Wednesday, September 16, 2015

A fine mess you have us in, Debbie!

Protest time! Democrats Turn on Democrats Over 2016 Debate Rules
. . . "Unfortunately for [Debbie Wasserman Schultz], her fellow Democrats are actively working against her plan. Both Martin O’Malley and Bernie Sanders have spoken out against the limited debate timeline; DNC Vice Chairs Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D., Hawaii) and R.T. Rybak put out a joint statement asking DWS to revoke the limiting rules. O’Malley has doubled down on his already-heated criticism of the DNC by encouraging his fellow Democrats to join the protest:
“A group called ‘Allow Debate’ has scheduled a protest outside the DNC headquarters, and we want to help them out,” O’Malley’s digital director, Madeleine Ellis, said in an e-mail to supporters Wednesday, in which she shares the DNC’s address and says “afterwards you can join us to watch the next Republican debate at a bar nearby.”

O’Malley used much of his address to a DNC gathering two weeks ago in Minneapolis to blast the process as “rigged,” suggesting the party’s leadership is trying to limit the exposure of front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton. He has since made the cry for more debates part of his stump speech as he travels around the country.
"Bernie Sanders hasn’t been quiet, either:" . . .

Facebook is working on a "Dislike" button

MSN News

. . . "The company's co-founder and chief Mark Zuckerberg revealed the ongoing tests during a question and answer session on Tuesday.

" 'People have asked about the 'dislike' button for many years, and probably hundreds of people have asked about this, and today is a special day because today is the day that I actually get to say we are working on it, and are very close to shipping a test of it," he said.

"The CEO said the company has been working on the feature for some time because "we don't want to turn Facebook into a forum where people are voting up or down on people's posts.' "

Ann Coulter seems to realize that to share Trump's anger over immigration is not necessarily to want him as President of the US
 . . . "Today, the fight in the Republican Party isn't over abortion, guns or the Sandinistas; the dividing line is immigration. Will we continue to be the United States, or will we become another failed Latin American state?

"On this, it's Donald Trump (and the people) vs. everyone else.

"  Trump announced his presidential campaign by talking about Mexican rapists. Immigration is the only policy paper he's put out so far -- and he's been crushing the polls. He got his one sustained standing ovation from 20,000 cheering fans in Dallas Monday night when he talked about stopping illegal immigration.

 " But James B. Stewart gasses on in The New York Times about Trump's "name-calling, personal attacks and one-liners that have vaulted him to the top of the polls." In the entire article, Stewart never mentions immigration.

"  Perhaps some minority of people will vote for Trump because of his personality. But I notice that it's his position on immigration that gets thousands of people leaping to their feet.

" The media will talk about anything but Trump's specific, detailed policies on immigration -- all while claiming he doesn't have any "policy details." The very fact that the entire media -- including most of the conservative commentariat -- obdurately refuse to acknowledge the popularity of Trump's immigration plans is exactly why Trump is exploding in the polls.

" Trump isn't trying to imitate anyone. He's leading on the seminal issue of our time while the rest of the field practices looking optimistic in front of the mirror. "

Guess who wants Germany to end the Octoberfest tradition

CREEPING SHARIA: Muslims File Petition To End This German Tradition

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"Oktoberfest is an annual, world renowned festival in Munich that celebrates the German culture. Featuring beer, brats, dancing and beautiful girls, locals and tourists flood into the 16 day festival bringing huge revenue into the economy and fun for all ages. Everyone has an amazing time and the country makes millions – so what could possibly go wrong?

"This is what makes my blood boil. Prepare for your head to spin. Intolerant Muslims have filed a petition to put an end to Oktoberfest. As Obama is doing is doing in America, Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel is flooding Germany with Muslims.  And instead of learning the culture of the generous people that have welcomed them into their country and supported them financially, Muslims are demanding that Germany end their celebrations.

“ 'We tried to ignore the event, but there too many Un-Islamic acts done at the Oktoberfest, such as alcohol consumption, public nudity etc.” Can you imagine the audacity? To my friends in Germany: Turn it up! We in America have numerous Oktoberfests and we will plan on getting loud, dancing and celebrating in your honor!

