Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Sir Ringo Starr Outclasses Lorde And BDS Movement, Schedules Two Concerts In Israel

Daily Wire

"Unlike New Zealand singer Lorde, who capitulated to pressure from the anti-Israel BDS movement and cancelled her concert scheduled for Tel Aviv, living legend and former Beatle, Sir Ringo Starr, defied the BDS movement and announced the tour with his band will include two concerts in Tel Aviv’s Menorah Mivtahim Arena on June 23 and 24.
. . . 
"Starr’s determination to visit Israel despite the BDS movement’s efforts to stop performers from playing there is reminiscent of Radiohead singer Thom Yorke, who blasted vehemently anti-Israel Pink Floyd bassist Roger Waters, after Waters joined BDS activists trying to pressure Yorke into canceling his Israel concert.
"Yorke snapped, “If you want me to be honest, yeah, it's really upsetting that artists I respect think we are not capable of making a moral decision ourselves after all these years. They talk down to us and I just find it mind-boggling that they think they have the right to do that. It's extraordinary.”
"Starr’s former bandmate in the Beatles, Paul McCartney, ignored death threats when he played before 400,000 people in Tel Aviv in 2008."

The Year Of Women’s Anger Will Only Escalate Unless Women Stop Pretending They’re Victims

UPDATE: Before reading the main article below, perhaps it would do well to first read this article about heroic women struggling with real oppression. These women are - unfortunately - not American women:
Women are the Key to the Iranian Uprising  "News out of Iran is scant since the defenders of the Islamic Republic blocked all social media, but that one woman whom the world saw take off her hijab and stand silently and defiantly has become the symbol of the latest freedom uprising there."This is fitting, because all of the convulsed history of modern Iran began with the shah’s attempts to grant rights to women. As I detail in my book The Complete Infidel’s Guide to Iran, on October 8, 1962, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi -- the Western-oriented shah of Iran, whose father, Reza Shah, had admired Kemal Ataturk and set Iran on a secular path -- granted women the right to vote in elections for local councils." . .  Full article

The Federalist

"Feminists have abandoned reason for pathos; they fight for moral authority, not actual rights."

"Many in the media are celebrating 2017 as the Year of Women, or to be more precise, the Year of Women’s Anger, a backlash to 2016, also dubbed a year of anger—mainly that of populist, deplorable white men.
“ 'Anger seeks an object,” writer Sam Leith said in 2016. “It’s very Newtonian. There’s action and reaction, a divisive process which continues to accelerate division.” The only way to reset culture and stop this cycle, he says, is “some sort of slow-motion catastrophe.”
"We didn’t get that reset in 2017. We got more reaction, more anger, a backlash to the backlash, women pushing back against men, anger escalating into rage. While 2016 was seen as a great defeat to feminism—the “year the feminist bubble burst,” as Michelle Goldberg of Slate put it—2017 was the year liberal women blew a bigger, darker bubble.
"They came out in force with the Women’s March, protesting the election of Donald Trump and women’s so-called inequalities. Donning p-ssy hats, they took to the streets of America and across the globe to stand up for taxpayer-sponsored birth control, untaxed tampons, and the golden idol of feminism: abortion. They threw in pay equality for good measure, even though women already have it. What women really have is a wage gap, and that’s the result of their own free choices, not the oppression of the “patriarchy.”
. . . 
"Additionally, the “inequalities” she lists aren’t inequalities at all. They’re the same old list of faux fears feminists have had for years. It makes me yawn just reading them. They’re ineffective to bring about “change” because the “change” feminists want has already occurred. They have their rights, their birth control, their abortion, yadda yadda yadda.
"What they haven’t had is actual oppression and cruelty. This perpetual wound, this ongoing perceived wrong, is the driving force for power, and now they have it. Feminists want power, not equality, and it has been beyond their reach because they haven’t had this one essential ingredient to legitimize women’s victimhood and beat men into submission with male guilt." . . .

Trump 2018 is unchained: Look at this North Korea tweet

Bookworm Room   Wow! In an epic tweet, Trump really spelled it out to North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un. It’s going to be wild if the rest of 2018 is like this.
North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!

"I’m not sure I can stand the excitement. I know that, even as I write these words, Progressives are taking turns fainting on couches, certain that the above tweet marks the first shot fired in a nuclear war. I think, however, that those who like a strong America as a bulwark against war-crazed tyrants are comforted knowing that we have a president who will not back down from a despot’s threat. Trump understands that you must stake out your position before the hyenas begin to gnaw on your body, not after."

Al Franken's Touching Departure

Ann Coulter  "I never thought I'd see it, but Al Franken has finally gotten around to calling a moving van. 

"While it is true that Franken was given virtually no chance to defend himself against multiple groping allegations (your side made those rules, not us), remember, it was never his practice to give that chance to anyone else.

"On CNN and MSNBC, they were thunderstruck by Franken's magnanimous response to the charges: UN
See the source image
"Yeah -- there's a photo. So the part they had him dead to rights on he apologized for. What a guy.

"Everything else he denied. Specifically, Franken said of his accusers: "Some of the allegations against me are simply not true. Others I remember very differently."

"Which reminds me: That's exactly what Newt Gingrich said about the charge -- repeated by Franken ceaselessly, endlessly, relentlessly and ubiquitously -- that he'd served divorce papers on his wife when she was in the hospital recovering from cancer surgery.

"This claim came from Gingrich's ex-wife. It was denied by Gingrich. Now I don't know who's telling the truth, but I note that there's no expression: "As reliable as testimony given by parties in a bitter divorce dispute!"

"Franken didn't care. He flogged the nasty story about Gingrich in books, on radio and in speeches, saying at the National Press Club, "And the thing about this story that you should know is that it's true -- every part of it." 

"In addition to mining divorce records for sleazy, unprovable allegations against people he disagrees with politically, Franken spent years taunting Bill O'Reilly for claiming to have grown up in modest Levittown, New York, rather than -- according to Franken -- glamorous, ultra-posh Westbury, New York, apparently the Malibu of Levittown-adjacent areas.

"It doesn't seem like a big deal to me, but this was Franken's case in chief that O'Reilly was a LYING LIAR. He offered a million dollars to O'Reilly to prove he grew up in Levittown. 

"Disregarding the lawyer's rule about never asking a witness a question you don't know the answer to, Franken invited a Levittown historian onto a live broadcast of his Air America radio show to dramatically ask her if O'Reilly grew up in Levittown.
(Drumroll) Franken: "I consider you the world's foremost authority on Levittown. ... What's the answer here?" 
"Hofstra professor Barbara Kelly: "Yes ... (O'Reilly) is right. It is Levittown. There is no doubt about that." 
"I'm going to go out on a limb and say that O'Reilly never got his million dollars. There was no apology, no retraction, no "I guess I got this one wrong." It was just onto the next one. " . . .

Washington state AG sues Motel 6 over giving ICE info on 9,000 guests

Seattle Times

Washington state Attorney General Bob Ferguson announces the state is suing Motel 6, alleging the budget hotel illegally disclosed the personal information of thousands of guests to immigration authorities. (Elaine Thompson / The Associated Press)

"Attorney General Bob Ferguson said Motel 6’s “actions are disturbing and they are unlawful,” saying the motel divulged to Immigration and Customs Enforcement information about more than 9,000 guests in Washington."

Washington’s attorney general is suing Motel 6, saying the budget hotel disclosed the personal information of thousands of guests to federal immigration authorities in violation of state law.
Attorney General Bob Ferguson said Wednesday Motel 6’s “actions are disturbing and they are unlawful.” He said the motel divulged to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) the names, dates of birth, license-plate numbers and room numbers of more than 9,000 guests at six sites throughout the state.
He said at least six guests were detained.
Ferguson said the company’s actions violated the state’s consumer-protection law.

North Korea Appears To Have Bombed Itself In Botched Missile Test: Report.

Kim's so aggressive he even attacks himself.

Daily Caller  . . . "Relying on photographs released by North Korea during a concert held in July, Dave Schmerler, a geolocation specialist and research associate at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, and Ankit Panda, a foreign affairs expert and the senior editor at The Diplomat, were able to use satellite images to identify both the launch site and the impact point for the April 28 missile test.

