Sunday, October 18, 2009

Joe Biden: the worrying rise of Barack Obama’s Mr Wrong

UK Telegraph "On all the big questions, he has been – to put it politely – on the wrong side of history. In 1990, he voted against American forces expelling Saddam Hussein from Kuwait. He voted for the invasion of Iraq in 2003, and advocated splitting it into three states along ethnic lines. He opposed the Iraq troop surge of 2007 that pacified the country and rescued the US from the jaws of defeat. Now, Mr Biden is pushing a policy of what he terms "counter-terrorism plus" ..."

Confessions of a Cultural Drop-out

By Victor Davis Hanson "The usual themes—some evil corporation is destroying something (fill in the blanks: the environment, the neighborhood, the small town, etc.), some CIA conspiracy is out to ruin a crusading heroic journalist, or some brave professor or writer is exposing a massive cover-up—are, well, boring, even with the sex, the blow-em-up explosions, and some nice scenery."

As Spokesperson for Black America, Al Sharpton...You're fired!

Lloyd Marcus in American Thinker "Final confirmation came when I opened my email. In response to my article supporting Rush someone wrote,"Lloyd Marcus you are a dumb a** Uncle Tom! Here is what Rush Limbaugh said..." Then, the ill informed emailer repeated the false Rush quotes spread by Sharpton and the shameless characterless liberal media."

HUNDREDS Protest Media Bias at Channel 5 KSDK in St. Louis

Gateway Pundit "Sharp Elbows has loads of pictures.Here’s a video:"

Sharpton threatens suit against Limbaugh

CNN Political Ticker "Reverend Al Sharpton and his lawyers say they are preparing to file a defamation lawsuit against conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh for an op-ed published Saturday, which Sharpton alleges "erroneously" characterizes his (Sharpton's) role in a string of violent incidents in New York in the early 90's."

White House Science Czar Advocated FCC Forcing Broadcasters to Air Enviro-Population Control Ads

CNS "Holdren is President Barack Obama’s top adviser on public policy issues pertaining to science and technology. At the time Ecoscience was published, he was an associate professor of energy and resources at the University of California-Berkeley" Berkeley seems to be the left's farm system

NOW President Takes on Polanski, Letterman

CNS Bill Clinton too?

Suicide bomber kills 29 in attack on Iran Guards

Yahoo News Wait! How's that again? Then there's this from the Wall Street Journal: