Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Home Security Cameras Are Now Solving Crimes In Baltimore

Hot Air

"Well, it’s happening in more places than just Baltimore, but they probably need the help more than most cities. The subject at hand is the trend of police departments solving crimes in greater numbers because of the increasing number of home and business owners who have external security cameras monitoring their property… and the street beyond. As this report from CBS Baltimore indicates, some cases which might otherwise have gone cold wound up being solved in short order.
. . . 
"Well… how about this? Is this okay? Are cameras installed by private citizens on their own property who then turn over video footage to the police something you can finally be comfortable with and give us a better chance of solving crimes? Or was this just unfair to the killer of Timothy Moriconi? Perhaps the cops should have been denied the video and left to sniff around the curb hoping the shooter left a trail of breadcrumbs.
"If we get to the point where external home security cameras are so ubiquitous entire cities and towns are almost completely covered, criminals will eventually get the message. It’s certainly a cheaper solution than trying to afford a cop on every street corner in the country."

GOP to Dems: Here, Take Our Wallet, Too!

We called the Brennan Center for Justice, and they assured us that voter fraud doesn't exist. I can prove I called -- I'll show you my phone records! We're not going to send our reporters on a snipe hunt. Oh, and we also got an interesting brochure on voter suppression, such as the Nazi-inspired idea that voters should know how to spell their own names. That's what we get from our crackerjack media. Journalists' phones should be taken away, so they'd be forced to do actual reporting. 
 Ann Coulter  "Election recounts would be more plausible if Democrats occasionally let the Republican win. But they don’t. Ballots miraculously discovered days and weeks after the election — in the back seat of a car, after helpful “corrections” to the ballots by election supervisors, etc. — invariably result in a surprise win for the Democrat.
"Voters are just supposed to accept that, unless Republicans win an election by an insuperable margin, the Democrats will steal it.
"And the thieving is cheered on by our media. Whenever President Trump has the effrontery to mention that GOP victories are being stolen by corrupt Democratic officials, the media snippily note that his claim is “UNSUBSTANTIATED.”
"Thus, for example, in the first 60 seconds of CNN’s “Erin Burnett OutFront” on Monday, Burnett said:
— “(The email from Trump headquarters) without providing any evidence … warns that, quote, corrupt Democrats are trying to, quote, steal election victories in Florida. …— “It’s a baseless claim that President Trump has been pushing for days. …— “(Gov. Rick) Scott (is) talking about rampant fraud without providing any evidence. …— “Now, ‘steal an election,’ ‘committing fraud’ are big claims to make without having evidence.”Hey! I have an idea! Why doesn’t CNN rustle up some reporters to go and investigate the biggest story of the year?
"No, the burden is on random Republicans — who have jobs other than “reporting the news” — to produce bulletproof evidence of voter fraud. Otherwise, it’s just a wacky coincidence that these “recounts” always result in mysterious new votes for Democrats.
"If a freelance investigative reporter like James O’Keefe actually does produce the evidence that our media are too lazy and biased to get for themselves, they sneer that O’Keefe can’t be trusted. He’s not a real reporter!
"What a real reporter does is call up some left-wing outfit, get a quote, and peremptorily announce that there has never been an illegal ballot cast in any election, ever." . . .

CNN's Jim Acosta would be the darling of Hollywood

Picture Acosta hosting a celebrity awards night.
American Thinker
Jim Acosta’s misbehavior didn’t start last week  "Even Bob Woodward – in many ways the dean of DC journalists -- is appalled at the lawsuit filed by CNN to regain the White House hard pass of Jim Acosta, revoked in the wake of his outrageous behavior at a presidential press conference a week ago. Joe Concha in The Hill:
Watergate reporting icon Bob Woodward argued that the remedy to President Trump’s decision to revoke Jim Acosta’s White House press credentials isn’t a lawsuit, “it’s more serious reporting about what he’s doing.” . . .

. . . "If the media unite to defend Acosta and implicitly endorse this kind of behavior, they are opening Pandora’a Box. Their own credibility will decline, and precedents are being set for dealing with future Democrat office holders."

Do Democrats have no shame?

Election fraud and mobs...

Gerard Butler Lost His House In California Wildfires But Some Leftists Say They Don’t Feel Sorry For Him  It's the Hollywood Blacklist again.

. . . "But his tweet, which thanked first responders for doing the best they could to save his home and for evacuating his neighborhood, wasn’t met with the typical outpouring of support seen for celebrity victims of national tragedies. Instead, leftists and anti-Semites responded to Butler’s tweet with a barrage of hate, all because the actor has given money to support the Israeli Defense Forces.
"Many called Butler’s misfortune “karma,” and mocked the actor with claims that he was merely experiencing what Palestinians experience every day.

Here's Fox News' Tucker Carlson's full statement about the incident where a man called Carlson's daughter a "whore".
  • After the celebrity attorney Michael Avenatti accused Fox News host Tucker Carlson of assaulting a "gay Latino immigrant," Carlson told Business Insider he never assaulted the man.
  • Carlson said the man stopped his daughter when she was on her way back from the restroom and asked her if she was sitting with the Fox News host.
  • When his daughter responded, "That's my dad," Carlson said the man asked her, "Are you Tucker's whore?" He also allegedly called her a "f---ing c---."
  • "I did not assault this man, and neither did my son," Carlson said.
  • In a video Avenatti included in his tweet claiming Carlson "assaulted" the man, Carlson appears to be telling another man to "get the f--- out of here" while others seem to be trying to get Carlson and others in the room to calm down.
  • The video does not appear to show Carlson physically assaulting anyone.
However, Carlson's son could be said to have assaulted the man in much the same way 
"My daughter returned to the table in tears. She soon left the table and the club. My son, who is also a student, went into the bar to confront the man. I followed. My son asked the man if he'd called his sister a 'whore' and a 'cunt.' The man admitted he had, and again become profane. My son threw a glass of red wine in the man's face and told him to leave the bar, which he soon did.
Man who obscenely harassed Tucker Carlson’s teen daughter was a board member at ‘Women’s Initiative’ health group  . . . "I have seen enough corruption and hypocrisy to make me suspicious of the motives of every male, especially a showboater who proclaims his love of women’s causes.
"So, it comes as only a slight surprise to learn that the man who allegedly publicly harangued Ticker Carlson’s teen-aged daughter as a “whore” and a “f**king c**t” at the Farmington Country Club in Charlottesville, Virginia served on the Board of Directors of a group that calls itself “The Women’s Initiative.” The group proclaims its mission as “empowering women in times of challenge and change,” which is vaguely feminist, but which could encompass almost anything. A look at its current offerings reveals a lot new agey stuff like yoga classes, including some pandering to progressive identity politics.
"His lawyer, Michael Avenatti, may want to break his promise to see Tucker in Court."