"The missile was fired out of Pukchang Airfield, and it landed on what appears to be either an agricultural or industrial complex in the North Korean city of Tokchon. As the liquid-fueled missile did not, according to U.S. government sources, explode in flight, there is reason to believe that the missile exploded when it slammed into the earth, causing considerable damage.

"The full extent of the damage is unknown, but satellite images show clear differences between the immediate before and after pictures of the facility believed to have been hit by the failed missile." . . .

See the source image

Much discussion on events in Iran

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

John Bolton: “These people are calling for the end of the Islamic Revolution”  Video  . . . “ 'I think the most dramatic change has already occurred. You have President Trump, members of his administration taking the side of the demonstrators; a hundred and eighty degrees the opposite of what Barack Obama did in 2009. We know from former Soviet prisoners that when Ronald Reagan spoke out about their descent from the communist government, it gave them hope. It said the rest of the world was watching and I think the opposition inside Iran and in the vast Iranian diaspora outside of the country can see that this is a very different American Administration.' ”

Iran deploys Revolutionary Guards to quell 'sedition' in protest hotbeds
But, in a sign of official concern about the resilience of the protests, the Revolutionary Guards commander, Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari, said he had dispatched forces to Isfahan, Lorestan and Hamadan provinces to tackle “the new sedition”.
Most of the casualties among protesters have occurred in those regions. The Revolutionary Guards, the sword and shield of Iran’s Shi‘ite theocracy, were instrumental in suppressing the 2009 uprising, killing dozens of protesters then. 
Pro-government rally in Iran
From Lebanon: Three Iranian intelligence agents killed in western city of Piranshahr 
. . . "But, in a sign of official concern about the resilience of the protests, the Revolutionary Guards commander, Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari, said he had dispatched forces to Isfahan, Lorestan and Hamadan provinces to tackle "the new sedition".Most of the casualties among protesters have occurred in those regions. The Revolutionary Guards, the sword and shield of Iran's Shi'ite theocracy, were instrumental in suppressing the 2009 uprising, killing dozens of protesters then." . . .
Trump says Iranian protests will see support from US 'at the appropriate time'
. . . "The president initially posted a tweet that described Iran as a “corrupt and poorly run country,” but then deleted the tweet, changing his statement to “corrupt government,” as opposed to the country as a whole.
"Protests have rocked the Islamic Republic for nearly a week, leaving at least 21 people dead. At least 450 have been arrested in protests that have spread from Tehran to cities throughout the Muslim nation, the semi-official ILNA news agency reported.
"The Iranian regime has moved to squash protests by cutting off communication and moving to block social media platforms, as it did nine years ago during the “Green Movement” of 2009."
Michael Ledeen: The Iranian Regime's Days May Be Numbered

"Is it a revolution? Can it succeed? Should we support it, and if so, how?
"Surely this tumult is very different from the protests of 2009. It’s different in at least two ways, geographical and demographical.
"Geographically, whereas the 2009 protests were mainly limited to Tehran, today’s phenomenon covers the whole country, from major cities to smaller towns and even rural villages. That’s significant, because those who do not believe in the prospects of an Iranian revolution invariably argue that opposition to the regime is restricted to the elites of the big cities, and that rural populations are pro-regime. It’s difficult to judge how many rural residents are protesting, but it’s a significant number. That’s new, and I believe it surprised both the regime and the leaders of the uprising.
"The demographic difference is class: the 2009 demonstrators were Tehrani bourgeoisie (bazaaris, for example). Today’s masses are proletarians: workers, unemployed, failing farmers and the like. Notice that trade unionists are being arrested in Tehran, because the tyrants fear they are the real organizers of the uprising, and because workers and the unemployed are not as easy to intimidate as professors and businessmen." . . .

An Unfond Farewell to Un-statesman Orrin Hatch

Michelle Malkin
"His record is one of a big-government, business-as-usual dealmaker."
"The longest-serving Republican senator in U.S. history announced this week that he will finally, finally, finally, finally, finally, finally, finally retire. 

