, the “sequester” has generated many news articles and reports about the government’s enormous waste of taxpayer dollars. Rising prices of everything are affecting Americans, no matter their political orientation. Foreign policy will be affected by events in the Middle East and elsewhere. None of this bodes well for a Hillary run for the presidency.

So Hillary, if she would run for the Democratic Party nomination, would do so with an enormous amount of political “baggage.”
If she is elected, do you really want your daughter to apply for that White House internship? Just asking.

On This Day in 1964, Democrats Filibustered the Civil Rights Act

The Gateway Pundit  "June 10, 1964, was a dramatic day in the United States Senate. For the first time in its history, cloture was invoked on a civil rights bill, ending a record-breaking filibuster by Democrats that had consumed fifty-seven working days. The hero of the hour was minority leader [Republican]Senator Everett McKinley Dirksen ...." (pictured)
You may not have known this, thanks to the shabby state of "journalism" today.
"Michael Zak wrote about this in his book Back to Basics for the Republican Party and reminds us that Democrats, the party of Slavery, Secession, Segregation and the KKK… fought against equality."
Hat tip to Chip Jones at Conservative Bloggers on Facebook
Democrat voters back in the day. You say they have
 changed? See what they have said about Justice
Clarence Thomas and Dr. Ben Carson, to name just
two. Examples to follow:

White House Scrubs First Daughters Ski Trip Report

First Daughters' Spring Break Part II: Sun Valley  "Outrageous as it may seem to some, rather than respond appropriately to the criticism and back off from the extravagant vacations, Michelle and Barry chose instead to thumb their noses at America by flying Sasha and Malia from the Atlantis in the Bahamas to Sun Valley, Idaho to top off Easter week with a little skiing."

Big Government  "local news affiliate in Idaho reported that the First Daughters, Sasha and Malia Obama, are on a Spring Break ski trip in Sun Valley, Idaho. The story quickly spread across the Internet when picked up by the highly trafficked Drudge Report website.

"But hours later, the story disappeared from the KMVT website without an update or correction.  Breitbart News confirmed that the White House requested that the post be removed."
"In March of last year, the White House requested media outlets remove accurate reports that Malia Obama was on a trip in Mexico with over two dozen Secret Service agents."
"While each of these trips require a significant Secret Service presence, the White House canceled public tours this month citing Secret Service staffing costs."   Via Drudge 
Emphasis in the original.

Eyewitness: First Daughters' Security 'Shut Down' Idaho Store  "The First Family does pay for the direct lodging costs of these vacations. The travel and security costs, however, are billed to the taxpayers. The White House is currently closed to students from around the country, allegedly because of sequester budget cuts affecting the Secret Service." Store pictured here:
Oops, sorry; wrong vacation picture. I apologize. Below is the one I meant to insert: