Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Patriotic Muslim’s Warning on Ground Zero Mosque

Pajamas Media "The project threatens to send a message of weakness to Islamists the world over, warns Dr. Zuhdi Jasser in an exclusive interview with PJM."

A Little of a Bad Thing Doesn't Make It Good

Heritage "Why are global-warming bills and similar measures so unpopular? Because they cost so much and help so little. The Center for Data Analysis at The Heritage Foundation found that the aggregate lost national income (GDP) from the Waxman-Markey bill would be more than $9 trillion for just the first two dozen years of a 40-year program. That adds up to thousands of dollars per year per family -- and leads to energy price increases of 50 percent to 90 percent."

Democratic Leadership?

Victor Davis Hanson  "Note how all this wealth was made: John Edwards made it summarizing personal-injury cases against doctors; Al Gore by hyping a global-warming Armageddon and then offering psychological and concrete ameliorations for it; John Kerry by marrying someone who had married someone who had inherited it. This suggests that some of the most influential of the rich Democratic elite don’t have much experience with the role of low taxes or less regulation in fostering profitable, capital-creating enterprises."

Race on the Brain

Victor Davis Hanson "Sherrod amplified her remarks, her husband’s views were aired, and the net result was yet another incident in a long, tired narrative, one the American people did not have to endure when other prominent African Americans (Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice) held some of the nation’s top offices."

That Mosque (Updated)

MORE ON THE MOSQUE "If you get the Arabic version of the Imam's book the title will be "A Call for Dawa from the World Trade Center Rubble" Now the only part of that phrase you might not understand is the word "Dawa." So let's replace that word with one that infidels will understand and re-state the title to the Imam's book: "A Call For The Spread of Islam From the World Trade Center Rubble" "
Neal Boortz.

Dunn acts as Obama attack dog on mosque, says GOP ’solidifying its reputation for intolerance’
"Coming from Dunn — who is no longer works for the Obama administration but still goes to the White House for regular message meetings — the attacks on the GOP could be viewed as having been coordinated with top advisers to the president such as David Axelrod and Dan Pfeiffer, her former deputy who now runs Obama’s communications shop."

MSNBC Host Norah O’Donnell: Those Who Oppose Ground Zero Mosque are “Acting Like the 9/11 Terrorists Who Killed 3,000 People”…
"What are these people getting out of all this????? there has got to be a big payoff for everyone in the liberal circle to be this anti American ?" From the comments section.

How Should We Understand the Al-Arabiya Editor? "Is this the beginning of a courageous voice of reason within the Muslim world? Or, is it a way of distracting Americans from the issue and keeping Islamic advancement under wraps? Time will tell."

Nancy Pelosi calls for investigation into opponents of Ground Zero Mosque "On Planet Pelosi, the only way a political movement happens is with funding and direction from above -- as in the case of the vast network of Soros-funded organizations, and the Axelrod-sponsored Astroturf groups. The concept that ordinary people stand up and protest because of their convictions is alien to her." Pelosi Calls for Investigation of Mosque Opposition "In an interview with KCBS radio, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) yesterday called for a congressional investigation into opposition to the Cordoba House:"...

Muslim Critic of Ground Zero Mosque Says She’s Being Threatened by Property’s Owner "On Monday, back in Toronto, Raza says she received a call on her cellphone from a man who identified as Sharif El Gamal. “His tone was intimidating,” said Raza. “He accused me of ‘jumping into’ the meeting he called and then said ‘May Allah protect you.’ I was shocked and hung up.” "

No Church at Ground Zero, Yet Faith and Hope Persist "For the 91st year, members of the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox parish in Lower Manhattan gathered on the day in the liturgical calendar that honors the namesake of their church. For the seventh year, they had no church in which to gather. "

Arabs distance themselves from Ground Zero Mosque  "But what do Arab Muslims think about the so-called “ground-zero mosque”? “Many Muslims fear that the mosque will become a shrine for Islamists, which would remind Americans of what Muslims did on 9/11,” Dr. Gamal Abd Al-Gawad, director of Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies in Cairo told The Media Line."

The Beginning of the End of the Ground Zero Mosque  Quoting Abdul Rahman Al-Rashid, director of Al-Arabiya TV 
"...I do not think that the majority of Muslims want to build a symbol or a worship place that tomorrow might become a place about which the terrorists and their Muslim followers boast, and which will become a shrine for Islam haters whose aim is to turn the public opinion against Islam.”
William Kristol, Weekly Standard

US breast cancer drug decision 'marks start of death panels'

UK Telegraph "The FDA advisory panel has now voted 12-1 to drop the endorsement for breast cancer treatment. The panel unusually cited "effectiveness" grounds for the decision. But it has been claimed that "cost effectiveness" was the real reason ahead of reforms in which the government will extend health insurance to the poorest."

Will Republicans Save Us?

Walter E. Williams "Democrat control of the White House, House of Representatives and the Senate has produced an unprecedented level of political brazenness and contempt for the limitations placed on the federal government by the U.S. Constitution. As such, it has raised a level of constitutional interest and anger against Washington's interference in our lives that has been dormant for far too long."....
"The question is what can liberty-minded Americans expect from a Republican majority? Maybe a good starting point for an answer might be to examine how Republicans have handled their majority in the past." 

Thomas Sowell: Dismantling America: Part II

Townhall ""We the people" are the central concern of the Constitution, as well as its opening words, since it is a Constitution for a self-governing nation. But "we the people" are treated as an obstacle to circumvent by the current administration in Washington.
"One way of circumventing the people is to rush legislation through Congress so fast that no one knows what is buried in it. Did you know that the so-called health care reform bill contained a provision creating a tax on people who buy and sell gold coins?"....
"You might debate whether that tax is a good or a bad idea. But the whole point of burying it in legislation about medical insurance is to make sure "we the people" don't even know about it, much less have a chance to debate it, before it becomes law."

Neal Boortz on Sowell's article "The America your grandchildren will grow to know will look nothing like that in which we grew up in. While I can't say that this administration and this period in history are entirely to blame, Obama-Pelosi-Reid have sure have their hand in this disastrous change."

Where China Invests, And Why It Matters

Forbes "As the nation increases spending on overseas deals, it becomes even more important to keep tabs on where the renminbi* are going."  *Chinese currency