Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Darrell Brooks Jr.: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know  "Darrell Brooks Jr. is the registered sex offender with two open cases and an extensive criminal history who is now charged with five counts of first-degree intentional homicide in the Waukesha Christmas parade rampage Wisconsin that left 60 people injured.

"The 39-year-old Brooks, a felon many times over, was identified by Waukesha Police Chief Daniel Thompson at a press conference on November 22, 2021, as the suspect in the tragedy. Thompson said Brooks was driving the red SUV that plowed into the parade participants, a scene captured in graphic videos; he had been involved in a “domestic disturbance” not long before he is accused of driving into the holiday parade route and left that scene before police arrived. He was not being chased by officers before entering the parade route, Thompson said.

"Read the criminal complaint against Brooks here. It describes how two detectives tried to stop him to no avail.

"They said he was driving 25 miles an hour and “had no emotion on his face” as he accelerated. He could have made a right turn out of the parade route but instead began to “rapidly accelerate” into the crowd of parade participants, the complaint says. The officer believed “this was an intentional act to strike and hurt as many people as possible…He observed the vehicle appeared to be intentionally moving side to side, striking multiple people, and bodies and objects were flying from the area of the vehicle.”

"A witness told police the SUV drove in a “zig zag motion. It was like the SUV was trying to avoid vehicles, not people. There was no attempt made by the vehicle to stop, much less slow down. Another witness aid he felt it was a “direct intent to hit as many parade participants.”

"In court during Brooks’ first appearance on November 23, 2021, the district attorney of Waukesha County, Sue Opper, revealed that Brooks also had a family violence arrest in Georgia while he was out on $500 bail in the first Milwaukee County case, which accused him of shooting toward a family member’s car after an argument. In addition, he had an active warrant from Nevada for non-compliance as a registered sex offender for the past five years. Despite those things, when he was accused of trying to run a woman over at a gas station a few days before the parade tragedy, he was released on $1,000 bail." . . .

By the way...  Internet Sleuths Allege That CNN Is Lightening The Skin Color Of Waukesha Terrorist Darrell Brooks (Photos)

Illinois Democrat Who Called Wakesha Attack 'Karma' Resigns "Mary Lemanski, the Illinois Democrat who claimed that the vehicle attack by career criminal Darrell Brooks in Waukesha, Wisc. was “karma” for Wisconsin residents after the Rittenhouse verdict has resigned her post, according to the DuPage County Democratic Party." . . .

 I hope Joy Reid and her panelists go immediately, if not sooner.

Actress Helen Mirren Branded a ‘Racist’ For Playing Israel’s Only Female Leader Golda Meir…

 Stand tall, Dame Helen! I beg you to never apologize to the demagogues. 

Weasel Zippers

Via Daily Caller:

Dame Helen Mirren has been subjected to a torrent of abuse for appearing as Israel’s only female leader in a forthcoming biopic.

Internet trolls branded the Oscar-winning actress ‘racist’ and described her as a ‘well known Zionist and Israel-worshipper’ after taking on the role of wartime prime minister Golda Meir.

The film, Golda, is set during the Yom Kippur War in 1973 when Arab states attacked Israel.

Dame Helen described Meir as ‘a formidable, intransigent and powerful leader’ and said it was ‘a great challenge to portray her at the most difficult moment of her extraordinary life’.

But critics on social media described the production as ‘fascism’, ‘sick’ and ‘tasteless’.

One Twitter user, who said they were ‘Palestinian and proud’, wrote: ‘How sick making a biopic on criminal Golda Meir and yes no surprise Helen Mirren the racist is happy to portray the pure distorted version of a disgusting individual.’

Keep reading…

With these leaders may God help our nation

While Biden Continues His Smears, Trump Meets with Kyle Rittenhouse

 Election Wizard

BREAKING: Tucker Carlson's Kyle Rittenhouse interview was seen by 4.9 million viewers on Fox News. That was more than 2.5 times the combined audience of MSNBC and CNN during the same hour.

  "Millions of citizens long ago concluded that professional sports, academia, and entertainment were no longer disinterested institutions, but far Left and deliberately hostile to Middle America.

"Yet American conservatives still adamantly supported the nation’s traditional investigatory, intelligence, and military agencies — especially when they came under budgetary or cultural attacks.

"Not so much anymore.

"For the first time in memory, conservatives now connect the FBI hierarchy with bureaucratic bloat, political bias, and even illegality.

"In the last five years, the FBI was mostly in the news for the checkered careers of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Robert Mueller, Lisa Page, and Peter Strzok. Add in the criminality of convicted FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith.". . .

Gutfeld: Stories like these show you how the media works

Whatfinger Video

I&I Awards Its First ‘Foolitzer Prize’ To MSNBC For Its Thanksgiving Coverage


. . ."In what appears to be a pre-taped “essay” for the show, Gyasi Ross, identified as an American Indian, lectured viewers on “the mythology of Thanksgiving,” which he believes “closely mimics the mythology of white America.” The idea of “equal exchange” between Native Americans and settlers on what some say is the first Thanksgiving is how America “wants to see itself.”

“ 'I’m still trying to find out what indigenous people received of value” from the first Thanksgiving, he said. “Instead of bringing stuffing and biscuits, those settlers brought genocide and violence.”

