Friday, November 18, 2022

Will store owners pay reparations to smash - and - grabbers looting their stores?

I know of so many instances of insult and mistreatment of African-Americans over the course of my 83 years, and wish deeply there was a way to make up for the wrongs done to heros like the Tuskegee Airmen, the draft race riots in the 1860s, buses in the Jim Crow days and so many instances not listed. Those victims should be compensated. But not the rioters of Ferguson, Missouri; Watts, Rodney King nor those scowling elected officials who speak words to inflame Americans against each other. The Sharpton's, Waters', Joy Reids,  Raphael Warnocks, Obamas. et. al. are an infection in the national political body. We need more like Ben Carson, Larry Elder.Candace Owens, Tyrus, Sheriff David Clarke, Rep J.C. Watts, Rep Tim Scott and so many more.  TD

Dem Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Claims Slavery Reparations Would Have Stopped Covid From Spreading…  "So a person who has never owned a slave is expected to pay money to someone who has never been a slave. Makes perfect sense."

 Sheila Jackson Lee cites study claiming reparations could have cut Covid infection rates - USSA News | The Tea Party's Front Page.  Lee stated, "There is no doubt that we have been impacted, the… the DNA in the trans, the trajectory of slavery til today. For example the COVID, black African Americans got COVID at nearly a rate of one and a half times higher than that of white people, or hospitalized at a rate nearly four times higher, three times likely to die. COVID hit us very desperately,” Jackson Lee contended.

“ 'Interestingly, a recent peer-reviewed study from Harvard medical school suggests that reparations for African Americans could have cut COVID-19 transmission and infection rates both among blacks and the population at large,” she went on to claim.

“ 'Reparations are curative. They Are not punishment. The analysis continued to look at data throughout the nation. And so as we move in this lame-duck session, it is important that we come together for reconciliation to restoration and provide the commission to study slavery and to develop reparation proposals. I thank my colleagues for their support and I believe together we make America strong, America free, America just, and America equal,” she conclsHuded.

"Jackson Lee did not give the exact reference for her claim but the study does actually exist, unfortunately. But that does not make it factual or correct."

What the heck is going on in Arizona?

  George W. Ford   "What is going on in the governor's race in Arizona?  The media have called it for Katie Hobbs, after the Nov. 14 Monday night "drop," supposedly raising the total counted to 99% of the expected final total.  According to NBC News, the remaining uncounted vote total is estimated to be 25,494, far above the margin of 16,644 that we are told separates Hobbs from Kari Lake.  It's reasonable to assume that there are areas where Lake won with 75%, and these would be the uncounted areas, where it's possible that corrupt election officials might be holding back and delaying, or "curing," votes.  So calling the race does not make sense, if you were to suspend disbelief and assume that the vote-counting is honest.  But of course we know that those who call the races are politically biased.". . .

. . ."Perhaps we could turn voting over to the state legislators.  That may generate more interest in statewide elections.  As we plumb the depths of election fraud, I would like to salute Kari Lake for not conceding a race that has not been completed.  She deserves our support.

Arizona's numbers don't add up   "The media and the Democrats want us to believe that Kari Lake, along with others, lost because the "Red Wave" did not exist, and that close association with President Trump was the kiss the of death for Republicans.  Really?

"Let's take a closer look at the numbers to see what actually occurred in Arizona.". . .

Blake Masters Calls For State AG Investigation into Maricopa County’s Botched

 Election   . . ."Masters scorched Maricopa County’s election officials, saying, “the best you can say is that they are grossly negligent.”

They knew Republican turnout would be heavy on election day. And they didn’t make sure the machines worked? 20-30% of them failed, mostly in R-leaning places? Merits dismissal and investigation for ill intent.

No normal person looks at what happened in Maricopa on election day, or since, and says “yeah, looks good, well-run.” It’s an absolute disgrace. We may never know how many thousands of voters were disenfranchised. And yes this would have made a difference in Abe and Kari’s races.

One hopes there is substance to Masters' claims. We must be more honorable than this crop of Democrats that include Abrams, Pelosi, Schiff, Waters, Biden know...the thing! TD

 Richard Terrell

(Updated Nov 19) Rep. Mike Waltz to Lead Heritage Foundation Panel on Combating Wokeness in the Military

Rep. Mike Waltz to Lead Heritage Foundation Panel on Combating Wokeness in the Military   "Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL), an Army Green Beret, is chairing a think-tank panel that will combat wokeness in the military and look at how to turn around its recruiting crisis, he said in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News on Thursday.

"The panel, hosted by the Heritage Foundation, will take a deep look at how to refocus the military on winning wars versus initiatives aimed at diversity, equity, and inclusion — many of which were begun under the Obama administration and have been redoubled under the Biden administration.

"Waltz, an Army National Guard colonel slated to become the chairman of the House Armed Services Readiness Subcommittee, spoke to Breitbart News. “This is about a warrior culture that we need to maintain — one that is focused on winning our nation’s wars. And I think the big theme that you’ll hear from me and from this panel is it’s about standards — not gender or race, or socioeconomic background,” he said.". . .

Don Brown  . . ."All this foolishness embodies the Democrat party's political aims, rammed down soldiers' throats, detracting from force readiness and undermining morale among the troops.  And there's your "woke" in the military, Madame Secretary.

"The secretary claims that the Army is operationally ready, as if she is somehow qualified to assess military readiness, though she never served a day in uniform.  She knows this, she says, because she's visited posts and installations at home and overseas.


"Just over the last few weeks, the Heritage Foundation published its 2023 Index of U.S. Military Strength, noting that for the first time since it began publishing the annual study, the military is "weak" and "at growing risk of not being able to meet the demands of defending America's vital national interests."

"Let that sink in.  Under Biden's stewardship, the American military has become "weak."

"Perhaps Secretary Wormuth should explain how the Army can sustain operational readiness when it can't come close to meeting its recruiting goals.

"Fox News reported on October 1 that the Army missed its recruiting goals by  25% this year — a dangerous shortfall.  Why the shortfall?  The wasteful woke, morale-devastating policies rammed down the Army's throat kill reenlistment.  That's why.

"No wonder the Heritage Foundation concludes that the United States military is "weak."

"The military's goal is to defeat the enemy, not get sidetracked with progressive political poppycock.

"Madame Secretary, the Army is not your social breeding ground for woke experimentation.". 

 .Don Brown, a former U.S. Navy JAG officer  and former special assistant United States attorney, is an attorney and  the author of 15 books, including the book Travesty of Justice: The Shocking Prosecution of Lieutenant Clint Lorance and the national bestseller Last Fighter Pilot.  He was one of four former JAG officers serving on the Lorance legal team.  President Trump pardoned Lorance in November of 2019.

UPDATE: Madame Secretary, Your Woke Policies are Killing the Army

. . .You're driving your own soldiers away and can't find enough replacements to fill the ranks.  Your claims that the Army is operationally sound are not credible.  Your insistence upon this woke foolishness threatens national security.

Let's axe "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion," cut the wokeness, and get back to combat readiness.

Let us wage war on "woke," with a vengeance, and cut it from our midst, like a surgeon removing a deadly cancerous tumor.  Throw woke on the rotting garbage heap of history, and return the Army to Trump-era levels.