Sunday, January 24, 2016

Not Looking Good For Hillary In Minnesota, Head To Head Matchup Shows Hillary Ties with Cruz, Loses to Rubio…

Weasel Zippers

Candidates Vie For Votes At Last Presidential Debate

"Oddly Hillary is beating Feel the Bern.
Republican Marco Rubio and Democrat Hillary Clinton are early favorites among Minnesota voters in the presidential race, according to a new Star Tribune poll.
Clinton holds a commanding 34-point lead over rival Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, but the statewide poll of 800 registered voters shows that the former secretary of state could face trouble against two top Republicans. In head-to-head matchups, Clinton is essentially tied with Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and trails Rubio, the Florida U.S. senator. Clinton tops Donald Trump by 5 percentage points.
Full article. . .


Western PC thought on Islam

Bloviating Zeppelin   "It’s not funny unless it’s true."
Leftist Cartoon Peanuts

Hillary Getting a Pass on Dems' Turn Left to Socialism

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

RealClearPolitics . . . "It is, quite frankly, astounding that in the other race that has become the Democrats' nomination battle between Vermont socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, no one has asked Clinton to explain how she differs from Sanders' socialist ideology. Not one question, even though Sanders shockingly is the frontrunner and Clinton shockingly isn't in the primary season's first two nominating contests.
"Is this the case because Trump is sucking all of the oxygen out of the other campaigns? Or is it because Democrats are treated differently by the national media?
"All fair questions because, goodness knows, if someone was running as an anarchist in the Republican field, Sen. Marco Rubio or Gov. John Kasich certainly would be asked how their views contrast with anarchy." . . .
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg may enter the race as an independent.

Hot Air  "Guard the Big Gulps and the guns, and store up on the table salt while you’re at it. “Galled” by the lasting power of Donald Trump with Republicans and the incompetence of Hillary Clinton in closing the sale with Democrats, former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg may enter the race as an independent. The New York Times reports today that Bloomberg will loosen up at least a billion dollars of his own money if he decides he can win in November:"
Galled by Donald J. Trump’s dominance of the Republican field, and troubled by Hillary Clinton’s stumbles and the rise of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont on the Democratic side, Michael R. Bloomberg has instructed advisers to draw up plans for an independent campaign in this year’s presidential race. . .
Trump 37, Hillary 36, Bloomberg 13  "The only way this horrible campaign can end for conservative anti-Trumpers, I think, is with a third-party candidacy that’s even more irritating than Trump’s is. It’d be like a twist at the end of an especially creepy Twilight Zone episode, where a guy sells his soul to the devil for another choice besides Trump and Hillary — and it turns out to be Mike Bloomberg. “Submitted for your approval: A man who’ll never drink more than 12 ounces of soda in one sitting again. A lesson in being careful what you wish for … in the Twilight Zone.' ” . . .

The Marco Rubio crime spree

Mediaite   The Washington Post ran a story this week on how Rubio was arrested when he was 18 for being in a park after it was closed.
Yeah, that’s it. As Mediaite’s own Alex Griswold wrote, it might be the “lamest attack” on Rubio over his past to date.
Well, Rubio shot back on Twitter yesterday by tweeting out a video with more details of his “crime spree”:

The United States of Air-merica: Stunning aerial photographs show the full glory of the US in a way you have never seen before

Daily Mail
The photographer is photographed while in the air above the U.S.
"These aerial photographs show the U.S.'s stunning array of scenery as well as housing estates and parking lots

  • "They were taken by pilot Jassen Todorov, from San Francisco, who was flying in a 1976 Piper Warrior plane

  • "He travelled(sp) for three weeks, flying for four hours a day, across states that included Florida, Arizona and Texas
  • Tractors travelling in perfectly parallel lines plow a field in this photograph, taken by Jassen Todorov above Florida
    Tractors travelling in perfectly parallel lines plow a field in this photograph, taken by Jassen Todorov above Florida

    These incredible aerial shots show the U.S. in a way you've never seen it before - from suburban housing estates to sprawling deserts, the amazing images show the vast expanse of scenery the country has to offer.
    "Deep craters in Arizona's red desert and swamps and wetlands in Florida and Louisiana look like they could be alien planets, alongside urban images of houses and freeways.
    "Pilot Jassen Todorov, from San Francisco, spent three weeks flying across eight states in a 1976 Piper Warrior plane to capture the amazing shots from high above."
    Massive craters in the Red Desert, Arizona, are photographed by Jassen Todorov during a flight in a 1976 Piper Warrior plane
    Massive craters in the Red Desert, Arizona, are photographed by Jassen Todorov during a flight in a 1976 Piper Warrior plane

    These are the Vicksburg Bridges, located on the Mississippi River, show a barge making its way underneath them
    These are the Vicksburg Bridges, located on the Mississippi River, show a barge making its way underneath them

    Much more here.  Jassen Todorov.   His Facebook page