Sunday, July 28, 2019

How Mueller’s Lawyers Spun the OLC Guidance on Indicting a Sitting President

Andrew C. McCarthy

After Mueller, it is worth another look at its role in the report and its fallout.

Democrats Push Mueller to Contradict Report. That, however, is not how the OLC guidance was construed by Mueller — or, I should say in light of Mueller’s patent unfamiliarity with the Mueller probe, by whoever on the special counsel staff was actually running the investigation.

Part Two:  "This is Part Two of a two-part series. In Part One, we took a look at the OLC guidance that bars the indictment of a sitting president. (The OLC is the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel.) In particular, we looked at (a) how, in investigating President Trump for purported obstruction, special counsel Robert Mueller’s staff distorted the guidance into a prohibition against even considering whether an offense occurred; and (b) the futile hope of congressional Democrats, during Wednesday’s hearings, that Mueller would contradict his final report on this point. 

"In Part Two, we explore why Mueller’s staff of very able lawyers, many of them activist Democrats, twisted the OLC guidance. (Spoiler: Their priority was to get their evidence to Congress, intact and as quickly as possible, in hopes of fueling an impeachment drive, or at least damaging Trump politically.) We also analyze how attorney general Bill Barr deftly dealt with the Mueller staff’s gamesmanship." . . .
Toon added by TD
"As we observed at the end of Part One, Mueller’s report makes the whopper of the claim that prosecutors construed to OLC guidance to forbid them to make a charging decision on obstruction because they were trying to protect President Trump.

"How’s that?
"Well, Justice Department protocols prohibit prosecutors from prejudicing suspects by publicizing the evidence against them unless and until they are formally charged. The idea is that the government must refrain from speaking until it files an indictment. For at that point, the person becomes an “accused” under the Constitution, vested with all the due process guarantees our law provides: assistance of counsel, confrontation of witnesses, subpoena power — the full array of rights to challenge the government’s indictment." . . .

Rand Paul offers to help pay for a ticket so Ilhan Omar can see Somalia and understand how lucky she is to be in the USA

Thomas Lifson
No, it’s not, “Send her back!” It’s “Let her go back on my dime.”
"After talking about the refugees in his home town that he knows, who love America and are grateful to be here, Senator Rand Paul made an offer Rep. Omar should not refuse: A free trip to Somalia – the nation she still calls her homeland– to see...
“… the disaster that is Somalia, that has no capitalism, that has no God-given rights guaranteed in a constitution, and that has about 7 different tribes that have been fighting each other for the last 40 years, and then maybe after she’s visited Somalia for a while, she might come back and appreciate America.”

Trump campaign produces brutal video highlighting The Squad’s crazy statements

Thomas Lifson "For decades, the Democrats have expertly demonized Republicans and conservatives, making the case that we are too mean, too stupid, too racist, too homophobic, and now too transphobic (among many other failings) to be trusted with power.  Meanwhile, the Republican establishment, including presidential candidates John McCain and Mitt Romney, preferred being gentlemen losers to winning by using the same tactics as the Democrats.
"I will remember to my dying day the time when John McCain rebuked the use of Barack Obama’s actual name. From the Feb 28, 2008 New York Times:
 A conservative radio talk show host who helped introduce Senator John McCain before a rally here Tuesday used Senator Barack Obama’s middle name, Hussein, three times, while disparaging him, prompting Mr. McCain to apologize and repudiate the comments afterward.
Bill Cunningham, who hosts “The Big Show” with Bill Cunningham, a local program here that is also syndicated nationally, was part of a line of people lauding Mr. McCain and revving up the crowd before his appearance here before several hundred people at a theater here.)
"In contrast, President Trump likes winning, and is not bothered by the fear that someone might consider him vulgar or mean. And as the most successful reality television producer in the history of the medium, he understands how compelling the appearance of craziness can be. It’s not coincidental that he had celebrities like Gary Busey and Meat Loaf as cast members of Celebrity Apprentice." . . .

