WND " If you’re used to watching Fox News, you may notice a lot less face time by political analysts Karl Rove and Dick Morris.
"New York Magazine is reporting the top-rated cable-news network is doing some “post-election soul searching,” and Roger Ailes, head of Fox News, is changing the characters who appear as talking heads on the air.
" “According to multiple Fox sources, Ailes has issued a new directive to his staff,” reports Gabriel Sherman of New York Magazine. “He wants the faces associated with the election off the air – for now. For Karl Rove and Dick Morris – a pair of pundits perhaps most closely aligned with Fox’s anti-Obama campaign – Ailes’s orders mean new rules.”

"Among the reported new rules is a mandate from Fox News programming chief Bill Shine that producers receive permission before booking Rove or Morris for an appearance."
"Dick Morris had famously, and wrongly, predicted that Romney would win the election in a landslide, and Ailes was said to be less than thrilled when Rove disputed his own network’s call that Obama won the state of Ohio, and thus, the presidential race."
This just in: Karl Rove returns to Fox News