"Chancellor Merkel has proclaimed Islam “belongs to Germany” (sound familiar?). Germany has the largest Muslim population in Western Europe with 3.5 million Muslims. However, 80% of them do not have German citizenship. With thousands more now flooding in from Syria, men often patrol the streets in an attempt to enforce Sharia Law on the citizens. In addition, Muslims are known to attack Christians for their faith. For example, on Christmas 2014, in the German city of Mönchengladbach-Rheydt, Muslims attacked Catholics attending mass. They forced their way into the St. Mary’s Church by shouting “F*cking Christians” and randomly assaulting victims at their place of worship."  Read more

Perhaps if we told the Islamists that the Nazis celebrated Octoberfest...

Obama's foreign policy pro and con: Council on Foreign Relations

What Obama 
Gets RightKeep Calm and Carry the Liberal Order On
Author: Gideon Rose, Editor, Foreign Affairs, and Peter G. Peterson Chair, Foreign Affairs
September/October 2015        

"How should one judge a president’s handling of foreign policy? Some focus on what happens in a few lonely moments of crisis, casting the nation’s leader as Horatius at the bridge or Casey at the bat. But a better analogy would be a member of a relay team or a middle relief pitcher: somebody who takes over from a predecessor, does a hard job for a while, and then passes things on to the next guy.

"In baseball, there are special statistics used to judge such players, the hold and the blown save, which essentially tally whether the pitcher’s team keeps or loses the lead while he’s in the game. Looked at in such a light, Barack Obama has done pretty well. Having inherited two wars and a global economic crisis from the George W. Bush administration—the foreign policy equivalent of runners on base with no outs—Obama has extricated the country from some old problems, avoided getting trapped in some new ones, and made some solid pickups on the side." . . .

Barack Obama sits during a plenary session at the G20 leaders summit in Brisbane, November 2014. Western leaders at the summit blasted Russian President Vladimir Putin for the crisis in Ukraine.

What Obama 
Gets Wrong   No Retreat, No Surrender
. . . "Nevertheless, every president should be judged on a few fundamentals—his ability to deliver what he promised, weaken the country’s foes and strengthen its friends, elaborate a concept of the American interest that is persuasive and true, and pass on a world heading in the right direction. Obama rates well on none of these. Start with the promises, of which Obama made plenty when he came to office. The prison at Guantánamo Bay was to be shut within a year. Relations with Russia would be “reset.” The United States’ good name would be restored in such places as Cairo, Istanbul, and Damascus. Israeli settlement expansion would end, and peace with the Palestinians would be forged. Much of this was to be achieved, so it seemed, through the sheer moral force of Obama’s personality and the compelling logic of his ideas. Yet none of it occurred. Obama became the president who, to use one of Rose’s baseball metaphors, called his shot only to strike out." . . .

As Hillary stands with victimized women, so Obama stands with the working people

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

Hillary stands with women victims of sexual predators

Hillary, DNC face pressure to add debates
"The increasingly public rift between Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and others in her party’s leadership over the number of presidential debates is threatening to become more than just embarrassing to the DNC.

"It’s spelling trouble for Hillary Clinton, the faltering front-runner who can’t afford to look like she’s being protected by party insiders, say Democrats aligned with both the DNC and 2016 campaigns.

"On one side of the fight is a pair of party vice chairs and 2016 candidate Martin O’Malley, who have complained in recent weeks that the DNC should sponsor more than its six planned debates – only four of which will take place before voting in Iowa -- and have protested the committee’s vow to punish candidates who try to participate in unsanctioned events.

"On the other side is Wasserman Schultz, who steadfastly insists she won’t budge from the plan, which was carefully negotiated with the campaigns this spring — part of a process that included convincing the Clinton camp to agree to so many debates in the first place." . . .

Not Taking Debate
. . . "Meanwhile, Hillary has released a new campaign ad which taxes our ability to believe how freaking clueless her handlers are..."

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, hillary, sexual assault, juanita broaderick, willey, bill clinton, rape, monica

"Yes, the woman who for decades handled Bill Clinton's "bimbo eruptions" by destroying the lives of his accusers and inventing "vast Right wing conspiracies" is now claiming to have a sympathetic ear for the victims of sexual assault. Unless, as mentioned above, they happen to be treated as sex slaves and property in Middle Eastern countries which have contributed heavily to the Clinton Foundation.". . .

In a bid to burnish her image with voters, the Clinton campaign is flooding the Internet with nostalgic pictures of the Democratic front-runner.