Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Destroying America’s History One Icon at a Time

Americans need to recognize these attacks on America’s history for their intended purpose.  A made-up Indigenous People’s Day is not intended to honor American Indians.  It is just one more front in the war to destroy America.   
Fletch Daniels  "Columbus Day brought a refreshing reminder that leftists are effectively erasing America’s heritage as an important step in transforming America into a socialist state. 
"As I look, “Happy Indigenous Peoples” day is approaching 100K tweets, which is simply advancing the narrative that was already set in motion by leftists across America. 
"A teacher posted some of the proud pictures from her propagandized little ones with sayings like “Christopher Columbus didn’t find America,” and “Christopher Columbus is a really mean man.”  How charming. 
"A Christopher Columbus statue was torn down in Los Angeles in 2018 and several others were vandalized this year. 
Tools in the hands of the left.
"Americans were furious in 2001 when they saw that the Taliban had destroyed Bamiyan Buddha statues in Afghanistan.  The prevailing cultural zeitgeist at the time ran clearly against toppling statues.  Don’t these third-world barbarians know that they are destroying world culture?  It helped elevate the Taliban’s evil in the eyes of the world. 
"Murderous Islamist thugs harboring terrorists?  That’s pretty bad.  Destroyers of world culture?  Call in the Marines!  Even the liberal American media were outraged.
"Less than twenty years later, destroying monuments is becoming a national sport in America with little outcry and support from the media.  Leftists have become the Taliban, which is no surprise since the goals are similar.  When attempting to force a twisted worldview on society, overthrowing perceived enemies and any connection to a different past is essential.  
"When a 200-year old monument of Christopher Columbus was smashed in Baltimore a couple years back, a sign was hung on it that read, “The future is racial and economic justice.”  In case anyone thought this was just America’s youth acting out as opposed to Marxist-inspired destruction, the act was narrated on YouTube and referenced “capitalist exploitation of labor.” 
"The leftists started with Confederate monuments, which made a good test to see what kind of resistance they would face. . . ."

Iran’s Ayatollah’s Speech: Barack Obama Was a Weak Leader of a Weakened Nation

Jim-Kouri  "Speaking candidly and openly to a number of high-level Iranians in both public and private sectors, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, in a speech, claimed the United States under President Barack Obama’s leadership no longer possesses the might and awe it once enjoyed, according to a report from a New York police detective assigned to an intelligence task force in the Middle East.

"Det. Stanley Carmichael provided Conservative Base with information gleaned from a 2016 meeting of top military, weapons, nuclear and aviation experts that was totally ignored by not only the entire Obama White House and administration, but also the Democratic Party’s news media puppets who wished to paint President Barack Obama as a successful peacemaker rather than the failure he and Secretary of State John Kerry hoisted onto the United States.
Speaking during a meeting of Iran’s Assembly of Experts in Tehran, the Ayatollah promised that the current “world order” will be replaced with a new world order that is already emerging not only in the Middle East but also in the West.
“ 'The realities in the region and the world show a serious uncertainty in the [America’s] principles of power and might; therefore, we should understand the realities correctly to prevent wrong analyses,” Khamenei said." . . .Full article

Jim Kouri, CPP, is founder and CEO of Kouri Associates, a homeland security, public safety and political consulting firm. He's formerly Fifth Vice-President, now a Board Member of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, a columnist, and a contributor to the nationally syndicated talk-radio program, the Chuck Wilder Show.. He's former chief of police at a New York City housing project in Washington Heights nicknamed "Crack City" by reporters covering the drug war in the 1980s. In addition, he served as director of public safety at St. Peter's University and director of security for several major organizations. He's also served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security officers throughout the country.

Part 2: CNN Leadership and Staffers Reveal True Sentiments; Network Picks Favorites Among Democratic Candidates on Eve of Debate

Project Veritas intends to continue its investigation into corruption in the Mainstream Media. We encourage brave insiders at these organizations to come forward with any information they have, so that the public knows what is really going on within these media companies.

