Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Things Democrats Refuse To Applaud

Black is the new color of liberal hypocrisy

Ethel C. Fenig  "Proving once again that Washington D.C. is Hollywood for ugly people, some female legislators plan to wear black to President Donald J. Trump's (R) State of the Union address next week, mimicking their Hollywood sisters and daughters who last month protested their new discovery of gross male inappropriate sexual behavior in the entertainment workplace.

"Democratic female legislators that is because most -- but not all of course -- of these allegations in Hollywood and Washington are aimed at men who are Democrats. Who profess – publicly -- great respect for women. And donate generously to Democratic and/or liberal causes. Graciously, in the great liberal inclusive sudden awakening, Republican women are invited to join the somber wearing herd of (non)independent Democratic minds.

"Granted that the Washington D.C. women are really not ugly. And there will be no pre-event red carpet preening of their black outfits which will definitely be more modest than their Hollywood counterparts. And legislators, being legislators, not flashy entertainers, often wear mainly black in their workday lives. But still, the move reeks of the same Hollywood hypocrisy." . . .

Virtue Signalling

Advocating a political or philosophical position, and/or taking up a public cause, from a position of vanity, for the primary purpose of demonstrating your conformity with fashionable pop culture values.
Angela's sudden advocacy for the local pet shelter was mostly an exercise in public relations and virtue signalling. She had never much cared for dogs and cats before, but she instinctively understood teary-eyed public support for defenseless animals generally said something good about her as a person. 

Another unspoken contrast between Trump and Obama

Obama’s SOTU: Uniting the Country…through Pronouns?  "Obama’s 2011 State of the Union incorporated the 2nd largest percentage of first-person plural pronouns since FDR – one year after his 2010 Address delivered the 7th largest use of first-person singular pronouns

"It is sometimes said that politicians – particularly those who attain the highest levels of elected office like that of the presidency – have unusually large egos.
"But when the President of the United States holds court before tens of millions of Americans in important speeches such as the State of the Union Address, it is usually in his best interest to check that ego at the podium, and talk about the nation, not himself." . . ,

Americans are turning against Trump-hating celebrities and buying into the President’s American dream - THAT’S a nightmare for Democrats’

"The State of the Union stats don’t lie:"

UK Daily Mail  . . . "Within minutes of President Donald Trump's first State of the Union speech, CBS News revealed their YouGov poll approval ratings on it.

"Unsurprisingly, 97% of Republican speech watchers liked it.

"More surprisingly, 72% of Independents liked it.

"Staggeringly, 43% of Democrats liked it.

"Overall, CBS reported that 75% of Americans approved of the speech.
"For such a seriously divisive and polarising President, who is currently languishing with just 39% personal approval ratings, these were sensationally good results.
"Interestingly, 8/10 Americans in the poll felt the President was trying to unite the country with his speech and two thirds of Americans said it made them feel proud.
"Less than a quarter that watched said it made them feel scared or angry.
"Contrast this reaction with the instant and so tediously predictable blind rage spewed by the world's liberal celebrities on social media before, during and after the address." . . .

The Shabby, Sophomoric Behavior of Democrats at the SOTU

Rich Terrell photosnark
Patricia McCarthy
The fact that the Democrats in Congress loathe Trump more than they love their country or the American people is a tragedy.
"It is difficult to imagine a more galling demonstration of incivility than the Democrats in the room for Trump's SOTU speech. They scowled, frowned, and sat on their hands throughout the speech. They could hardly be bothered to acknowledge the heroes in the audience when they were introduced. While the Dems brought illegal immigrants, Trump invited actual paragons of American character and the families of victims of illegal immigrant crimes, as well as a victim of North Korea. It was embarrassing, like watching the anti-Semites in the UN stomp out of the room when Benjamin Netanyahu speaks. How is it any different? Our Democrats behave exactly like the most racist, intolerant people on the planet, and in their own Capitol." . . .

Luis Gutierrez Stormed Out Of House Chamber During SOTU  . . . "Towards the end of Trump’s speech, Gutierrez (pictured, right) was spotted on camera getting up and exiting the chamber after Trump praised monuments across the country. As members of Congress applauded the president’s comments, the Illinois Democrat rose from his seat and walked out the door." . . .

Yes, I added angry photos of Democrats here and picked  them because that is my image of Democrats these days; joyless and threatening. Nearly every encounter I have with Latinos and African-Americans is pleasant and friendly, unlike the scowling, bitter people, glowering at us from our TV screens, condemning white people and calling for the killing of police. TD

Not from Fox News, but NBC!  Democrats scoff, boo, groan, glower at Trump’s State of the Union
Many Democrats showed how little stock they put in Trump's calls for cooperation by staying seated during rhetoric that would have prompted bipartisan applause if it came from almost any other president.
. . . 
"Inside the House of Representatives' chamber, Republicans were often on their feet and applauding, while Democrats — some of whom boycotted the speech — quietly glowered, except for when they expressed open hostility to Trump."

