His father, Ron Paul's policy of "Be nice to Iran and they will be nice to us" sounds too low-information to be taken seriously. Perhaps that is why so many on the left liked Paul Sr. and that alone makes him seem too Bill Ayers-ish for me. TW
Rand Paul’s confused foreign policy speech "I do not believe Rand Paul is anti-Israel or subscribes to the conspiracy theories of his father. But this was a naive and, in some ways, silly speech. It is not going to help him in his quest to attain political acceptability as a presidential candidate."
But on the other hand; Rand Paul’s foreign policy speech: No to isolationism, no to neoconservatism, yes to containment
"But distinguishing himself from GOP hawks is only half the goal here; the other half, as is often true lately, is distinguishing himself from his pop. Which explains why the speech begins with an indictment of radical Islam, including this pointed comment:" Paul here makes too much of McCain's jest that we stay in Iraq for 100 years. That's something Obama would do.
Jennifer Rubin: Time for hawks to wake up "They now face a Rand Paul problem because they did not construct a sound, reasonable national security policy that would endure over time. In short, they lost the public and now they are panicked that Paul may win the party and the country over."
Emphasis in the original.
Rand Paul is no Ron Paul, and he'll go to Israel to prove it "Support for Israel’s right to exist doesn’t stop at rhetorical backing for its right to defend itself but would necessitate a recalibration of much of Paul’s foreign policy. Would he support or even involve America in a strike against Iranian nuclear facilities? Would he militarily defend Israel if it was attacked? If the answer is “yes” to either question, then Rand Paul will find himself to be a man without a movement."
Rand Paul’s Foreign Policy "As long as he opposes the hawks in the party on any one thing, whether it is on foreign aid or military spending or something else, they will continue to distrust him. "
But on the other hand; Rand Paul’s foreign policy speech: No to isolationism, no to neoconservatism, yes to containment
"But distinguishing himself from GOP hawks is only half the goal here; the other half, as is often true lately, is distinguishing himself from his pop. Which explains why the speech begins with an indictment of radical Islam, including this pointed comment:" Paul here makes too much of McCain's jest that we stay in Iraq for 100 years. That's something Obama would do.
Emphasis in the original.
Rand Paul is no Ron Paul, and he'll go to Israel to prove it "Support for Israel’s right to exist doesn’t stop at rhetorical backing for its right to defend itself but would necessitate a recalibration of much of Paul’s foreign policy. Would he support or even involve America in a strike against Iranian nuclear facilities? Would he militarily defend Israel if it was attacked? If the answer is “yes” to either question, then Rand Paul will find himself to be a man without a movement."
Rand Paul’s Foreign Policy "As long as he opposes the hawks in the party on any one thing, whether it is on foreign aid or military spending or something else, they will continue to distrust him. "