Monday, February 14, 2011


Neal Boortz  "It would seem that if I'm going to be a good conservative there is some unwritten rule that I must believe that Sarah Palin would make a fantastic president of the United States.  Sorry, don't buy it.  Several times on the air I told my listeners that if they want to make sure that Barack Obama is a two-term president, all they have to do is put Sarah Palin on a national ticket.  Now before you go ballistic, hear me out.  It's not that I don't like her."...

Obama's Egypt bungling

Thomas Lifson  Niall Ferguson  "is not a man who can be dismissed by the left as a stupid conservative.
"He appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe this morning, and delivered an elquent and erudite critique of Obama that left the liberal hosts and panel members stunned. The five minutes you spend watching the video below will be well spent and staisfying.(sic)"

The Video we linked to yesterday that would not work. Here it is from Hot Air.

Gaddafi tells Palestinians: revolt against Israel

Reuters  "Palestinian refugees should capitalise on the wave of popular revolts in the Middle East by massing peacefully on the borders of Israel until it gives in to their demands, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi said on Sunday.
"Gaddafi is respected in many parts of the Arab world for his uncompromising criticism of Israel and Arab leaders who have dealings with the Jewish state, though some people in the region dismiss his initiatives as unrealistic."

Egypt: The Distance Between Enthusiasm and Reality

STRATFOR  "What we see is that while Mubarak is gone, the military regime in which he served has dramatically increased its power. This isn’t incompatible with democratic reform. Organizing elections, political parties and candidates is not something that can be done quickly. If the military is sincere in its intentions, it will have to do these things. The problem is that if the military is insincere it will do exactly the same things. Six months is a long time, passions can subside and promises can be forgotten."