Saturday, August 24, 2013

How Responsible Is Obama for the Oklahoma Killing?

 136424 600 Oklahoma Shooting cartoons
How Responsible Is Obama for the Oklahoma Killing?  See also: The Hood Comes to Duncan, Oklahoma
"Ayeee I knocked out 5 woods since Zimmerman court!" young James Edwards tweeted on July 15 in the wake of George Zimmerman's acquittal for the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. Edwards's tweets surfaced after he and two of his homies were charged with killing Australian baseball player Chris Lane in Duncan, Oklahoma, last Friday.

For the record, "woods" is short for peckerwoods, a derogatory term for white people. If Edwards, who is black, knocked out five woods as claimed, he would hardly be unique. As Colin Flaherty chillingly documents in his frequently updated book, White Girl Bleed A Lot, the "knock-out game" has become something of a recreational outlet for bored black youths.
"By this time, the White House had access to all the information the Sanford Police Department did.  The courageous step for Obama would have been to defend the Sanford Police Department and to demand an end to the media lynching of George Zimmerman.  As an African American, he had more latitude to do this than a white politician would have.  Instead, he chose to identify fully with the black "victim.' "....
"....As to George Zimmerman and his extended family, still in hiding after a year and a half of death threats, Obama offered not a word of hope or encouragement.  Nor did he rebuke those whose threats forced the Zimmermans into an internal exile."
...."Instead, he tacitly encouraged his audience to project their anger and anxiety on to racial scapegoat, George Zimmerman and, indirectly at least, on to other "woods" like Chris Lane.  If nothing else, Lane's killing gives Obama one final chance to set the record straight.  Smart money says he won't do it."

The sources of Obama’s tragic Syria policy

PowerLine   "Caroline Glick presents a powerful indictment of the Obama administration’s foreign policy. Perhaps the most damning part of her indictment pertains to Syria, where Obama’s impotence in the face of Assad’s crossing of a “red line” by engaging in chemical warfare represents a national embarrassment and humanitarian disaster.
"President Obama’s impotence stems from his well-justified fear that intervening against Assad would bring radical Islamists to power. But according to Glick, it is Obama’s fault that radicals have come to dominate the Syrian opposition:"   Ms. Glick's article here.
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

DHS Employee: ‘In Order For Blacks to Survive, A Lot Whites Need To Be Killed’

"While we continue to hear how racist most of the country is, especially following the George Zimmerman trial and the President’s remarks on the verdict, a manager at the Department of Homeland Security has been running a website that spews inflammatory, race-based attacks. His site advocates the “mass murder of whites” and calls for an ethnic cleansing of “Uncle Tom race traitors.”
"The manager in question is Ayo Kimathi, but calls himself “Irritated Genie” on his website. While at his day job and not calling for a race war, he is in charge of buying weapons and ammunition for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) department, a truly frightening combination."

The comments to this post are as troubling as this man's statements. We must be aware of people like this and protest their inclusion in this  administration, but please remember that many African- Americans are troubled by this man's philosophy as well.

IRS is targeting the American Legion with new set of guidelines

The Daily Caller   "The Internal Revenue Service is targeting the veterans’ organization the American Legion, and a U.S. senator believes that Lois Lerner — a key figure in the IRS scandal – is to blame.
 '“The IRS now requires American Legion posts to maintain dates of service and character of service records for all members… The penalty for not having the required proof of eligibility is, apparently, $1,000 per day,” the American Legion stated."


Marching Muslims now say they oppose 'fear'

WND  "Those Muslims planning to march in Washington on 9/11, the 12th anniversary of the Islamist-led terror attacks that left nearly 3,000 people in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania dead, need to look at the facts, according a freedom activist.
"A website for what originally was billed as the “Million Muslim March” now has been altered to the “Million American March Against Fear,” but still remains under the sponsorship of the American Muslim Political Action Committee."
“In 11 years since 9/11, the Islamic American community has not organized a one million man march to condemn Islamic terrorism against America and call Hamas, al-Qaida, Hezbollah, al-Shabaab, and other groups by their names – terrorists,” Gabriel said.
Huffington Post calls it a "conservative freakout".

Fury over 'Million Muslim March' scheduled for 9/11 - even thought the Islamic group planning it has only 57 supporters
"Nearly 3,000 people - 2,600 of them Americans - died in the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington when al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four jetliners. The terrorists cited a variety of motivations for the attacks that were based on fundamentalist Islam.
" 'They're basically a bunch of "truthers" who think that America's to blame for everything,' Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, head of the Islamic Forum for Democracy, told Fox.
" 'These guys are problematic and they're trying to exploit 9/11.'"

Collusion: How The Media Stole The 2012 Election – A Book Review

Noisy Room  "The documentation is first rate and they tell the story that the liberals don’t want you to ever hear. Backed by painstaking references and research, they lay out what happened with bullet proof facts and precision. In fact, the Media Research Center has been doing that for over 15 years. The MRC has been one of my daily haunts for years – they provide real news, not Marxist propaganda.
"This book details just how dishonest the media is, how manipulative and how corrupt they have become. The media stole the 2012 election with a lot of help from progressives on both sides of the aisle. We must not fall for that in 2016, if we make it that far (and I have my doubts). You want to know how the media operates? How bad they really are? Bozell and Graham pull no punches, so dive in. There’s plenty of read meat to tide you over."

Churches changing bylaws after gay marriage ruling

Fear of lawsuits has laid a millstone on the back of American Culture.
AP  "Worried they could be sued by gay couples, some churches are changing their bylaws to reflect their view that the Bible allows only marriage between one man and one woman.
"Although there have been lawsuits against wedding industry businesses that refuse to serve gay couples, attorneys promoting the bylaw changes say they don't know of any lawsuits against churches."