Monday, April 27, 2015

The Fall of the House of Clinton

 A Colorado Springs man was cited for shooting his malfunctioning computer on Thursday. The guy unplugged the computer, took it outside, and fired eight bullets into it, destroying the screen, the keyboard and the hard drive. Today he's the communications director for the Hillary Clinton campaign. Comedian Argus Hamilton

 Also known as "there is no evidence"....
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
Victor Davis Hanson  (Cartoons added by TD)   "Hillary Clinton will probably survive her latest ethical disaster. James Carville — of “if you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find” fame — is back again to pronounce the Clinton Foundation scandal as “diddly-squat.”  He may be right in the political sense. After all, we know the standard Clinton rescue plan from the past: her aging point-men like Carville, Lanny Davis, and Paul Begala flood the airways, yelling “prove it!” at their television hosts and declaring:
  1. That the accusations are “old news.”
  2. That the accusers are funded by right-wing conspiracists.
  3. That everyone does what the Clintons did.
  4. That the media pick on the Clintons.
  5. That there is no hard evidence (because they have destroyed documents) that would ever lead to a criminal case. And:
  6. That they are moving on, to work on behalf of the folks.
"Such obfuscation worked well with Troopergate, Travelgate, Whitewater, the cattle futures scam, Monicagate, the pardons, and  Bill's serial and sometimes coercive sexual conquests.
The scorched-earth protocol has already largely dispensed with the “what difference does it make” and “we came, we saw, he died” Libya/Benghazi scandals. That the ex-president of the United States often flew on a private jet with  registered sex-offender Jeffrey Epstein, known for supplying underage women to his guests, is, as the Clintons say, “old news.” Hillary Clinton’s serial lies about her email accounts and the Clinton Foundation shakedowns will likewise fade — despite the national-security implications of both transgressions for the United States.

"So by “Fall of the House of Clinton” I don’t suggest that a special prosecutor will be appointed to indict Hillary and Bill for crimes that would likely make the accusations that were once leveled against Sen. Robert Menendez, Gov. Bob McDonnell, Scooter Libby, Conrad Black or Dinesh D’Souza look like child’s play in comparison." . . .

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Proof Hillary isn't fit to be president   "It became well-known during the Clinton years that while the president was a "certified" sleaze ball, the most evil partner of this Bonnie-and-Clyde duo was Hillary. She came to be seen as the "consigliore" of the couple, the one who had executed (pun intended) their dastardly plans and deeds."  . . .   

Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, is known for his strong public interest advocacy in furtherance of ethics in government and individual freedoms and liberties... (more)

UH-OH Watch Out Baltimore: Here Comes Al Sharpton

The Lid  via Jeffrey Dunetz  at  Conservative Bloggers on Facebook


"If there was unrest in Baltimore, you ain't seen nothing yet..because here comes the race card version of an ambulance chaser, the faux reverend Al Sharpton

"According to the NY Daily News, Sharpton the supposed preacher who has never heard about the commandment about bearing false witness. will schedule a march from that city to Washington to bring to the doorstep of newly confirmed U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch the deaths of Gray and other black men killed in police custody. Well he has been out of the headlines for a few days...Al gets ill if someone else gets attention
Sharpton said Monday – the day Lynch was to be sworn in and the day of the funeral for Gray, 25 – that activists and faith leaders had urged him to visit the city after the April 19 death of the young black man. Sharpton said he resisted until he learned that a police report, scheduled to be released Friday, would be delayed.
"Hey Al are you sure they said go to Baltimore? Listen closely they may have only been saying "get the hell out of town." police did not immediately confirm that the report, ordered by Police Commissioner Anthony Batts, would not be released on the scheduled day. The investigation will eventually be forwarded to the state attorney’s office, which will decide whether the arresting officers should be charged for their roles in the death of Gray, who suffered serious spinal injuries.
“It is concerning to me that a deadline that the police themselves had set and announced they have now conveniently changed,” Sharpton said in a statement.
"Conveniently? Or they wanted to make sure they did a good job and needed more time.