With Rachael Maddow on MSNBC, smiling with approval: Cory Booker on SOTU: ‘Ugly,’ ‘Fear Mongering’ — Trump Used Religion, Patriotism to ‘Divide’

Sourpuss Democrats Self-Immolate at State of the Union
"Let's give them the award straight up: Worst Performance by a Minority Party at a State of the Union Address.  (Hey, it's awards season, right?)
"They broke the record. They get the prize with no runner-up for years to come.
"Steny Hoyer and Nancy Pelosi watching  Trump's speech looked like a pair of sullen six-year olds on a sugar crash the day after Halloween.  Bernie Sanders looked mummified.  Schumer was slumped so deeply in his chair he was almost falling through the crack.
Other Democrats, even ones who should have known better or secretly felt otherwise, sat on their hands.  You could see them glancing at each other, wondering whether they were allowed to applaud or stand up. What a bunch of cowards.

"It was a disgraceful display of bad manners, but even more it was incredibly stupid because "the whole world was watching."  The camera was getting them all in close-up." . . .
Nancy Pelosi’s Face During Trump’s Speech Is Amazing  . . . "The camera also panned onto Sen. Chuck Schumer’s face, who looked a bit more comfortable than Pelosi, but not too happy either. At one point of applause, Schumer clapped softly, while Pelosi sat still." . . .

. . ." Well, the Democrats did stand for some of those things during President Trump's first State of the Union speech, but when it came to the following line, some of these lawmakers, particularly members of the Congressional Black Caucus, remained seated."

“African-American unemployment stands at the lowest rate ever recorded...” (Camera moves to audience) These faces say everything.

. . . "Unfortunately, there were a few other more poignant moments in which Democrats remained silent and seated." . . . 

Katie Pavlich tweeted: "Entire row of Democrats refusing to stand for family whose two girls were murdered by MS-13 "

Unlike Obama, Trump nailed it on GDP growth

Monica Showalter  "While most of the mainstream media attention has been focused on turmoil in Washington, or else President Trump's State of the Union address, if not tabloidy speculation on the state of Trump's marriage, out in the real America, what matters is very different: We have an economy again. This stands in stark contrast to the constantly overpromising and underdelivering record of the Obama administration. During the eight years of Obama's administration, Obama constantly promised that prosperity was just around the corner as the mainstream media said nothing.

"But here's the reality, according to John Merline at Investor's Business Daily:

Trump Just Did Something Obama Never Could — Deliver On Promised GDP Growth

"It's a breath of fresh air and real news, even if the swamp things of the Washington Post do their miserable best to pooh-pooh it.
"Let's scroll back to the Obama era for perspective. " . . .

Spot the stupidest MSM SOTU television commentary

Facts First? CNN Speculates Melania Wearing White to Protest Her Husband
"To demonstrate just how far down the drain their standards for news and analysis were, CNN spent a couple minutes before the State of the Union Tuesday wondering if First Lady Melania Trump’s outfit was designed to protest the President, her own husband.
"Just before the 9 p.m. hour, CNN White House Reporter Kate Bennett was trying to read the tea leaves to understand why Melania didn’t ride with Donald to the Capitol:" . . .
Thomas Lifson

. . .  "All that, despite the fact that Bennett did admit that Melania was accompanying her guests to the event.
"And after being teed up by CNN host Jake Tapper, Bennett tried to read into the secret message the First Lady was trying to send, with her dress. “You know, she's wearing a cream-colored suit there, which I find interesting. Remember last year the female Democratic Senators all wore white,” she recalled while claiming it was to protests Trump’s anti-woman policies.
“ 'Listen, it could be a total coincidence, but I just find a lot of the stuff she does these days, to look at it twice,” Bennett continued.
“ 'I think Maureen Dowd called her the “Slovenian Sphinx,” everybody looking at her and trying to decipher the mysteries,” Tapper quipped, apparently buying into the ridiculousness." . . .

. . . Chuck Todd’s entry in the contest for stupidest commentary was strong, inadvertently reminding us of President Obama’s inability to deliver a coherent speech without reading a script off a teleprompter. Todd discounted what President Trump said because:
“… we know it's not him. It's him reading off a teleprompter.”
(Emphases in the original)

More CNN:  Rep Clyburn: Trump’s America Like Hitler’s 1934 Germany

"President Trump’s State of the Union was a “home run” speech in many ways, but contrasted with the expectations of many, especially Democrat Representative John Clyburn of South Carolina who compared Trump’s America to Germany in 1934 under Adolf Hitler, Monday night on CNN. " . . .
"Well, film clips of Hitler speeches at rallies from that era simply do not resemble Trump rallies. The congressman is an especially silly man, for the history teacher he purports to have been. Clyburn notes that all the churches in Germany had swastika banners in 1934, but none have yet appeared in the church I attend in northern Virginia or the Hill country of Texas."