Hamas has taken over so much media, seemingly including Twitter, and into our education system, spawning the masses of pro-Palestine chanters and posters to "free, free Palestine"; a "Palestine" that is free of any Israelis. The Tunnel Dweller
Andrea Widburg - American Thinker
Takeaways from all this? Israel and her supporters have been factually accurate from the beginning about Hamas’s propaganda and its use of civilians as the ultimate shields. Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) know this but they don’t care. To my mind, they are complicit with a very profound evil and, therefore, are themselves evil.

"For decades, but with special force since October 7, Israel and her friends have always made the same point about Israel’s conflicts with the jihadists who attack her: Everything the jihadists say to the world’s media is propaganda; the world’s media know this but report it anyway; and hospitals are Hamas’s military headquarters and ambulances their military transport, making both legitimate military targets. Two videos (one from Bill Clinton and one from an Islamic Jihad spokesman) prove these facts to be true, and one video (from a Joe Rogan interview with Coleman Hughes) shows how Israel is completely shackled by Hamas’s tactics and the world’s complicity.
"First, here’s a one-minute video of Bill Clinton in 2016 admitting what Israel has always said, which is that the Muslim Arabs in Gaza and the West Bank embed themselves amongst civilian populations as a core military strategy. As an aside, Clinton also complains that he offered the Arabs everything they claimed to have wanted—i.e., their own state—only to have them turn it down. We know, of course, that’s because the state they want is Israel.)". . .
. . ." More importantly, Hughes explains to Rogan that Hamas has completely integrated itself into Gaza’s civilian infrastructure. This means that Israel has only two choices: Surrender to a genocidal, existential enemy (the choice Biden wants to force on it) or fight on the terms the enemy created, which means civilian casualties. Hughes says that we cannot allow this to become an acceptable military strategy, and he’s right:" . . .
At Safeway today a bag of regular size Doritos are $6.29!
Last bag of those I bought they were $2.50.
I can do without Doritos, have for a long time. But fuel is another situation.