Tuesday, October 2, 2012

SEE IT NOW: Daily Caller’s Full-Length 36 Minute Version Of Obama Race Hatred Incitement Tape/Full Transcript

Pat Dollard "Daily Caller: In a video obtained exclusively by The Daily Caller, then-presidential candidate Barack Obama tells an audience of black ministers, including the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, that the U.S. government shortchanged Hurricane Katrina victims because of racism."
"The racially charged and at times angry speech undermines Obama’s carefully-crafted image as a leader eager to build bridges between ethnic groups. For nearly 40 minutes, using an accent he almost never adopts in public, Obama describes a racist, zero-sum society, in which the white majority profits by exploiting black America. The mostly black audience shouts in agreement. The effect is closer to an Al Sharpton rally than a conventional campaign event."
Hat tip to Danny Shouse at Conservative Bloggers on Facebook

Right On Cue: MSNBC’s Shrill Elitist Rachel Maddow Labels Daily Caller Video Of Obama Racist…
"No, she’s not calling Obama’s “get whitey” speech racist, rather it’s conservatives for pointing it out."

Devastating Side-By-Side Comparison Of Obama’s Two Race Speeches…

On Obama’s Other Race Speech   "Simply put, Barack Obama was and still is Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s most studious and successful disciple."

The MSM treats it like no big deal;  "For decades, the establishment media has been in the tank for the left — to the point where Bill Clinton was paraphrased by the Washington Post in 2006 as saying, “There is an expectation among Democrats that establishment old media organizations are de facto allies.”

"Or to put it another way, as the Washington Examiner notes tonight in an editorial, “To believe Obama is to forget the last four years.” That’s what both the Obama administration and their palace guard are hoping."

Accuracy in AcademiaDismantling Progressive Slot Machines  "“Progressives who are reliably hostile to the idea of intelligent design in human evolution, are positively ecstatic about it in economic planning,” Kernen notes. “Of course, intelligent design in biology at least argues that the designer is divine and resides in heaven; in Progressive economics, it just assumes that the designer has a Ph.D. and lives in Washington, D. C.” "
  "Kernen shows how the attempts of social engineers to improve the human condition with government mandates frequently go awry. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is one of these. Although the goal of the ADA was “to improve job prospects for disabled Americans,” “employment of disabled men in their prime earning years—age twenty-one to fifty-eight—declined after the passage of the ADA.” "

Obama campaign deletes outrageous “lady parts” e-card

Beltway Confidential "Looks like the folks running the Obama campaign Tumblr got an earful. The controversial e-card informing women to “Vote like your lady parts depend on it” has been deleted. The link now leads to an error page.

"The screen capture of the post is posted below:"

The coming debates

Ringside with Romney"As Romney engages Obama, listen and watch for five things that matter to those who are close to the Republican nominee. According to Romney’s advisers and several Republican consultants, these are the five factors that will shape much of the debate and the ensuing media narrative."

The debates...more important than the msm wants you to believe  "Mitt Romney has to attack Obama and expose his economic Achilles heel by catching him off guard with facts, facts, and more facts showing that this economy will NOT revive unless there is a change in leadership, and that America’s standing in the world will NOT improve until there is that same change in leadership. Yet he surely knows that he cannot attack Obama personally while doing this, because he must be dutifully careful NOT to alienate any swing voters."
Hat tip to Rick Bulow at Conservative Nation Radio Shows

How Romney can make health care an asset in Wednesday’s debate  "Romney needs to highlight the long chain of tax increases (especially the hidden, indirect, and unindexed ones) put in place to finance a large portion of Obamacare’s future costs and how all of them will hit workers and patients one way or another."

Jennifer Rubin says that "Obama is out of ideas"  "...the most liberal man ever to hold the presidency has not a single “new” or creative (i.e., “Third Way”) idea. For the economy: Spend more, raise taxes and hire public employees. For the budget: Slash defense and raise taxes on the rich. He has made no effort to innovate on entitlement reform, take risks on immigration reform or embrace tax reform as a way out of the partisan standoff on taxes and the debt."

This just in from Jerry Bentley in Lompoc, CA: 
If someone asks you what the main difference is between Romney supporters and most of the Obama supporters, just tell them that the Romney supporters sign their checks on the front, and the Obama supporters sign their checks on the back.        

The Obama Foreign Policy

Susan Rice calls the plays for Barack Obama at the United Nations. Could she lead his foreign-policy team next? Should she?
"Obama made, in effect, a hard-nosed case for what might otherwise be seen as a dangerously soft-nosed policy."
...."In the entertaining parlor game of "Who would be secretary of state in a hypothetical Obama second term?" Rice is now considered the leader, or perhaps tied with Donilon, though questions about his possible role in the recent disclosure of sensitive national security information to the New York Times could threaten his confirmability. (Handicappers now place both in front of Sen. John Kerry.) "

Victor Davis Hanson; The Ripples of 9/11  "Note that alternatives to the Bush-era anti-terrorism protocols more recently proposed by the Obama administration — trying Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in a civilian court not far from Ground Zero in Manhattan, giving Miranda rights to detained terrorists, putting former CIA agents on trial for the interrogation techniques they used to gain information from detainees... have all gone nowhere.

"Absolutely Certain"; 800,000 hits on this video.

We posted this video on Sunday. It has since nearly gone viral and was again discussed here today:
; Legal Insurrection  "The video below, Absolutely Uncertain ...already has over 800,000 views on YouTube.
"I understand Irina’s point, the trust in Obama has been shaken, and now she is uncertain about Obama’s commitment to Israel."
"I’m not uncertain.  I am certain that in a second term, freed of the need to be reelected, Obama will lower the hammer on Israel and go back to his political roots in Jeremiah Wright’s church and his association with anti-Israeli academics.
"At best, Obama will force a return to the 1949 armistice lines under threat of siding with the Palestinians at the U.N. and restricting military assistance.  If the U.S. goes along with another crazy Security Council resolution, as it came very close to doing already, Israel will be irreparably damaged.
"I don’t trust Obama on Israel one iota.  I’m certain, and Irina should be too."...

Univision holds a class on journalism; watch and learn,CBS, ABC and any news source with the letters N, B, and C in their name in that order

Univision practices journalism  "Again, we thank Univision for practicing journalism.  We needed that! 
"Will another organization get inspired and do something similar about Solyndra?  Or how the Obama administration gave federal loan guarantees to rich Democrats who contributed to their campaign?"
American Media Ignores Univision Fast and Furious Report   "As Breitbart News' own Mary Chastain documented here and here and here, no shortage of news about Fast and Furious came out yesterday; and yet today, the media finds new swing state polls showing Obama ahead worth beating like a dead horse, but we're seeing almost nothing about this."

Media Watch: Politico Cover Up of Libya, Fast and Furious Scandals Marches On

IBD; Univision Exposes Fast and Furious' Rising Body Count  "Kudos to Univision, which regrettably will not have a reporter at Wednesday's presidential debate to ask the tough questions the administration's media sycophants will not, for pursuing the truth on Fast and Furious with more vigor than most American media outlets."