Friday, November 18, 2016

Trump and the media

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The media are telling us how to think and they want us to think badly of Trump.  "The same crowd that tried to push him around is now trying to order him around. They think they own Trump.

"At about the same time that Mayor de Blasio lectured Trump on how to behave, the press boys and girls read him the riot act because he failed to report back to them when he sneaked out for a steak at 21 Club. They too instructed Trump on how to behave, which amounts to galloping chutzpah." . . .  

Geraldo Rivera: I Have Never Seen ‘the Mainstream Media … Be So Partisan’  . . . "Rivera said on “Fox & Friends” in the wake of allegations that Trump inappropriately touched or kissed several women years ago.
. . . "Earhardt noted that on Thursday night, ABC, NBC, and CBS all devoted a significant amount of time to the allegations – up to nine minutes on ABC and NBC and five minutes on CBS, while only devoting seconds – 30 on ABC, 26 on CBS and none on NBC – to Wikileaks’ leaked Clinton emails."

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The New York Times “Rededication” Must Address Middle East Reporting
Will the newspaper heed the call of one of its former editors to stop treating Palestinians as “just victims”? Will it sufficiently cover and fully explore the role played by Palestinian incitement to violence and continued rejection of a Jewish state in the Middle East in the continued conflict? Or will it continue to advocate for Palestinians? If the latter, don’t hold your breath for changes in any of the other contentious topics covered by the newspaper.
Fake News and Our Cultural Crisis

"False stories on Facebook are worrisome, but the mainstream media’s own distortion of the truth is worse."
. . . "What do I mean by that? Just take a look at the past week’s worth of false media narratives:
1. "The Trump administration is in disarray." . . .
2. "Trump is already showing signs of unsavory nepotism." . . .
3. "Steve Bannon is a white nationalist like David Duke. Yes, Breitbart has championed the alt-right. But the evidence is not nearly as clear as the media have made it seem." . . .

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Pat Caddell: CNN ‘Smearing’ Trump Supporters — ‘They Just Call Everybody a Racist’  . . . "Caddell said, “What they have not admitted is their complicity in Hillary Clinton’s campaign, or their unbelievable bias, and worse, their smearing of people, including Steve Bannon and others so that they could make some political points.”

"He laid the blame on having someone from Hollywood like Jeff Zucker running the network. “I don’t think it will go very well if that continues,” said Caddell. “They need to start with, ‘Hey, we did some not very professional things during this campaign,'” he added.
"It was CNN’s Donna Brazile who provided questions to Hillary Clinton’s campaign before a scheduled debate.
"Caddell said, “They need to start a new, clean effort to inform the American people, not to dictate to them. This is the loss of journalism.' ” . . .

The Two Americas, Graphically Illustrated

PJ Media

. . . "Hillary's America, by contrast, is minuscule -- only 15 percent of the American land mass, according to the Times.
Hillary Clinton overwhelmingly won the cities, like Los Angeles, Chicago and New York City, but Mr. Trump won many of the suburbs, isolating the cities in a sea of Republican voters. Mrs. Clinton’s island nation has large atolls and small island chains with liberal cores, like college towns, Native American reservations and areas with black and Hispanic majorities. While the land area is small, the residents here voted for Mrs. Clinton in large enough numbers to make her the winner of the overall popular vote.
"Click on the link for a map showing just how small her geographic appeal is. At the current count, she beat Trump in the popular vote, but that doesn't matter -- to win a presidential race, it depends on where you get the votes, not how many overall. "

This is NOT my father's Democrat Party and we must get America out from under it's thumb!

How Trump Can Stop Obama from Closing Gitmo   . . . "Terrorists were big supporters of Barack Obama. At Gitmo they were chanting“Obama! Obama! Obama!” during election night and when he won started chanting to their guards and prosecutors the refrain “Hey, hey…goodbye' ” . . .

Trump’s unheralded victory: Smashing the ‘Media Veto’   "The propagandists of Democrats’ media machine have more than met their match in Donald Trump." . . .
"Let’s call it the “Media Veto.”  It is actually a cooperative endeavor of the media and Democrats." . . .

Spicer: 'People Are Drawn to Donald Trump...We Had Over 47,000 Resumes'  " 'People are drawn to Donald Trump right now," Spicer said. "We had over 47,000 resumes at People want to be part of this administration. And you're seeing a number of these quality-caliber-type people come in and out, share their ideas with him, and then he is able to sit back and figure out who will be the best people to help enact that vision.' " . . .

