Monday, January 28, 2013

Confirmed? Iranian Nuclear Facility Suffers "Mega Explosion"

Yid With Lid
"Today the Times of London quoted Israeli intelligence officials as saying that "a mega explosion had occurred and caused damage to the Iranian "Fordow" nuclear facility. The heavily fortified "Fordow" nuclear facility for uranium enrichment is located underground on a mountain near the Iranian city of Qum.
"Sources reported that the explosion occurred last week. The Israeli government was trying to investigate into reports which told of damages sustained by the facility which led to trapping 200 workers inside the facility, according to the newspaper.
"The British newspaper quoted an Israeli official as saying that "we're still in the early stages of trying to comprehend what happened and the extent of its significance," pointing out that it was not known whether the explosion was "an act of sabotage of incidental".
"The Israeli official declined to comment on news regarding the presence of Israeli warplanes near the facility which contains 2700 centrifuges for uranium enrichment at the time of the explosion's occurrence."....

Darrell Scott's Columbine Testimony

Snopes writes of this story: " Netlore Archive: Mr. Darrell Scott, the father of a victim of the Columbine shootings, did in fact deliver the stirring testimony before Congress that has been widely quoted in forwarded emails." 

Snopes   "Guess our national leaders didn't expect this. On Thursday, Darrell Scott, the father of Rachel Scott, a victim of the Columbine High School shootings in Littleton, Colorado, was invited to address the House Judiciary Committee's subcommittee. What he said to our national leaders during this special session of Congress was painfully truthful."
USA Today
"What has happened to us as a nation? We have refused to honor God, and in so doing, we open the doors to hatred and violence. And when something as terrible as Columbine's tragedy occurs politicians immediately look for a scapegoat such as the NRA. They immediately seek to pass more restrictive laws that contribute to erode away our personal and private liberties.
"We do not need more restrictive laws." Eric and Dylan would not have been stopped by metal detectors. No amount of gun laws can stop someone who spends months planning this type of massacre. The real villain  lies within our own hearts."...

Hat tip to former schoolmate from Garibaldi, OR: George Cohee

How Liberals think: "every dollar Phil Mickelson makes is a dollar denied to a poor person"

How Liberals think  "So why did Phil apologize?  Bear in mind, he didn’t apologize for WHAT he said, just for saying it – and that was because the left was hammering him for his insensitivity and greed.  Yeah … greed.  Wanting to keep more of the money you  work for and earn is greed.  Wanting the government to use force to take money from someone else and give it to you is not greed.  Go figure."
...."Now … look at what Loyal Democrat wrote:"
The man should indeed apologize. For every surplus dollar he has, that is one dollar that was denied to a poor person. Thus, by hoarding so much wealth, the man has in effect stolen from the poor. Why such theft is not grounds for imprisonment just shows how rotten our greedy nation really is.

 "....“Loyal Democrat” is the face of the ObamaVoter.  Be afraid.  Be very afraid.  In fact … be scared S#!?less.  These people are multiplying hamsters --- and with about the same brain power – and they have voter registration cards."  Neal Boortz
More on this from Neal Boortz:  Phil isn't the one who needs to apologize
"....Let’s start with Angel Adams.  ... The lovely and quite fertile Angel was found living in a motel room in Tampa with 12 of her 15 children by three different fathers."   She said, “Somebody needs to pay for all my children.  Somebody needs to be held accountable, and they need to pay!”  No … not kidding.  Here’s the video.  ... Maybe Angel should be the one to hold a press conference and apologize to America on behalf of every woman who became pregnant by a man to whom she was not married, and then had a baby she [k]new she could not afford to raise."

"I’d like an apology as well from all of those people who have been studiously avoiding taking a job until their unemployment benefits run completely out.  You’re bleeding the system dry.  So apologize!"
...."So, Phil.  You’ve learned your lesson, right?  Do what you have to do to escape the moochers, leaches and parasites --- but hush about it.  The predators get outraged when the prey escapes."