"Of course, he conveniently ignores the genocide and violence among the tribes before Europeans arrived on the continent, the same genocide and violence that has afflicted humans throughout their history. He also forgets to mention that the first Thanksgiving happened more than 150 years before there was an America, and there’s no acknowledgement that some Cherokees owned black slaves." . . .

Bonus feature:

Yes, Media Bias Still Matters

Full article here or at American Spectatoer

The American Spectator

Most American “journalism” is partisan propaganda for Democrats.

"Tens of millions of Americans believe Kyle Rittenhouse should have been convicted of homicide in Kenosha, just like many of the same people still believe that the riots of 2020 were “mostly peaceful” protests, or that “Russian collusion” explains how Donald Trump was elected president. They believe these things because powerful institutions of American journalism — from the New York Times and the Associated Press to CNN and the nightly broadcast news programs — want them to believe in such falsehoods.

"The late talk-radio legend Rush Limbaugh used to say that, if all he wanted to do was complain about liberal media bias, he could fill three hours a day, five days a week with nothing else. And it often seems futile to call attention to examples of liberal bias in most of what is called “journalism,” because the examples are as numerous as the stars in the sky. The media are biased about everything, and if those lying bastards at the Washington Post could find a way to sneak Democratic Party propaganda into football box scores and real-estate listings, I’m sure they would.

"Unfortunately, many conservatives have become complacent about the problem of media bias. The success of alternative outlets like Fox News Channel, Newsmax, One America News, and others (including dozens of right-leaning YouTubers and podcasters) lends credence to the belief that so-called “legacy media” are no longer important. But however much truth there is in this belief in the declining importance of Big Media, they are still quite big, and they’re now so completely in the tank for Democrats that their “news” coverage is practically a contribution-in-kind to the DNC.

"The distortion of public opinion is becoming dangerous."   Full Article here

Stephen L. Miller can’t help but be struck by CNN’s priorities in the wake of deadly Waukesha massacre    "CNN is Real News, Mr. President.

"That’s why they can’t afford to dwell on trivial stuff like the Waukesha Christmas parade massacre. Not when there are far more important things going on:

Reported by the eminent journalist, Edward R. Blockhead 

Go for it, Kyle. You will save journalism from its vicious self-destructive behavior.
. . ."Second, young Kyle can now take the next step and save the media from itself.  He needs to sue and break the back of some of the most irresponsible news coverage in years.   Here is a brief summary from Kaylee McGhee:"  {Excerpt below:)
. . .A few days earlier, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough claimed Rittenhouse fired his weapon 60 times when evidence shows he fired his rifle a total of eight times. MSNBC host Joy Reid accused Rittenhouse of driving four hours with an AR-15 when Rittenhousetestified in court that he acquired the weapon at a friend’s house once he arrived in Kenosha. . . . 

About the made-up faux crime of Kyle Rittenhouse crossing state lines  . . ."It can also be illegal to take a firearm across state lines, unless the gun is legally owned in the states involved. Rittenhouse did not take a woman of any age across state lines. Moreover, the firearm he used to defend himself was legally stored at a friend’s house in Wisconsin." . . .  

Rittenhouse Verdict Has Leftist Rioters Worried: “It fundamentally changed the culture of protest”
  . . ."
The 2020 antifa/BLM violent crime spree in Democrat-run cities across the nation was not just approved by but was championed by Democrat officials. . ."

"This blasé disregard for the livelihood of their minority and less-affluent constituents targeted by antifa/BLM didn’t stop with elitist shrugged shoulders and taking a knee in solidarity with the arsonists, vandals, looters, assailants, and murderers who rampaged in these cities; Democrat mayors and governors insisted that police stand down, that they let these criminals have free, destructive run of the cities, that law enforcement stand around to be assaulted by vicious street thugs throwing frozen water bottles (and worse) at them, blinding them for life with lasers, and smacking them in the head with whatever bricks they found on conveniently located, magically appearing pallets of bricks." . . .

Joe would rip this nation apart for the likes of Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters and Joy Reid

 . . ."Rittenhouse explained that he had been threatened. He told Carlson, “Some of the things people say are absolutely sickening. When Kyle was asked if he was confident that the government would protect him, he responded with a nervous laugh, “I hope so, but we all know how the FBI works.' ”

Will Biden Apologize to Rittenhouse? Psaki Struggles to Answer.  . . ."And the president believes in condemning hatred, division, and violence - that's exactly what was done in that video," she said wrapping up her non-answer answer in a line that's devoid of self-awareness. If the president believes in condemning those three things, shouldn't he be condemning himself for what he did to Kyle Rittenhouse with his irresponsible statements? '. . .

Waukesha Christmas parade attack victims include members of ‘Dancing Grannies’

NY Post

Tamara Durand’s final Facebook post showed her
 smiling, holding her pompoms and dressed in
 a winter coat and hat.

. . ."Darrell Brooks, 39, was arrested and charged with five counts of intentional homicide in the attack, which injured 48 people.

"The district attorney had said Brooks was out on “inappropriately low” bond, which angered David Durand.

“ 'This is a very easy cause and effect when you let somebody out like that,” Durand said. “It’s just a nonsensical, stupid thing. It’s not complex: bad guys do bad things, and then he gets out and does more bad things, and people die.' ”