. . . "It's nothing but a bid to Get Trump, on the Democrats' terms, an ego trip, from the big wounded ego of Pierre Delecto, no less, and look big and powerful doing it.
"Romney seems to be banking on the idea that if he can just knock out Trump and stick to it, he'll somehow be the big dog on the block." . . .
Club for Growth accuses Romney of siding with Democrats in new ad "The conservative Club for Growth is going after Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) in a new television ad, accusing the first-term senator and former GOP presidential nominee of siding with Democrats in President Trump’s impeachment proceedings.
“ 'There’s Mitt Romney threatening to vote with Democrats again to trot out spotlight-seeking blowhards who will trash President Trump on the witness stand,” a narrator says in the 30-second spot, which is set to begin airing on Fox News on Thursday in Salt Lake City and Washington, D.C.
"The ad also accuses Romney of ignoring alleged wrongdoing by former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter." . . .
Fight over Bolton gives Romney a chance for Senate clout . . . "Utah is polarized over Trump, but not between Republicans and Democrats. Even as “Never Trumpers” have faded nationally, a strong current of discomfort with the president remains in polite, immigrant-welcoming Utah." . . .
Sen. Mitt Romney Says ‘Very Likely’ He’ll Favor Calling Witnesses in Impeachment
In 2011 Huntsman calls Romney a “perfectly lubricated weather vane” on important daily issues
Club for Growth accuses Romney of siding with Democrats in new ad "The conservative Club for Growth is going after Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) in a new television ad, accusing the first-term senator and former GOP presidential nominee of siding with Democrats in President Trump’s impeachment proceedings.
“ 'There’s Mitt Romney threatening to vote with Democrats again to trot out spotlight-seeking blowhards who will trash President Trump on the witness stand,” a narrator says in the 30-second spot, which is set to begin airing on Fox News on Thursday in Salt Lake City and Washington, D.C.
"The ad also accuses Romney of ignoring alleged wrongdoing by former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter." . . .
Fight over Bolton gives Romney a chance for Senate clout . . . "Utah is polarized over Trump, but not between Republicans and Democrats. Even as “Never Trumpers” have faded nationally, a strong current of discomfort with the president remains in polite, immigrant-welcoming Utah." . . .
Sen. Mitt Romney Says ‘Very Likely’ He’ll Favor Calling Witnesses in Impeachment
In 2011 Huntsman calls Romney a “perfectly lubricated weather vane” on important daily issues
. . . WOLF BLITZER, HOST: Let’s first of all talk about Mitt Romney a little bit. George Will, the conservative columnist, writing in an upcoming edition of “The Washington Post,” says this about Mitt Romney. He says: “Romney, supposedly the Republican most electable next November, is a recidivist reviser of his principles who is not only becoming less electable, he might endanger GOP chances of capturing the Senate. Republicans may have found their Michael Dukakis, a technocratic Massachusetts governor who takes his bearings from data.”
You agree with — with George Will on that?
JON HUNTSMAN (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, those are — those are pretty tough words, Wolf. All I can say is this is a time when this nation wants leadership. We’ve — we — we’ve been — we’ve been looking for leadership for some time in — in the White House. We haven’t found it. This is when the candidates need to show — stand up and show a little bit of leadership. You can’t be a perfectly lubricated weathervane on the important issues of the day, whether it’s Libya, whether it’s the debt ceiling, whether it’s the discussion around the Kasich bill in Ohio, where Governor Romney has been missing in action in terms of showing any kind of leadership. . . .