Project Veritas "CNN Senior Justice Correspondent Evan Perez Says, ‘Joe Biden Has a Problem’ Because of his Son’s Foreign Business Dealings; “It Looks Bad. It Smells Bad.”
"CNN President Jeff Zucker Pushes Kamala Harris’ Demand to Take Down Trump’s Twitter Account; “I Think it’s a Good Segment…Not Going to Happen, But it’s a Good Talking – it’s a Good Segment.”
"Zucker on Harris: “She is Also Retooling Her Struggling Campaign.”
"CNN Media Coordinator Christian Sierra Says Network is Less Fair to Andrew Yang and Amy Klobuchar, “They’re Pro-Top Contenders.”
"Sierra: “I Think They Like Warren a Lot” “…They Don’t Like Tulsi Gabbard”
"CNN Media Coordinator Nick Neville Says “People Would Change the Channel” if Network Broadcasted a Biden Rally.
"CNN VP and Political Director David Chalian Believes That Andrew Yang Will Not Become the Democratic Nominee for President.
"CNN Insider Cary Poarch: “I Actually Came to CNN a Registered Democrat. I Campaigned and Voted for Bernie in the Primaries of the 16’ election;” “…All That I Thought I Knew and Hoped to be at CNN Was False.”
"Poarch: “It’s an Unwritten Rule That if You Are Center, Center Right, or Heaven Forbid, Full Right Republican Trump Supporter, Then You Are Not Welcome at CNN.”
"Insider Cary Poarch Wants ‘Free and Fair Election’ and Not ‘Some Ideology Shoved Down My Throat;’ Wants CNN to ‘Get Back to the Facts and Get Back to Reporting the News.’ "

CNN Insider: “Who does CNN like ”  Christian Sierra, CNN Media Coordinator: “I think they like Warren a lot. CNN doesn't like Tulsi Gabbard.

Political correctness versus common sense

Good article!
Political correctness versus common sense  . . . "For example, consider the explosion of so-called gender identities."  In 2016, New York City released a list of 31 genders approved by the city's Commission on Human Rights.  While writing my book Reclaiming Common Sense, I consulted Google to find out how many genders there were then and was told that the answer was 63.  Today, while writing this article, I re-Googled that question, and it was revealed to me that the latest number is 112." . . .
. . . "Consider the names given the genders officially approved by New York City's Commission on Human Rights.  The names include "drag king," "drag queen," "butch," "femme queen," "gender fluid," "gender blender," "gender gifted," "gender bender," and "femme person of transgender experience."  Talk about rubbing our noses in it!  The commissioners have gone out of their way to be outrageously transgressive.  This is not accidental.  They are making it abundantly clear they are ridiculing normal people and the world of common sense — the more outrageous, the better." . . .
Robert Curry serves on the Board of Directors of the Claremont Institute.  He is the author of Common Sense Nation: Unlocking the Forgotten Power of the American Idea and Reclaiming Common Sense: Finding Truth in a Post-Truth World

Trump Considers Lawsuit Against CNN After Project Veritas Exposes Bias

Leah Barkoukis  . . . "Project Veritas worked with a source within CNN to expose the network’s biases against the president, publishing undercover recordings from CNN employees who ranged from “media coordinator to high-ranking executives.”
CNN president Jeff Zucker directed staff to focus heavily on impeachment, even at the expense of other news." . . .
. . . "As Matt [Vespa] explained, the expose is just confirmation of what everyone knew all along—that CNN is basically “one massive propaganda machine for the Democratic Party.”
. . . "Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe said exposing CNN would be a multi-part series. Monday’s segment was just the first video and featured whistleblower Cary Poarch, who explained that his dream job quickly turning into a nightmare over the bias. " . . .
. . . "O'Keefe said the next video will feature another CNN journalist." . . .

CNN Says No One in Project Veritas’s #ExposeCNN ‘Sting’ Is a CNN Journalist

. . . "The CNN spokesperson said that Neville was only a junior employee at the network, not a journalist, and would not have had access to Zucker or knowledge of the topics in which he was speaking about. Neville did not immediately respond to a request for comment." . . .
But the voice you heard was CNN head man Zucker stating their purpose was Trump's impeachment. You can't get more insider than that. As always, never trust anything said by CNN." . . .

Case in point: Project Veritas Video: CNN’s Jeff Zucker Directing Employees To Push Impeachment

Legal Insurrection: #ExposeCNN Part 1 – CNN President Zucker Has Vendetta Against Trump, is Pushing Impeachment  "James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas has released the first part of their new #ExposeCNN project. If you have been paying attention to CNN for the last few years, you may not be surprised by what is revealed in their report.
"The insider is Cary Poarch, who worked at CNN’s Washington, DC bureau. His recordings suggest that CNN is on a mission to end Trump’s presidency.