The group will schedule a two-day march for sometime in May to urge Lynch to quickly investigate the cases involving Gray, Eric Garner, Walter Scott and Eric Harris.
"The U.S. Department of Justice has already announced it will investigate Gray’s death, but they did it without Sharpton first getting some publicity so it doesn't count.  But don't worry Al the mainstream media will cover your latest "get Al publicity" stunt because no one in the media has the guts to call you what you really are--an anti-Semitic racial huckster. 
Rev. Al's contact info

Cartoons added by TD

The Freddie Gray memorial gathering

Baltimore mayor: We 'gave those who wished to destroy space to do that'
Baltimore mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake made a stunning admission Saturday in the aftermath of violent protests over the recent death of Freddie Gray, saying she wanted to give space to those “who wished to destroy.”

And destroy, some did. . . .

Disciples of "Killer Mike"?

Obama Sends Representation To #FreddieGray Funeral 
"Chris Kyle, an American hero, family still waiting. Family of James Foley, beheaded because he was American still waiting… Via The Hill: 

 CNN called all the above "scuffles"

 The Baltimore protests — are they really about the police?   . . . "Baltimore is far from the only American city in a sorry state. Thus, it’s plausible to anticipate that we will see protests and riots throughout the U.S.
"Given the enormous amount of police interaction with African-American lawbreakers, there will always be cases of problematic (or allegedly problematic) police behavior that can ignite protests. As time goes on, however, I wonder whether such cases will be required."

Trey Gowdy To Clinton Lawyer: Here's 136 Unanswered Questions About Hillary's Email

The Lid "You can't use political spin with Trey Gowdy. That's a lesson Hillary Clinton's attorney David Kendal learned on Thursday. Kendal send the House Select Committee Chairman a letter saying that the former Secretary of State had already answered all the questions about her email therefore she didn't need to testify on that subject. 

"Gowdy responded with a letter (embedded below) containing 136 unanswered questions about the email and issued this statement:

. . .  
Hat tip to  Jeffrey Dunetz

William Bennett: The Conservative Case for Common Core; other links to help you decide pro or con

"Federal intrusion and misleading rumors do a disservice to an effort that started in the states."

I have been knee-jerk opposed to CC, largely because of the cons about it, the federal intrusion in it, and those in this administration who support it, such as their efforts mentioned here: Feds Play the Race Card to Crush Parents’ Revolt Against Common Core.

Consider this an honest effort to understand Common Core and I can find no better source with which to do that than Mr. Bennett. At least now I know not to reject any candidate just because of his stand on Common Core. TD
"The same goes for math. Certain abilities—the grasp of fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios and the like—should be the common knowledge of all.
That's the fundamental idea behind a core curriculum: preserving and emphasizing what's essential, in fields like literature and math, to a worthwhile education. It is also, by the way, a conservative idea."
William J. Bennett

Wall Street Journal  "As the former Secretary of Education for President Ronald Reagan, I have been following the national debate over Common Core standards. The debate is getting hotter, but not always clearer. It's time to get clarity on some things that have been badly and sometimes mischievously muddled.

"Let's begin with the ideas and principles behind the Common Core. These educational principles have been debated and refined over decades. First, we can all agree that there is a need for common standards of assessment in K-12 education. And we can all agree that there are common and shared truths in English, literature and math. Think of "We hold these truths to be self evident" as emblematic.

"Nearly all Americans agree that to prepare a child for civic responsibility and competition in the modern economy, he or she must be able to read and distill complex sentences, and must be equipped with basic mathematical skills.
 . . . 

. . . "The standards are designed to invite states to take control and to build upon them further. The standards do not prescribe what is taught in our classrooms or how it's taught. That decision should always rest with local school districts and school boards.

"The principles behind the Common Core affirm a great intellectual tradition and inheritance. We should not allow them to be hijacked by the federal government or misguided bureaucrats and politicos."

" Actually, Common Core supporters insist the the Core is a set of standards and not a curriculum."

 RedState sees it this way: Bill Bennett paid to pimp for Common Core

Previous Tunnel Wall posts on this subject:
You Won’t Believe What Common Core Testing Looks Like on Long Island

What are some Pros and Cons of the Common Core Standards?
 Students Start Summer School In Chicago - Tim Boyle/Getty Images News/Getty Images

"The full implementation of the Common Core Standards is has arrived. However, the true impact that they have on schools and education as a whole will not be known for several years. One thing that is for sure is this shift to a national set of standards will be revolutionary. They will also be highly debated. As the media continues to evaluate the significance of the Common Core, you can bet the debate will rage on. Here we examine some of the pros and cons of the Common Core Standards that will continue to be debated."  Read the full article here.

 Bill Whittle – Common Core Is Obamacare For Education