Sunday, September 19, 2010

Little Red Hen, 2009

Ethel C. Fenig  "The classic children’s fable has been updated for the times but the moral remains the same."

Islamic Religion and American Culture

Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad,   "The diversity of the American Muslim community, racially, by national origin, ethnically, makes untenable the confusion of culture and religion that has entrenched the stagnation of so much of the Muslim world. On top of that, the rising number of Muslims born in America means that it is only a matter of time until the Muslim community is dominated by indigenous Muslims who are already integrated into the American culture. To paraphrase an old saying, you could take them out of America but you couldn’t take America out of them. Either they will have an American understanding of Islam, in which case they will expand its integration into and influence upon the American culture, or they will have no good understanding of Islam at all, in which case they will become secularized as have so many Muslims, Jews and Christians before them. We, my fellow children of Adam, are the khulufah, and the choice is ours."
Perhaps one reason some American Muslims are driven to violence against this country.

A Class War or War?

Abe Greenwald  "The enemy is becoming an intimate part of the American landscape and less easily identifiable as a distinctly foreign phenomenon. This is precisely the time for our leaders to find an intelligent way of discussing the true nature of the fight. Officially denying that there are Muslim terrorists among us will not protect innocent Muslims; it will put them at greater risk, as a potentially traumatized citizenry becomes frustrated with leadership that refuses to take seriously the complicated threats arrayed against it. Yet at no time since 9/11 has our government been this willfully inarticulate — even insulting — about the challenges we face."