Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Will GOP Victories Save Obama?

 American Thinker "Ideally should they win, the Republicans should push economically sound legislation, spending cuts and tax cuts and they should also embark on a communication blitz to show the American people what is working and why. And above all, as Mark Levin has pointed out, they should work to switch the worn out Democrat premise that starts every argument with the Republican or Conservative on the defensive. And above all, we should gladly accept a robust economy under President Obama even if he had nothing to do with it."

Justice IG probing Black Panther case

Washington Times   "Christopher Coates, the veteran Justice Department voting section chief who recommended going forward on the civil complaint against the New Black Panther Party, was removed from his post and transferred to the's office in South Carolina. New Black Panther Party members had disrupted a Philadelphia polling place in the November 2008 elections, one of whom intimidated would-be voters with a nightstick."

The Obamacare and Obama Tax Hike Double Whammy on Seniors (UPDATED)

Heritage "The top tax rates on qualified dividends are scheduled to jump from 15 percent to 39.6 percent on January 1, 2011. The left will claim that these tax hikes will only soak the rich while lower-income Americans will enjoy a free ride. This is false. Higher taxes on dividends will reduce the value of all corporate stocks traded in U.S. markets, regardless of who owns them. According to some estimates, the tax hike on dividends would cause stock prices to drop by more than $211 billion."

 The 1099 Insurrection ;The White House fights an effort to ease a burden on small business.  "The Senate will vote on amendments to the White House small business bill that would rescind an ObamaCare mandate that companies track and submit to the IRS all business-to-business transactions over $600 annually. Democrats tucked the 1099 reporting footnote into the bill to raise an estimated $17.1 billion, part of the effort to claim that ObamaCare reduces the deficit by $100 billion or so."

PLAYING POLITICS  "Earlier this week, the Republicans offered an amendment to repeal the infamous 1099 provision included in ObamaCare. The Democrats voted it down. Now we know why."

Like, Is Sarah Palin Totally Conceited?

Ann Coulter   "Yeah, like the Midwestern bellboy. But the reader is supposed to be gasping at the strangeness of the Palins, not the strangeness of the two reporters, standing alone, staring at the Palins' empty house on an imaginary "anniversary," postulating theories on why the Palins aren't there.
"It turns out the Palins had simply flown to Todd's parents' house for the weekend. No "curiosity seekers" showed up at the house to gawk -- other than the two reporters, who are utterly oblivious to the fact that the only paranoid psychotics in this story are themselves."
Maybe the reporters and David Letterman should be investigated for their Palinophobia.

Questions About Released Far-Left Activist “Hiker” Sarah Shourd

Debbie Schlussel   "You know my position on Shourd and her cohorts.  As I’ve written, they are far-left, anti-American, anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian propagandists who lived in Syria–another Muslim, human rights abusing, terrorist-host state for which she served as an apologist and shill, writing gushing articles about the country."....
 "* Who put up the $500,000 bail money to get Shourd out of Iran? Was it George Soros or one of his shell companies or organizations?

"* How long until Shourd starts spouting her anti-American, anti-Israel, pan-Islamic garbage in books, on Oprah and other TV interviews, etc?"