Thursday, August 29, 2019

Winning: VA Rule Change Allows Bibles, Christmas Decorations

America's Marines Singing "Days of Elijah"

Legal Insurrection

VP Pence: “During the last Administration the VA was removing Bibles & even banning Christmas carols to be politically correct, but under President Trump, VA hospitals will NOT be religion-free zones”

"Under the Obama regime, the VA underwent major restrictive changes in terms of religion and Christmas, with various VA’s around the country instituting a range of bans.  Bibles, high school Christmas carolers, gifts in wrapping paper with the words “Merry Christmas” or “God Bless You,” Christmas trees and decorations, and even Christmas cards for hospitalized veterans were all banned.  
"It was an appalling overreach that is now, at long last, being corrected under the Trump administration.
"Vice President Mike Pence has announced changes in VA rules, and religious items, including those related to Christmas, are again allowed in our nation’s VA hospitals.

Vice President Mike Pence announced that he would be scrapping some of the previous administration’s policies when it comes to religion in Veterans Affairs hospitals.
The vice president spoke before the American Legion National Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana, on Wednesday where he announced that the administration under President Donald Trump would be rolling back some of the policies put into place while President Barack Obama was in the Oval Office.
According to Pence, Obama-era rules prohibited the celebration of religious holidays in VA hospitals, including the display of Christmas trees and Bibles.
Pence promised the veterans in the crowd that those rules were a thing of the past. The Trump administration had overturned those decisions and would be fighting a lawsuit that aims to remove a WWII-era Bible from one VA hospital in New Hampshire.
. . .  

Will 2020 Democratic Platform Trash Israel?

Legal Insurrection
Trump has not made Israel a wedge issue in politics; the Democrats have been actively doing that themselves since Obama.

"In the aftermath of Israel barring entry of two far left-wing anti-Israel members of Congress, Democratic politicians began to worry that Israel was becoming a wedge issue rather than an issue with bipartisan support.

"Staunch pro-Israel Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY) said “refusing entry to members of Congress looks like Israel [is] closing itself off to criticism and dialogue. This decision will only strengthen the anti-Israel movements and arguments many of us find so troubling, further politicize support for Israel in the United States and ultimately play right into the hands of Israel’s enemies.” (Emphasis added.)

"Engel has been a member of Congress since 1989 and knows better. He has seen his own Democratic party moving away from Israel since President Barack Obama made deliberate efforts to create daylight between Israel and the United States in his outreach to the Muslim world.

"If one were to look at the 2008 Democratic Platform, it would be hard to see much of a difference from the Republican Platform regarding Israel. Both parties considered Israel a strong ally and backed Israeli positions.

"But Obama made a strategic pivot away from Israel running as an incumbent in 2012. With the blessing of left-wing groups like J Street, the Democratic Party officially changed courseon several key issues:" . . .

Good Riddance, Kirsten Gillibrand; She "packs it in"

The New York senator’s failed campaign was an increasingly transparent woker-than-thou contest.
"Yesterday evening, New York senator Kirsten Gillibrand ended her presidential bid after nine months of futile campaigning, failing ever to crest 3 percent in major polls. Her decision to bow out was precipitated by her failure to qualify for the third Democratic debate, slated for September 12. “Without it, I just didn’t see our path,” she said yesterday.

"The senator has a point. From the beginning, her upstart campaign was characterized by an enormous amount of virtue-mongering, insisting not only that her progressive bona fides made her superior to you, but that only she could help you comprehend exactly how backwards you are. In the last debate, for instance, she promised to traverse the suburbs explaining “institutional racism” and white privilege to white women.

"It was an interesting tactic from a candidate attempting to distinguish herself as a female candidate running for women, and it’s easy to see why the effort failed to gain much traction. The major policy centerpiece of her campaign was called “Fighting for women and families” and focused exclusively on issues like unlimited abortion rights, universal paid family leave, public education, and sexual harassment. Perhaps the most news attention she got all campaign came when she compared being pro-life to being racist. Light on substance, she needed a forum to peddle her platitudes, and without the debate stage, she had little hope of convincing Democrats to listen to her at all.

"The news that she had terminated her campaign came just a few days after a former Gillibrand staffer told the New York Post, “I don’t know that anyone even wants to see her on the debate stage. Everyone I have talked to finds her performative and obnoxious.' ” . . .

Monica Showalter: Gillibrand: Phony candidate for fake 'women's issue' problems packs it in   . . . "Good riddance, because never was there are more useless candidate.  She positioned herself as the candidate of women's issues, but she had no real foils to charge at.  Her yellings about abortion, women's workplace equality, and #MeToo only proved she was out of tune with the times.  Worse still, these issues tended to be problems of Democratic, not Republican, origin, which made her a nuisance to both sides."    
Even this pander looks contrived. What are "gay rights" anyway? TD

‘Sources Say’; The media’s hatred of Trump is destroying American journalism.

The American Spectator  "MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell lives a secret double life performing as a drag queen in New Jersey gay bars, a source tells me. While there have long been rumors that O’Donnell enjoys dressing up in women’s clothing, evidence of his transvestite fetish has been difficult to obtain. Yet my source assures me that such evidence exists, and as for gossip about O’Donnell’s addiction to the rare narcotic Ibogaine … Well, has O’Donnell ever denied it?

"You could justify reporting almost anything by the nonexistent “journalism ethics” of Lawrence O’Donnell. On live TV Tuesday night, the MSNBC host told his audience that Donald Trump had obtained loans from Deutsche Bank co-signed by “Russian billionaires with ties to Vladimir Putin.” The basis for this claim, according to O’Donnell, was “a single source close to Deutsche Bank.” O’Donnell then added an interesting caveat: “If true … ”

"Yes, of course. It would be a big scoop, if true. And my exclusive reporting that O’Donnell spends his Saturday nights in drag cabaret shows, wearing high heels and fishnet stockings while twerking to Lady Gaga songs? A major bombshell, if true. As it is, however, I hesitate to vouch for my source’s assertion that the MSNBC host is an Ibogaine-addicted transvestite.

" Excuse my sarcasm, but what O’Donnell did Tuesday night was the kind of amateur blunder that would have gotten any reporter thrown down the stairs by the late Wes Pruden. “Get it first, get it right” was Pruden’s motto as editor at the Washington Times, and woe be unto any reporter who got it wrong, especially on a big story. One of the basic rules of reporting is that you cannot base a major story on a single source, especially an anonymous source. If you can’t get your source to go on the record, by name, you’ve got to have some other factual basis — a court document, for example — to justify the story. Otherwise, you undermine the reader’s confidence in your reporting. Why should anyone believe a story based on something as flimsy as “sources say”?" . . .

CNN reports: Jeffrey Epstein has died by suicide, sources say

MSNBC and its host Lawrence O’Donnell humiliated, forced to retract charges against President Trump

Thomas Lifson  "President Trump’s charge that his media enemies peddle fake news about him got reinforcement yesterday from one of his primary antagonists, who scored an own-goal on his team, MSNBC. That cable news channel’s host Lawrence O’Donnell on Tuesday had opened his show with a charge that President Trump’s loans from Deutsche Bank had been co-signed by Russian oligarchs close to Vladimir Putin, guaranteeing repayment at a time when his finances were strained. This amounted to mouth-to-mouth resuscitation for the Russia hoax, the claim that Vlad Putin has Trump in his hip pocket, a dream that the Left simply cannot let go of. As

"O’Donnell opened his show Tuesday, he touted his hot story to Rachel Maddow as the cable network transitioned to O’Donnell’s show from Maddow’s:" . . .

"President Trump’s personal and corporate lawyer sent a letter to MSNBC Wednesday demanding a retraction: . . ."

The schadenfreude level here tiptoes up to the sensory overload red line. O’Donnell is a nasty, angry man who clearly regards conservatives as inferior beings. One person who has his number is Tucker Carlson, who last night savored O’Donnell’s humiliation:
"Rigorous verification process"!
Note carefully the "retraction" that was not a retraction and serves to keep the story alive:
. . . "They also demanded a retraction. Tonight, we are retracting the story. We don’t know whether the information is inaccurate. But, the fact is, we do know it wasn’t ready for broadcast, and for that, I apologize.”
Weasel Zippers commented: They keep doing this and folks on the left just keep on believing them, no matter what.

But wait! There's more! (I love saying that.)
MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell’s Retracts Russia Story On Air, Eric Trump Says Too Late, Expect Legal Action… 
This was a reckless attempt to slander our family and smear a great company. Apologies are not enough when the true intent was solely to damage and cause harm. As a company, we will be taking legal action. This unethical behavior has to stop.
Hemingway: Months After Mueller Report, Media Russia Truthers Are Embarrassing And Sad  . . . “ 'Rather than seeing any self-examination, or looking at why they were able to fall for such a ridiculous story, people got awards for their reporting,” Hemingway said. “And the main story, which is how this treasonous collusion narrative got started, how it was weaponized, and how it was fed throughout the U.S. government is a story that continues to be undercovered at every media outlet.' ” . . .

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell Lets Conspiracy Spread Online After TV Retraction

Could I Get That Illegal ‘To Go’?

" . . .The intoxicated illegal, Guillermo Diaz-Lopez, fled the scene, dragging a pedestrian on his truck, and was finally apprehended while trying to break through a police barrier. Today, you can visit “Annie’s Playground,” a beautiful 60,000-square-foot wonderland built in the victim’s honor in Fallston, Maryland -- at least until Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris demand its demolition to show their support for “undocumented immigrants.” 
Angel Mom Angie Morfin holds a photo of her son, Ruben, who was murdered
at 13-years-old by an illegal alien gang member. 
 Ann Coulter  "As we head into the long Labor Day weekend, here are two tips to make your holiday even more cheerful. 

"First: Remember to watch out for drunk driving illegal aliens! 

"The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has issued report after report showing that Hispanics are wildly overrepresented in drunk driving accidents (but also contribute so much to our cultural life, musical heritage and landscape!). 

"Or, as the Huffington Post puts it: “Latinos At Greater Risk of Dying From Driving While Intoxicated.” They’re victims of the drunk driving epidemic! German Concentration Camp Guards At Greater Risk of Dying From Accidental Inhalation of Zyklon B.* 

"One NHTSA report elaborated on the inebriated Latino driver problem: 
“The authors found that some Latino parents actively promoted drinking among their sons as a sign of masculinity or machismo. (A focus group) indicated drinking among Hispanics might be motivated by the need to prove their manhood within the Latino culture: ‘Everyone thinks they can handle alcohol, especially men.’ ... ‘A lot of Hispanics think that way. It’s the macho male and the woman gives in to the man. Machismo causes this behavior.’” 
"The report also stated, “Mexican-American DWI offenders vastly overestimated the number of drinks required to make them unsafe drivers (eight to 10 drinks).” 

"It’s unclear if the NHTSA’s methodology took into account the effects of Cinco de Mayo. 

"Naturally, it would be outrageous to conclude from this that drunk driving is the national sport of Mexico. However, last year alone, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deported 80,730 illegals for drunk driving, the majority of them Mexicans." . . .

. . . "Yeah, that must have been rough, some real Brian Williams stuff there. But Don Rosenberg finding out his 25-year-old son had been run over, backed over and then run over again by an illegal alien -- well, that’s just a “traffic accident.” Our media have no idea who Don Rosenberg is, and no interest in finding out. Their concern for "children” is limited to the ones they can exploit to get their way on illegal immigration. They wail about “children separated from their parents,” but it would be a dream come true for the “Angel Mom”parents if their kids were merely separated from them for six months -- or six years! -- if only they could see them again, ever."

*No, go back and read that again: Coulter did not, repeat NOT, call Latinos "Nazis". That title is owned by Democrats to refer to their opposition. TD