Sunday, October 28, 2012

Where was the "gutsy call"?

American Thinker directs us to this piece on Benghazi by Clarice Feldman: Issa Benghazi Transcript, which features this post below.

" On Saturday, retired Army Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer told Fox News that according to his sources, President Obama watched the assault on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, from the White House as it took place.
" “This was in the middle of the business day in Washington, so everybody at the White House, CIA, Pentagon, everybody was watching this go down,” he said on Fox News’ “Justice with Judge Jeanine.”“According to my sources, yes, [President Obama] was one of those in the White House Situation Room in real-time watching this,” he added.
"Col. David Hunt, a Fox News military analyst, said the "entire U.S. government was paying attention," since this was the fourth embassy to have been attacked in a 24-hour period.
"But President Obama said Friday that he was "not personally aware" of any requests for additional security."

Having your Soldiers' Back  "The Israelis have been known to trade live terrorists for the bodies of its soldiers held by its enemies. That's what it means to have your soldiers' collective back. And their families' back. "
"If Secretary Panetta and Chairman Dempsey denied the SEALS request, they should resign in shame. If the decision was made higher up, the President and Vice President should resign -- the President because he is Commander in Chief, the Vice President because he is the father of a soldier."

Related to the aftermath: Condolence, Then and Now

Obama's beautiful economic picture book. Honest, I just get it for the pictures.

Rich Lowry; Obama's pathetic picture book   "As an artifact of the diminishment of President Barack Obama, it is hard to top his newly released pamphlet, "The New Economic Patriotism: A Plan for Jobs and Middle-Class Security." "  ...."It cobbles together his current policies with some ill-defined new bullet points to barely cover 20 pages largely devoted to nice pictures of the president."
.... "On the deficit, the pamphlet touts the same old $4 trillion plan, which is a little more than a hoary talking point. On entitlements, the president's plan evidently is to do nothing on Medicaid, do nothing on Social Security and do nothing on Medicare, except pretend that his $716 billion in cuts to fund "Obamacare" were a boon to the program. "
Obama’s “New Economic Patriotism”   "Let’s examine a few of its claims:
•Has the President created 5 million jobs? No.
•Has the President “strengthened Medicare”? Definitely no.
•Is the President “leading the fight to safely and responsibly develop all sources of domestic energy”? No and more no.
"President Obama’s plans do nothing to address the major problems with the U.S. economy. He does not tackle the fundamental budgeting problems, which would require reforming entitlement programs and halting out-of-control federal spending."
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Remember back in 2008 when Uncle Joe said paying more taxes was patriotic?

Krauthammer; Obama stoops, doesn’t conquer

Charles Krauthammer  “This nation. Me.” — Barack Obama, third presidential debate .
"Okay, okay. I’ll give you the context. Obama was talking about “when Tunisians began to protest, this nation, me, my administration, stood with them.” Still. How many democratic leaders (de Gaulle excluded) would place the word “me” in such regal proximity to the word “nation”?"
"Obama may blithely dismiss the need for more ships, but the Navy wants at least 310 and the latest Quadrennial Defense Review Independent Panel report says that defending America’s vital interests requires 346 ships (vs. 287 today). Does anyone doubt that if we continue as we are headed, down to fewer than 230, the casualty will be entire carrier battle groups, precisely the kind of high-tech force multipliers that Obama pretends our national security requires?"
"Romney chose to do a Reagan: Don’t quarrel. Speak softly. Meet the threshold.
"We’ll soon know whether steady-as-she-goes was the right choice."
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

GAFFNEY: The real reason behind Benghazigate

Washington Times  Note that this article uses words such as "suggests", "appears", "what cries out for further investigation... is whether..." and, of course, "it seems".  Bear that in mind as we wait to see if this story grows past this one column. TD
"What cries out for further investigation — and debate in the remaining days of this presidential election — is whether this shipment was part of a larger covert Obama effort to transfer weapons to our enemies that could make the Iran-Contra scandal, to say nothing of Operation Fast and Furious, pale by comparison."
...."In short, it seems President Obama has been engaged in gun-walking on a massive scale. The effect has been to equip America’s enemies to wage jihad not only against regimes it once claimed were our friends, but inevitably against us and our allies as well."
Other related links below are from a Townhall printing of the previous article.
Clare Lopez; 
Arms Flow to Syria May Be Behind Benghazi Cover-Up
"According to August, 2012 reports leaked to the media, sometime earlier in 2012, President Obama signed an intelligence finding to permit the CIA and other US government agencies to provide support to the Syrian rebels, whose ranks are reported to be dominated by Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood and other jihadist fighters who already are supported by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and other jihadist regimes. Was Belhadj a conduit for U.S. support, perhaps via Turkey?"

"Similarly, the Obama administration is currently aiding the rebels fighting Assad’s regime in Syria amid widespread reports that al-Qaida jihadists are included in the ranks of the Free Syrian Army.
During the revolution against Gadhafi’s regime, the U.S. admitted to directly arming the rebel groups."

Bret Baier's Fox report links Libya and gun-running in this report: (video)

Hat tip to Harley Standlee; Placerville, CA