Sunday, March 8, 2020

The Humanity of a Fetus and the Inhumanity of Our Abortion Politics

American Greatness
When politicians like Chuck Schumer descend so low as to issue veiled threats of violence against sitting U.S. Supreme Court justices, it’s time for everyone to speak out, not just pro-life advocates.

"Wading into the abortion debate is a perilous undertaking, but Senator Chuck Schumer’s (D-N.Y.) recent incendiary remarks cannot be ignored. “From Louisiana, to Missouri, to Texas—Republican legislatures are waging war on women—all women. And they’re taking away fundamental rights,” Schumer said last week at a rally in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. “I want to tell you Gorsuch, I want to tell you Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”
Leaders of the Democratic party, like Schumer, are engaging in what might be the most despicable form of pandering imaginable. To appease a militant fringe of nihilistic, self-absorbed “pro-choice” fanatics, they are willing to legalize murder. And as Schumer demonstrates, now they are even willing to threaten anyone who may object.
"Most people can agree there is a difference between consuming a morning-after pill and performing a late-term abortion. The former, however hideous it may be from a religious and moral perspective, is clearly more humane than the latter, which by any objective standard is the violent killing of a human being.
"New York, a bastion of Democratic Party power and Schumer’s home state, recently passed a law permitting “late-term abortions.” Specifically, the law permits abortions after 24 weeks if there is “an absence of fetal viability, or the abortion is necessary to protect the patient’s life or health.”
"Let’s not speculate as to how subjective the assessment of “fetal viability” or “patient’s life or health” may be. That’s fodder for endless debate. But what about a perfectly normal fetus that’s 24 weeks old? What sort of a human being is that? It’s certainly more than a lump of barely differentiated cells that can be terminated in the first few days after conception. So what is it? To answer that, the following story is enlightening.

Elites’ response to coronavirus shows just how post-Christian our culture has really become

The Bridgehead; . . . " I will admit that I felt a slight shiver run up my spine when late night host Stephen Colbert, who identifies as Catholic, decided to take the opportunity to mock Christians by walking across the stage clanging a large bell and shouting: “Plague! Plague! A righteous cleansing to punish man for his lust and vanity! Oh, swing your scythe oh angry God! Repent! Repent! Repent!” This routine was greeted with roars of laughter. "
Lifesite News
It is not the prayers of those who are working to confront this virus that make me afraid—but the mocking of those who think prayer has no place.

"March 4, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – When the Spanish Flu pandemic struck in 1918, many churches responded by appointing special days of prayer, calling upon their congregants to beg God for assistance in the face of a spreading disease that was felling millions. In some instances, people called on national leaders to urge citizens to their knees (the prime minister of Australia received one letter asking for an entire week of “Humiliation and Prayer to stay the ravages of the Pneumonic-Influenza Plague”). It was understood, if not accepted, that God was in control of all things, and thus that begging Him for a reprieve was essential.
"A century later, and the response of our elites to the potential of a new pandemic is highlighting just how post-Christian our culture has really become. A February 26 photograph of Vice President Mike Pence praying at the White House with the coronavirus task force went viral earlier this week, with many bitterly mocking the fact that Pence and his team would seek God’s guidance in dealing with the potential pandemic. “I have yet to attend a scientific meeting that begins with a Christian prayer,” sneered Dr. Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at Columbia University, on Twitter.
"Much of the reaction to the photo on social media was in the same vein. Thomas Chatterton Williams, a writer for New York Magazine and Harper’s Magazine tweeted out the photo with the caption: “Mike Pence and his coronavirus team praying for a solution. We are so screwed.” His tweet received 4,300 retweets. Rasmussen and Williams seemed unaware of the fact that most of the great titans of science were profoundly religious and praying men themselves—or, as writer Jonathan Merrit noted, that 79% of Americans reportedly prayed in the last three months." . . .

Voters rejected Elizabeth Warren because she was a terrible candidate

The Bridgehead   "With Elizabeth Warren’s decision to drop out of the 2020 presidential race, the progressive pundits have flung themselves into fits of mourning.
"Warren was, we are being told, a magnificent candidate, with her penchant for perfect plans and her brilliance rendering her the obvious choice. The fact that people obviously did not see her this way has the commentariat calling out the stupidity of Democratic primary voters, with Megan Garber in The Atlantic announcing that “America Punished Elizabeth Warren for Her Competence” and Jessica Valentia sniffling that “It Will Be Hard to Get Over What Happened to Elizabeth Warren,” among dozens of other hard-to-make-up headlines.
"It must first be pointed out that America didn’t punish Elizabeth Warren for anything: It was the Democrats who decided to go with one of two geriatric white men over her. That is the sort of thing that Democrats claim to care quite a lot about, so perhaps a bit of soul-searching about the obvious chasm between the professed values of the Democratic elites and the preferences of their voters might be in order. One obvious factor that nobody likes to discuss is the fact that African American voters are actually far, far more socially conservative than white Democratic voters — they lean heavily left economically, but are not, as a demographic, big fans of the LGBT agenda. (That is one of the key but unspoken reasons Pete Buttigieg could not get any traction in the black community.) . . .

Democrats’ hunt for Trump slayer may lead to Hillary Clinton comeback

NY Post  "Now that the once-sprawling field of Democrats seeking the presidency has become a two-man race, many in the party are breathing a sigh of relief. All the more so because Joe Biden is the clear front-runner and the dreaded Bernie Sanders looks to be fading.
"So it’s all set. Biden will be the nominee and give the party a solid chance of scoring a November trifecta: beating President Trump, taking the Senate and holding the House.
"Count me as skeptical. Instead of a smooth ride, it’s more likely that the Dems’ desperate search for a Trump slayer will hit more turbulence and an alternative to Biden still could be necessary.
"Guess what — one just happens to be waiting in the wings, hoping for an invitation. Before you laugh at the prospect of a Hillary Clinton comeback, consider the too-weird twists and turns of Biden’s campaign." . . .
. . . 
"Put it this way: Which Joe Biden will we see from now on? Does the new, improved version have the stamina and mental health to go all the way? Or will the long summer and the attacks from Trump on him and his family break him?
"It is noteworthy that his wife, Jill Biden, seems to be by his side far more often. The image is that of a nurse or mediator between him and the world."

Hillary Clinton takes back email scandal apology as James Woods trolls her over botox   Stephen Colbert probably has called already.

Bernie and his Bros

Lost in Space: Joe Biden decries the 'Bernie Brothers'
Biden just doesn't get it.  He doesn't know where he is, he doesn't know who is enemies are, and he still doesn't have a clue. 
Thanks to American Thinker and Ben Garrison