Monday, April 28, 2014

The Week Ahead in Regulation: April 28 to May 2

American Action Forum  "There is plenty afoot on the regulatory scene heading into this week. Congress is back in session after a two-week recess. More notably, there are a few significant regulations scheduled for publication."
Today, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published its final Tier 3 fuel standards rule. At nearly $14.5 billion in total costs, it is the most expensive rule to date in 2014. AAF reviewed its implications here.
  • Tomorrow, the Department of Energy will formally publish a proposal for new energy efficiency standards in fluorescent lamps and incandescent reflector lamps. The total regulatory cost of the rulemaking approaches $13 billion.

  • On Thursday, the Mine Safety and Health Administration will publish a rule seeking to limit exposure to coal dust. Although annualized costs are somewhat modest, at $28.1 million, the rule itself is massive. The pre-publication version is nearly 1,000 pages.
    When A Major Regulation Isn’t Major, Or Is it?   "For more than three years, the American Action Forum (AAF) has been tracking every federal rulemaking, no matter how trivial. In that time, AAF has developed a searchable database with more than 4,000 notable federal regulations, with information on costs, benefits, and paperwork hours.

    "Just as finding regulations and supporting documents can sometimes be difficult, determining whether a rulemaking is “economically significant” or “major” is not always straightforward. We at the American Action Forum have experienced this first hand."

    The submarine that SANK A TRAIN!!

    Home of Heroes  

    The story of the saboteurs of the U.S.S. Barb is one of those unique, little known stories of World War II.  It becomes increasingly important when one realizes that the 8 sailors who blew up the train at near Kashiho, Japan conducted the ONLY GROUND COMBAT OPERATION on the Japanese "homeland" of World War II. 
    fluckey_saboteurs.jpg (47349 bytes)
     The eight saboteurs were:  (L to R)
    Paul Saunders, William Hatfield, Francis Sever, Lawrence Newland, Edward Klinglesmith, James Richard, John Markuson, and William Walker.
    Members of the sabotage team pose with the Ships flag
    (The train mission is noted at the center bottom of the flag)

    Hat tip to Robert Hope; Sacramento, CA

    The VA: The military's Obamacare

    Obama: US takes VA neglect claim 'very seriously'  "Obama: US takes VA neglect claim 'very seriously' "

    Netanyahu compares Iran nuclear threat to Nazi menace

    The Times of Israel    "The world turned a blind eye to the rising Nazi threat over 75 years ago, and today Iran is being allowed to develop its nuclear program and menace Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday as the country marked Holocaust Remembrance Day."... 

    Benjamin Netanyahu         @netanyahu    
    Hamas denies the Holocaust even as it attempts to create an additional Holocaust by destroying the State of Israel.

     The Holocaust Remembered    ..."Pressman explained, “Gil’s toughest obstacle was not the Gestapo in Berlin or Vienna, but was the U.S. State Department. It was tougher for Gil to get the children into the U.S. than it was to get them out of Nazi Germany." ...
    ... "There is a need to recognize that within about ten years there will be no living eyewitnesses left.  As Holocaust Remembrance Day on April 28th is observed, readers can reflect on these powerful stories about the choices made in the course of one’s life. People should think about what is happening today and ask themselves would they have the strength and courage to take action as the heroic characters in these two books did. Every generation should hold themselves responsible for keeping the victims’ stories alive."

    A bit of Bill Maher for people who can't stand Bill Maher

    Bill Maher Hammers ‘Political Correctness Nazis’ In Scathing Rant Aimed at His Fellow Liberals   Even though I like some of his thoughts, he's still a smug, self-righteous liberal.
    "Bill Maher Hammers ‘Political Correctness Nazis’ In Scathing Rant Aimed at His Fellow Liberals."
    (content warning: vulgar language used)

    "Finally, Maher concluded his rousing monologue, expressing annoyance that some atheists will sue to have public displays of Christianity removed.
    “Even atheists make me roll my eyes sometimes,” he said. “Like when they sued to have a cross taken down from a building. Oh for f***s sake, we are atheists not vampires. If you can’t handle  seeing a cross now and then, you picked the wrong country.' ”

    If Cliven Bundy were a liberal...

    Nancy Pelosi would be singing his praises, I can visualize.
    Thank you, Mr. Terrell, for saying what needed to be said.