Monday, July 29, 2013

The Clintons are reported to be livid at comparisons to Weiner/Abedin (and who knows what “livid” means, anyway?)

Legal Insurrection  Here’s the story:
“The Clintons are upset with the comparisons that the Weiners seem to be encouraging — that Huma is ‘standing by her man’ the way Hillary did with Bill, which is not what she in fact did,’’ said a top state Democrat…
A longtime Hillary aide and Clinton friend, Abedin’s surprisingly unequivocal support of her husband after his bombshell admission Tuesday that he engaged in salacious online sexting well after he resigned in disgrace from Congress in 2011 left the Clintons stunned, continued the source.

Get Ready for the All-Hail-Hillary Movies

John Fund  " I wasn’t surprised to learn that sometime before the 2016 election, NBC will be releasing a four-hour miniseries about Hillary Clinton starring Academy Award nominee Diane Lane. What did surprise me was that the series will cover none of her life before the Monica Lewinsky scandal, which took place five years into her husband’s second term as president and when Hillary was already 51 years old. It’s as if her first half-century will be airbrushed away, along with the many scandals that dogged her in those decades."....

“I inhaled”… Apparently, He Never Stopped!

Politcal Cartoons

Joe Messina "In 2006, Senator Obama declared that he had “inhaled, that was the point.” In a moment of total unadulterated truth the now-president admitted to doing something illegal. But none the less he told the truth and admitted to it. Something, it seems, he has not been able to do for at least 5 years now.
"The president said this past week in several “campaign-like” speeches that Washington has taken its eye off the ball. They are obsessed with phony scandals! Did he really say that? Phony scandals?"....

"Middle out": It’s a new term for the old leftist dream of redistribution over wealth creation.

"President Obama has finally stopped blaming George W. Bush for America’s current economic mess. Now it’s Ronald Reagan’s fault.

"Obama didn’t use those exact words or make that explicit claim in his Knox College speech last week, but that’s the gist of it. The Great Recession and its slow-growth, high-unemployment aftermath are really just the culmination of three decades of pro-market economic policies that favored the rich at the expense of the middle class."