Heritage "Fortunately, the President's way is not the only way. Rather than going back to the Keynesian well and relying on the hand of government, the President and Congress should restrain government and allow entrepreneurs to thrive. That doesn't require a listening tour and placing blame. That requires being a leader and recognizing that the policies of the past two and a half years have not worked—that it's time for a new way, and a new speech."
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
KTVI Fox 2 Covers Black Conservative Conference
Credit Where It’s Due: KTVI Fox 2 Covers Black Conservative Conference " MoveOnUp.org, the conference for the much persecuted black conservative, did not receive much press in its local media market of St. Louis. In fact, the organizers were attacked by the alterna-weekly right before the conference by writers who I’m told did not bother to contact the conference’s organizers for response or show up to the event to interview the people about whom they were writing." Note the word "Fox".
Star Parker speaks at Move-On-Up.org's scholarship dinner. Photo: Dana Loesch |
KTVI Fox2 : Move-On-Up.org Conference In St. Louis "The first African American chairman of the St. Charles County Republican Party, Eugene Dokes credited Move-On-Up with encouraging his interest in politics and challenging him to improve his education. A Navy veteran, Dokes now runs his own real estate agency and is working on his PHD in business. He said the convention showed participants “you’re not a bad African American for being a conservative." "
Court Orders Obama Justice Department to Justify Some of Its Withholdings on Black Panther Scandal
"“The Obama Justice Department is going to extraordinary lengths to make sure no more details emerge regarding the Black Panther scandal,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “We already know the Obama administration’s claim that political appointees were not involved in this decision is patently false. And now Justice Department officials continue to fight tooth and nail to stonewall the release of additional information. What else do they have to hide? This new court ruling means we may pry loose some additional information on this voter intimidation scandal.” " Court opinion pdf
Racism at Holder Justice? "Of course, one of the major discoveries emerging from this scandal is the Obama DOJ’s racist and preferential application of civil rights laws. And if you’d like to know more about this problem, then please read on."
Obama Justice: Will Not Investigate Radical Hispanic Group That Attacked Civil Rights Activist
Myth vs. Fact: The New Black Panther Party Investigation "There are several assertions broadly circulating in the media about the New Black Panther Party matter that are inaccurate or misleading. These are the most commonly repeated:"...
What If the President Liked Businesspeople?
Victor Davis Hanson "Such share-the-wealth tirades were matched with redistributive vendettas. Vast new financial regulations and red tape followed. A new trillion-dollar health-care entitlement was imposed on employers. The National Labor Relations Board is attempting to shut down a new Boeing aircraft plant. The federal government took over private businesses — and on occasion reversed the order of payment to private creditors. New environmental regulations have curbed energy and agricultural production. Lifelong academics and government functionaries, not businesspeople, staff the Obama Cabinet and head the administration’s agencies."
Hurricane Obama Touches Down on the Economy |
The Bus Tour hits some Bumps in the Road
http://townhall.com/political-cartoons/ericallie |
Bodies "Shoved Under Bus" to Stall Obama's Campaign Junket? "Translated into honest English, the White House statement reads, “The president will advise Americans to abandon the old-school ‘Hope and Change’ loose talk from 2008, and accept reality. Its called ‘Get Used to It’ and involves coming to terms with 9% or greater unemployment forever, ungodly deficits that will take generations to retire, and a credit rating which proves that American Exceptionalism is a relic from the past.”
“The president will also advise the electorate to blame the putrid economy and lack of jobs on Republicans, S&P, and most especially, Tea Party terrorists.”
Obama's Bus tour; on the road again
Boortz: Wealth envy rhetoric continues on Presbo's Blunderbuss tour "Remember also, while Obama talks about “millionaires and billionaires,” his proposals are to raise the taxes on every individual making over $200,000 in this country, a vast number of which are small businessmen."
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http://terrellaftermath.com/ |
“What I figure is they need to spend more time out here listening to you and hearing how fed up you are. That’s why I’m here.’”
Obama On Debt: I Had A Deal That 'Would Have Solved This Problem' Demagoguery exemplified: "Obama continued, “I put a deal before the Speaker of the House John Boehner that would have solved this problem and he walked away because his belief was we can’t ask anything of millionaires and billionaires and big corporations in order to close our deficit.” "
On a previous outing in America: Obama Scolds Car Makers in Iowa Speech: “You Can’t Just Make Money on SUV’s and Trucks” " In April of this year as gas prices were rising, Barack Obama told an audience that the solution was to start thinking about a trade-in. Then he was completely embarassed when he confronted a man with 8 kids." Video.
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http://townhall.com/political-cartoons/ |
Obama on tour: ‘I make no apologies for being reasonable’ "“You’ve got to be willing to compromise to move the country forward,” the president said later in the day as he delivered the same message at a town hall in Decorah, Iowa."
Obama: I reversed recession until 'bad luck' hit Of course the Barney Frank housing collapse and the attacks of 9-11 were no excuse for President Bush.
"Ryan Rhodes, a group leader in the Hawkeye State, stood up and shouted a question during a town hall, asking the president how he can call for more civility when "your vice president is calling people like me, a Tea Party member, a 'terrorist.'" " “He just denied it," Rhodes told Fox News Channel's Ed Henry."
American press and Conservatives; treat 'em like suspects (Updated)
Gregory Scolds Bachmann for Listening to Public Opinion on Debt Ceiling "On top of this, Gregory is certainly no one to point fingers about knowing the "true financial impact" of not raising the debt ceiling as he completely negected to determine that for his viewers when he interviewed treasury secretary Timothy Geithner in July.
"Maybe if the "Meet the Press" host had grilled Geithner with the same intensity he did Bachmann, the nation would have been far better informed of the "true financial impact" of such a move:"...
Naturally this from CNN: Could a black man win the GOP nomination? "Certainly Cain has already thought about and to a small degree talked about what it means to be a black Republican running against a Democrat who also happens to be the country's first black president."
Chris Matthews: News Organizations Are 'Going to Spend Every Nickel They Have' Investigating Rick Perry "Instead, having completely abdicated their journalistic responsibilities in order to assist the inexperienced junior senator from Illinois attain the highest office in the land, media members are now going to bring all forces to bear to discredit any serious challengers to ensure his reelection."
Newsweek's Queen of Sleaze: Tina Brown Assaults 'Crazy' Conservatives ""The truth of the matter is that [Comedy Central's Daily Show host] Jon Stewart, at this point, is the only trusted branch of government. You know, I mean, in the end, Stewart and Colbert, really are like the Huntley and Brinkley of today, in the sense that people really, really trust them.""
-Brown on ABC's Good Morning America, October 27, 2010.
"...Then what happens?” The conservative author confidently predicted: “Well, the media will blame the Republicans.”
"And that’s precisely what has occurred."
These shows still play, so know this: 'Law and Order' Pushes Anti-Conservative Agenda " Protestors outside the lecture hall chanted "One. two, three, four. Barlow is a right-wing whore." That's actually slightly more creative than the chants liberals usually shout. (A word that rhymes with "Hitler" is hard to find.) The lecture was disrupted when liberals in the audience started shouting over Barlow."
"Brothers [and] Sisters": Gay man refers to Republicans as, wait for it....Neanderthals.
"Somaiya kept to his benighted left-wing theme throughout his early coverage, even though the looters stole not basics like food but luxury items like smart phones and televisions, looting that was itself organized over social media via smart phone technology."
NY Times Reporter Suggests 'Cuts in Spending and Services' by Conservatives Led to London Riots
And on and on and on and.......
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