"The prophet Zechariah revealed that the physical descendants of Abraham (the entire Jewish nation) are the “apple of God’s eye”, “For thus says the LORD of hosts: “He sent Me after glory, to the nations which plunder you; for he who touches you touches the apple of His eye.” – . Zechariah 2:8World Israel News
"The deep divisions within Europe present unique possibilities for Washington and Jerusalem." . . .
. . . "In contrast, Eastern European countries that not too long ago were ruled by a brutal totalitarian regime are the ones championing the democratic Israel." . . ."Counter-intuitively, liberal Western Europe is soft on Iran and Hamas and hostile toward democratic Israel, while the former Soviet bloc countries have become Israel’s biggest supporters.*
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s expected trip to Paris and Berlin will once again expose the ideological fault line that increasingly divides Europe on both European issues and policies concerning the Middle East. The move of the US embassy to Israel’s capital Jerusalem, the Gaza border tensions and the Iran nuclear deal have essentially divided the European continent into two camps.
"France, Germany, Britain and the European Union (EU) leadership all opposed President Trump’s decision to relocate the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Paris, Berlin, London and Brussels are also staunch defenders of the Iran nuclear deal and harsh critics of Israel defending itself against Hamas’ aggression on the Gaza border. Most Western European countries belong to this European ideological camp.
"The other Europe consists of countries that are more sympathetic towards the US and Israel. This group includes Austria and former Eastern European states like Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Romania. Unlike France and Germany, these countries did not oppose the move of the American embassy to Jerusalem and several of them are in various stages of potentially following suit by moving their own embassies to Israel’s capital.
"These countries defied the EU boycott of the US embassy opening in Jerusalem by sending their diplomats to the event. This led to the Abbas regime recalling its representatives from the several of the mentioned countries.
"Countries such as the Czech Republic and Hungary have expressed far more understanding for Israel’s need to defend its sovereign borders against Hamas’s aggression.

"The sharp division between the established democracies of Western Europe and the new democracies of Eastern Europe is also evident concerning the Iran deal." . . .
. . . "In contrast, Eastern European countries that not too long ago were ruled by a brutal totalitarian regime are the ones championing the democratic Israel." . . .
* How ironic is the sympathy of Eastern bloc countries toward Israel; during the war they provided most of the eastern Europe Nazi concentration camp guards and committed many murders of Jews.
The Holocaust in Lithuania
New book examines Poles who killed Jews during WWII