"Network President Jeff Zucker is heard holding a daily editorial phone call with employees, during which he makes it clear that CNN is pushing the impeachment narrative. Other CNN employees claim that Zucker hates Trump, and has harbored a personal vendetta against him since they were both at NBC during the days of “The Apprentice.' ” . . .
One fascinating aspect of the report is that it reinforces the obvious contempt CNN has for FOX News. If you’ve ever watched CNN’s media reporter Brian Stelter, you know that he talks about FOX News almost obsessively. That makes perfect sense when you hear the way his boss speaks about the rival network. More from Veritas: . . .
From The Federalist:  Zucker also encouraged CNN employees to report on Fox News as if it were a conspiracy outlet.

Project Veritas: “Yeah, so I just want to say on the Lindsey Graham front, I know that there’s a lot of people at CNN that are friendly with Lindsey Graham. It’s time to knock that off and it’s time to call him out.”


Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill requiring UC and CSU schools provide students with free chemical abortions.

Via Weasel Zippers, wording its headline this way: California Moonbat Governor Signs Law Mandating Colleges Offer ‘Free’ Abortions…  The main article is below.

Campus Reform  "California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) has signed a bill requiring all University of California and California State University campuses to offer chemical abortion to students for free. 

"Senate Bill 24 – the “College Student Right to Access Act” – passed the California Legislature in September, giving Newsom about one month to either sign or veto the bill. Prior to Friday, when Newsom signed the bill into law, every indicator was that he would sign it. According to the most recent enrollment data, 481,210 students are enrolled at CSU and 280,380 students are enrolled on UC campuses- a total of 761,590 students. Of those, 272,779 females were enrolled at CSU schools while 147,131 female students were enrolled at UC schools- a total of 419,910 students who would be covered by the new law.

"California Campus Correspondent Fiona Moriarty-McLaughlin asked students at UC-Santa Barbara their thoughts.:

Awkward! Chelsea Clinton emphatically states a person with a beard and a penis can 'absolutely' identify as a woman, while mom Hillary shuffles and looks conflicted . . .


UK Daily Mail  "It may appear Hillary and Chelsea Clinton always see eye-to-eye, but in a recent interview one topic cracked the facade of the like-minded mother-daughter power duo.  

"The one issue Hillary and Chelsea don't appear to agree on entirely is transgender self-identification. 
"In an interview with The Sunday Times, journalist Decca Aitkenhead asked the Clintons if someone with a beard and a penis can ever be a woman, to which Chelsea replied emphatically, 'Yes.'
"However, as Aitkenhead describes it, Hillary looked 'uneasy', and blamed generational gaps for being less accepting. 
" 'Errr. I'm just learning about this,' Hillary responded. 'It's a very big generational discussion, because this is not something I grew up with or ever saw. It's going to take a lot more time and effort to understand what it means to be defining yourself differently.' " . . .

"Awww, Mom! You are so totally, like, tubular!"

Brutal wipeout for Democrats in Louisiana and the press trying to keep it quiet

Image by The Earl of Taint
Monica Showalter  "The last of the Louisiana state election numbers are in and it's not pretty for the Democrats.
"Not only does its moderate Democratic governor, John Bel Edwards, face a runoff as noted here, the state Senate has taken a supermajority. And a whole bunch of key state offices went squarely to Republicans. Funny how the press isn't covering this much.
"But Guy Benson at Townhall is, and he found a Democratic Party "decimated":
. . . 
"Obviously, the GOP is energized and it's translating to not just money raised and large crowds at rallies, both of which have been dismissed as unimportant by political analysts, but now actual votes. President Trump has helped significantly, holding a big popular rally in the state which may have either been his riding a wave or else turning things pivotally. Trump enthusiasm has got to be behind much of this and Trump isn't stupid.
"Democrats are being wiped out both by their impeachment obsesssion as well as by their way-out-of-the-mainstream leftwinger, and it's being done by the people themselves sneaking up on them. As of now, they're all deluding themselves that nothing is happening. "
Lets not help Democrats learn too quickly; they may learn to fake sanity in time for 2020.