Hillary in 2016 = Obama's third term

Conservative media watchdogs push back on Obama's Fox News criticism

President Obama Laments Rush Limbaugh And Fox News’ Influence On Public Debate "The media can either help break or uphold partisan gridlock, the president said, adding that “If a Republican member of Congress is not punished on Fox News or by Rush Limbaugh for working with a Democrat on a bill of common interest, then you’ll see more of them doing it.” " Via Legal Insurrection
Liberal Fox contributor Kirsten Powers tweeted:   
When is Obama going to attack MSNBC which is actually what he claims Fox is (arm of DNC). Oh wait @mmfa doesn't want him to do that.
Fox News "Conservative media critics are pushing back on President Obama's suggestion that Capitol Hill Republicans would be more inclined to work across the aisle if they were "not punished on Fox News or by Rush Limbaugh for working with a Democrat on a bill of common interest." "
"Bob Lichter, president of the Center for Media and Public Affairs at George Mason University, said Obama is just using an old Democratic Party tactic of saying, "centrists would go along if those nasty conservatives don't beat them up."
" "I don't hear Obama complaining about The New York Times trying to pull him to the left," added Lichter, a communications professor at the Northern Virginia university."   Read more:

Victor Davis Hanson; Women at the Front (Discussion follows)

Victor Davis Hanson  "One way or another, we have now apparently made a number of assumptions: that in the next war we will see overtly gay men and women fully integrated in small ground units amid firefights and carnage at the front; that this will not affect negatively, but more likely improve, US combat efficacy; and that those intolerant reactionaries who object and feel less safe or simply less comfortable will shun the military — and that the military will not suffer as a consequence of their absence, but more likely improve. If all true, then we are onto the brave new world!"
Liberals say that not all women can be in a combat unit, but all should have the chance. I say not to believe a word o[f] that."
The history of US liberals is that a certain percentage of combat platoons MUST consist of women to reflect the population and therefore physical requirements will have to be lowered to make that happen.
We've covered this before: Does Sexual Equality Require Preferential Treatment?

....As recently as last Saturday; Dempsey considers lowering standards for women in combat

In case you think any Democrat administration will keep the quality of the US military its main priority, keep this in mind always:
US military despised by Progressives
On her MSNBC show today, Melissa Harris-Perry stated that the U.S. military is "despised as an engine of war by many progressives."

" She was speaking about the military being a leader (as usual) in righting wrongs. The pathetic thing is that she assumes this is an anomaly. Obviously the "education" she got focused more on PC BS and less on the fact that the US military has been the greatest force for freedom and liberty in the history of this planet. Hundreds of millions of people live better lives due to the completely, unsurprising historical truth that the US military has fought and defeated tyranny and totalitarianism all around the world." 

Obama EPA kills power plant, 3,900 jobs in Texas

Beltway Confidential   "Freysinger made it very clear who was responsible for the projects death. “The (Las Brisas Energy Center) is a victim of EPA’s concerted effort to stifle solid-fuel energy facilities in the U.S., including EPA’s carbon-permitting requirements and EPA’s New Source Performance Standards for new power plants,” he said"
...." “These costly rules exceeded the bounds of EPA authority, incur tremendous costs, and produce no real benefits related to climate change,” Freysinger commented."

Freedom Works has this commentary: EPA's New Source Performance Standard as bad as Utility MACT?  "The EPA may have more far-reaching plans for this unnecessary rulemaking. Namely, this proposal will increase the agency’s control over electric utilities; put fossil-fuel EGUs in the EPA’s regulatory bind due to CO2 emissions, and set a precedent for creating CO2 performance standards for other sources."

Alan Caruba, who writes prolifically on these topics has this perspective on the premise behind all this:
 A Tsunami of Governmental Global Warming Lies
"The Liar-in-Chief about global warming—AKA climate change—is President Obama who, during his second inaugural speech managed to ignore any mention of the nation’s catastrophic debt in favor of warning that climate change is causing forest fires, drought, and powerful storms. Excuse me, but the climate has always included these natural events. They are not the result of a warming that is [in reality] not occurring."
From green-buzz, believe it or not. 
UPDATE: Norway Data Shows Earth’s Global Warming Less Severe Than Feared   "The findings also show the effect of reduced airborne particulates from burning coal, which may decrease the cloud cover that cools the earth, probably has less of an impact on climate through indirect cooling than originally projected."