"That’s seven “finallys” — one for each of the consecutive six-year terms Senator Orrin Hatch (R., Utah) served. He begin his occupancy in 1976, when all phones were dumb, the 5.25-inch floppy disk was cutting-edge, the very first Apple computer went on sale for $666.66, the Concorde was flying high, O.J. Simpson was a hero, Blake Shelton was a newborn, the first MRI was still a blueprint, and I was a gap-toothed first-grader wearing corduroy bell-bottoms crushing on Davy Jones.

"This encrusted longevity will be marketed by Hatch, 83, and his supporters as proof of his “statesmanship.” Indeed, The Atlantic magazine described him this week as “an elder-statesman figure in the GOP.” Newsweek likewise reported on the farewell announcement of the “elder statesman.” And Hatch’s own press minions have disseminated press releases quoting other entrenched politicians such as Senator Chuck Schumer (D, N.Y.) hailing their boss’s “reputation as a statesman.”

"But that word doesn’t mean what Beltway barnacles think it means." . . .

More on what this politician has wrought in his career: Read more.

. . . "So: Call Hatch a clock-puncher. Time-bider. Log-roller. Deal-cutter. Back-slapper. Call him most anything else now that he’s finally, finally, finally, finally, finally, finally, finally called it a day.

"Just please don’t call him “statesman.' ”

See the source image

In stark contrast to Obama, Trump looks to foment revolution in Iran

Rick Moran  "In 2009, when millions took to the streets in Iran to protest a rigged election, President Obama remained relatively silent, refusing to encourage the protesters and giving tacit approval to the subsequent brutal crackdown by Iranian authorities.  Many on the left applauded this policy of non-interference, claiming that because Iranians hated the U.S. so much, any support to the protests given by an American president would be counterproductive.

"Donald Trump is receiving some of the same advice today.  The underlying assumption of American policy for more than 30 years has been that the Iranian revolution and the theocratic regime are permanent and the U.S. must accept the extremist Islamists currently in power.
"Trump has rejected that longstanding policy, and in addition to his strong support for the demonstrators being cut down in the streets, his administration is keeping a close eye on the progress of protesters, looking to take advantage of any opportunity to support revolution." . . .
Photo added by TD
. . . "There is something important to be said for giving all the moral support we can to the Iranian protesters.  Even if the protests fail this time, you can pretty much guarantee that the next round of demonstrations won't take nine years to percolate.  If we look at an Iranian revolution as a long-term project, the regime will eventually hang itself with its own oppression of the people. 
"To those who think there is no chance ever for protesters to overthrow the powerful mullahs, one need only look at the 1979 revolution, where the Shah had the backing of the army and secret police, but demonstrators were able to lever him out of power."

This is What the Navy Sailor Trump Tweeted About to Show Hillary Double Standard is Doing Now

Western Journalism

"President Donald Trump tweeted on Tuesday that there is a double-standard in play regarding the government’s treatment of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her former top aide Huma Abedin versus those guilty of far lesser offenses in the military, including a Navy sailor.
"Trump wrote that Abedin should go to “jail” for forwarding classified information, including emails that contained passwords to government systems to her private Yahoo email account, The Washington Timesreported.
“Crooked Hillary Clinton’s top aid, Huma Abedin, has been accused of disregarding basic security protocols,” the president tweeted.
"Former Navy sailor Kristian Saucier “pleaded guilty to unlawfully retaining national defense information by taking the six photos inside the USS Alexandria with his cellphone in 2009, when he was 22 years old and working as a machinist mate in Connecticut,” The Washington Examiner reported.
"The sailor, who served 11 years in the military, said the pictures were an innocent keepsake. One of the pictures was of the submarine’s nuclear reactor.
"The photos were deemed “confidential” after they surfaced, when someone found Saucier’s phone in the trash.
"Prosecutors argued Saucier’s conduct could have harmed the country, though offered no evidence it actually did, according to The Examiner.
"The sailor was convicted of mishandling classified information and served a one year sentence in jail. Additionally, Saucier was dishonorably discharged from the Navy, meaning he is ineligible for veterans’ benefits and making it far more difficult to obtain gainful employment as a civilian.
"He now works as a trash collector in Vermont." . . .