Bare Naked Islam . . . "The serious case report into the exploitation of six girls in the Oxfordshire area by a gang of seven Asian Muslim men, who were later convicted at the Old Bailey in London, found that police and social services failed to act long after they were made aware that children were engaged in sexual relations with the men thanks to “a combination of not grasping the extent of exploitation, the focus on the girls and their families as the source of the problems, the corresponding lack of focus on perpetrators, and a host of administrative and management issues” (Typos corrected)
Friday, March 6, 2015
Students at UC Irvine vote to ban American flag
Fox News
"Students at the University of California, Irvine have voted to make their school a more “culturally inclusive” place by banning the American flag.
"The Associated Students of University of California (ASUCI) passed a resolution March 3 that would remove the Stars & Stripes along with every other flag from the lobby of a complex housing the offices of the student government.
“ 'Designing a culturally inclusive space aims to remove barriers that create undue effort and separation by planning and designing spaces that enable everyone to participate equally and confidentially,” read the resolution authored by Matthew Guevara." . . .
Hat tip to Californian Harley Standlee
More and more on Hillary's emails?
Hillary Clinton was revealed to have used personal e-mail to conduct U.S. foreign policy while she was Secretary of State. She was speaking at Emily's List on Tuesday when a blonde in the audience heckled her about it. The blonde was hustled outside by security where Bill Clinton wrestled her to the ground. Comedian Argus HamiltonSecrets of Clinton emails revealed . . . "Hothem is the same aide who was charged with packing up and carting off furniture from the White House at the end of Bill Clinton's presidency that he said was 'Clinton’s personal property.'
Was the State Department 'IT guy' Asleep at the Switch? "Beyond the legal stuff, there are lots of red flags or things that jump at me:
1) Where was the "IT guy" at the State Department? Did he or she know that the Secretary of State, a person writing and reading about sensitive information, waa not using an official email?
2) If yes, who did he or she talk to about it? Was some supervisor alerted? How high up the chain did this alert go? Was President Obama alerted to the incredible risk of having the country's top diplomat doing the nation's business on a private server?
3) If no, then are these the same people who put together the ObamaCare website?
Hillary Clinton: Mean Girls Meets the Mob
Michael Walsh . . . At its heart, the Democrat Party is a collection of bootless self-aggrandizers interested primarily in power and money but also motivated by a juvenile wish to dominate others for their own sadistic pleasure. It uses collectivist slogans of “tolerance” and “compassion” to conceal its true ugly face, and hijacks the best instincts of its victims and uses them against them. In my forthcoming book, The Devil’s Pleasure Palace, I have dubbed this latest incarnation of a very old evil the “unholy Left” and the “satanic Left.” Of course, I mean that in the nicest possible way." . . .
Clinton State Department Ousted Ambassador Using Private Email . . . "In other words, State Department policy was very clear. Using a private email outside the State Department's secure system was completely unacceptable. If this applied to ambassadors, one would think it was sensible policy for the Secretary of State as well."
Follow the Money: Clinton Foundation "The reach of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation crosses oceans and international lines. The financial relationships, given the nature of Mrs. Clinton’s time as Secretary of State and Presidential ambitions, certainly raise questions about the ethical lines that could be crossed by corporations desiring access to such a powerful political figure." . .
. . . “ 'We have said from the beginning that our investigation would follow the facts wherever they lead us—and we intend to keep that promise by reviewing all of the relevant facts and documents in order to issue the definitive report on what happened before, during, and after the terrorist attacks in Benghazi,” Roskam added."
Netanyahu’s Churchillian warning
This was not Churchill of the 1940s, but Churchill of the 1930s, the wilderness prophet. Which is why for all its sonorous strength, Netanyahu’s speech had a terrible poignancy. After all, Churchill was ignored.
Charles Krauthammer
Charles Krauthammer

"Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress was notable in two respects. Queen Esther got her first standing O in 2,500 years. And President Obama came up empty in his campaign to preemptively undermine Netanyahu before the Israeli prime minister could present his case on the Iran negotiations.
"On the contrary. The steady stream of slights and insults turned an irritant into an international event and vastly increased the speech’s audience and reach. Instead of dramatically unveiling an Iranian nuclear deal as a fait accompli, Obama must now first defend his Iranian diplomacy.". . .
Obama’s petulant response was: “The prime minister didn’t offer any viable alternatives.” But he just did: conditional sunset, smaller infrastructure. And if the Iranians walk away, then you ratchet up sanctions, as Congress is urging, which, with collapsed oil prices, would render the regime extremely vulnerable.Read the full article.
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