Trump Mandate: Save the US Navy

Trump Mandate: Save the US Navy

. . . "Political ship naming. Throwing away ship­naming convention, this Secretary named a U.S. warship after Democrat Congressman John Murtha, an appropriator who gave money to the Pentagon, was an “unindicted co­conspirator” in the FBI’s “Abscam” investigation, and on whom public corruption questions still circulate. The move was flagrantly political. It was compounded by naming another ship after Mexican­ American political activist, Cesar Chavez, who disdained the Navy. Then a combat ship for former Democrat Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford, icon of gun control. This year, ships for Democrat Congressman John Lewis, and Democrat gay rights activist Harvey Milk. This Secretary chose party over Navy. 

"Social engineering. Taking from George Orwell, he unilaterally ended the longstanding suffix “­ man” on all Navy ratings, some dating to the American Revolution, and led a public relations policy focused on “gender­neutralizing.” Public discussion shifted from big issues – readiness, procurement reform, timely ship delivery, ship capability, cyber­security and re­grounding Navy morale – to fringe fancies, such as “transgender” training and bathrooms, sex changes and overruling US Marine Corps advice for headlines. " . . .

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Trump Campaign Promise Tracker

R. Mitchell  "Donald Trump won the 2016 election and made some bold promises. This page will track his administration’s ability to live up to every single one of them. Don’t see a promise listed that you remember him making or feel that tracking information should be updated? Just let us know in the comment section below.

Trump’s Campaign Promises and Status

SHOPPERS: Stores DROP Ivanka’s Products Over Trump Win – Should They Be BOYCOTTED?

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Doug Giles  "Stores are showing their true (blue) colors as they pull Ivanka’s products from shelves. Putting politics before profit, let’s see how that works out.
"Disgruntled Liberals have started a campaign called #GrabYourWallet to boycott Trump-related products. Oddly, feminists are REALLY upset about Ivanka’s line of products and are demanding that they be pulled from store shelves.
"A Marketing professional from the San Francisco Bay area, Shannon Coulter, came up with #GrabYourWallet boycott after the Access Hollywood video was released. She then targeted retailers that supported Trump:

", a Canadian online retailer, was the first to ‘dump Trump’ under the #GrabYourWallet boycott."

Progressives’ Anti-Christian Bigotry Helped Make Trump President

National Review

"They have only themselves to blame for driving away millions of Evangelicals."
. . . "There is a pervasive feeling among American Christians that secular progressives will actively seek out new and creative ways to persecute and marginalize them."
. . . 
"Millions of American Christians understand that if you work for a state or local governments — or even for private companies — publicly vocalizing traditional Christian views of sexual morality can cost you your job, even as outspoken support for radically new sexual morality is lauded. If you start a Christian group on campus, administrators by the hundreds will deem you “discriminatory” and “bigoted” for daring to assert that it should be run by Christians. Meanwhile, liberal activist groups operate with impunity, often coordinating their well-funded efforts with university administrators and faculty."
. . .
"If you’re a Christian who runs a business, you’re exactly one decision or one statement away not just from vicious social-media shame campaigns and boycotts but also from vengeful state action that could close your store and bankrupt your family.

"If you’re a Christian applying for a job in higher education, you can expect doors to be slammed in your face, less-qualified candidates to enjoy greater opportunities, and hostile faculties and administrations to sometimes ask probing or even illegal questions about your “bigotry.' ”

Anti-Trump Protesters Release Personal Info of Electoral College Members

Weasel Zippers

"We reported how a google spreadsheet was first posted by Twitter account, @VoteHillary2016 whose admin is Steve Rosinki, a man connected to the Clinton campaign. Shortly thereafter, reports started coming in of electors being harassed and intimidated. It appears the spreadsheet has made it down to the rank and file to continue harassing the electors.

A national anti-Donald Trump group called the #NotMyPresident Alliance distributed the personal information of dozens of Electoral College members to its supporters on Wednesday through a Google doc spreadsheet.
The Electoral College members targeted were those who represented states that voted Republican, BuzzFeed reported.
A spreadsheet distributed to supporters Wednesday included the personal phone numbers, addresses, religions, races, genders, and candidate preference of the electors. The document does not have a complete set of data on every elector.
The group hopes that its members and citizens around the country will contact electors and persuade them to change their vote from Donald Trump to another candidate before Dec. 19, when electors cast their votes. The group does not advocate for Hillary Clinton or any other specific candidate, rather asking protesters to encourage electors from each state to a consensus that isn’t Trump.