MSNBC Host: “We Are at War,” We’re Not Going to “Play Fair” to Put Trump in Jail

Ever recall episodes of "Law & Order" from the 2000's when they promoted MSNBC in actor's dialog? I recall one suspect's alibi being they were at home watching Tom Brokaw.
Legal Insurrection
Deutsch: “We may not have won the battle of impeachment, but we’re going to win the war of putting him in jail, whatever we have to do, and we’re not going to necessarily play fair”
"MSNBC host Donny Deutsch went on an astounding rant in which he shattered whatever remaining mirage of unbiased, nonpartisan objectivity the leftstream media clung to in hopes of winning over skeptical viewers.
"Deutsch said that “we” (presumably Democrats and their media lapdogs) are “at war” and should do “whatever we have to do” to put “him [Trump] in jail.”

MSNBC host Donny Deutsch said Democrats should do “whatever we have to do” to remove President Trump from office because the party is “at war” with Trump.  . . .

. . . "Watching this raised ten kinds of red flags and alarms for me. Here we have a host on a major network declaring “war” on a duly-elected sitting president and effectively stating that there are no rules, no laws, no nothing too extreme in removing him from office and/or sending him to prison.  Anything goes in trying to take down President Trump.
Professor Jacobson’s insightful “the investigators need to be investigated” post included the following:
Whether Robert Mueller was a mere figurehead or in control, he was a participant. So while he was a sorry figure in the congressional hearings, and his appearance did substantial damage to Democrat and media plans, the gravity of what happened should not be lessened. It almost worked.
The media, of course, was a full participant in what happened. " . . .

 Democrats Beginning ‘Impeachment Investigation,’ Asking for Grand Jury 
Information  . . . "The Democrats also decided to move forward as the left turned against Mueller after his testimony. He did not provide any new information, came off as lethargic and forgetful, and told Congress over 200 times to refer to his report instead of answering questions.
"Dan Balz wrote in The Washington Post that the Democrats can only beat Trump by winning the 2020 election. The New York Times had a podcast that discussed how the lawmakers wanted a political showdown, but Mueller “resisted.” . . ."
All emphases in the original.

Rep. Henry Cuellar: Democratic Caucus As A Whole Has Not Decided To Move Forward On Impeachment
"They are such a mess, they can’t get their act together. And this guy has more sense than most. That’s why the Justice Dems want to primary him."

Beauty queen speaks the truth: ‘Coming out as conservative is harder than coming out as gay’

Lifesite News 

 "July 23, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — When a beauty queen was stripped of her Miss Michigan title because her old social media postings were deemed “offensive, insensitive and inappropriate,” she declared, “Coming out as a conservative is way harder than coming out as gay in today's society.”
"Kathy Zhu tweeted a screenshot last Friday of an email she had received from the pageant’s governing organization, explaining that her title had been revoked after tweets had been discovered concerning her “refusal to try on a hijab.”
“ 'The Miss World America Organization strips conservative activist Kathy Zhu of her Miss Michigan title for refusing to wear a hijab and ‘insensitive’ social media posts,” read a tweet by Fox & Friends First." . . .

. . . "“It is honestly sad that the left refers to statistics and facts as racist and insensitive,” Zhu said in a statement to The Independent, UK. 
“I am very glad that I now have the opportunity to speak out about the unjust treatment of conservatives,” continued the University of Michigan student.  
"Zhu, who was just old enough to vote in the 2016 Presidential election, also appeared in a YouTube video titled “Why this 18-year-old is voting for Donald Trump.”
"Zhu is 100 percent correct. I should know; I’ve done both.  
"I agree with Zhu: Coming out as conservative is far harder than coming out as gay. I should know; I’ve done both.  
"I “came out” as gay after my wife and I divorced in the late 1990s. I was amazed at the acceptance I experienced. No one condemned me or my predilections.  
"My experience “coming out as a conservative” to other gays, lesbians, and my liberal neighbors and colleagues, on the other hand, was often exceedingly unpleasant. 
"As I began forming friendships with other gay men in the Washington, D.C. area, one thing quickly became very clear to me: I had better keep my political and social opinions to myself. Or else.
"When I began dating a man who was related to a powerful Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives, he felt obligated to disclose the fact up front as if it might be a deal-breaker. I felt sorry for him: The look on his face was pained, as if he were confessing some unforgivable crime. He was astounded when I congratulated him and told him I thought his cousin was one of the best men in Congress. " . . .