Wednesday, January 19, 2022

The Message in the Polls: Trump's Done

Give voters a populist conservative who's not a conman and a liar and they'll be "Republicans" again. No wonder Trump hates DeSantis.

Ann Coulter  "Our media are obsessed with Donald Trump, but Trump's obsessed with Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida. For months now, Trump's been playing the aging silent film star Norma Desmond in "Sunset Boulevard" to DeSantis' younger, prettier Betty Schaefer.

" Amid the hourly, annoying group emails to Trump's list -- "YOU are one of my TOP supporters!" -- there was one from Roger Stone on Nov. 2, 2021, denouncing DeSantis.

" The insults sounded a lot like what Trump used to say about Stone: "Ron's own piss-poor campaign ...," "without really delivering on his Trump-like rhetoric ...," "Governor DeSantis has failed ..." and so on. 

"The title of this diatribe was: "WILL RON DESANTIS TAKE THE PLEDGE?" Can you guess what "the pledge" is? That is correct: not to challenge Trump for president in 2024. 

"Only because it was "from" Stone, a smart guy who sadly prostrated himself on the altar of Trump, did I open it. Then, I shook my head and deleted it. 

"Evidently, others on the Trump email list responded with more rancor. 

"One week later, Stone sent out a follow-up email frantically backpedaling, noting that "many" recipients of his recent email were "surprised" by his attacks on DeSantis. The crow-eating letter ended by pleading with Stone's critics to "Please take a moment to read what I have actually said ..." 

"That must've been some blowback! 

"No one wants Trump. He's fading faster than Sarah Palin did -- and she was second place on a losing presidential ticket. In case you don't remember, for three years following that loss, Palin was packing stadiums with tens of thousands of Trump-like fans

Larry Elder blasts LA prosecutor following murder in Maxine Waters' neighborhood



Fox News  

With the murder of Brianna Kupfer, the left's soft-on-crime policies affect politicians' own neighborhoods, Elder says

"Los Angeles County Democratic District Attorney George Gascon's soft-on-crime policies led to the apparently random murder of a young furniture store employee Tuesday, former California gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder told Fox News.

"Elder noted on "Hannity" that the murder of Brianna Kupfer occurred in the same neighborhood where Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., resides.

" 'Regarding this young lady from UCLA, this graduate student, and these [Union-Pacific freight] train robberies, they're all connected," Elder said. 

" 'They can be traced right back to our soft-on-crime DA, George Gascon, [whom] Gavin Newsom supported and George Soros supported.' " . . .

California Weighs Doubling Taxes to Pay For Single-Payer Health Care System That Would Cover All Illegal Aliens

Democrats; every morning we wake up and wonder what they will do to us next. TD

                                                                          Square Grouper

Def-Con News  "California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) last Monday proposed a budget that would give all illegal aliens health coverage.

"In 2021, California began covering illegals over the age of 55.

"Now Newsom wants ALL illegals in California to have health coverage, and Californians may see a tax increase of roughly $12,250 per household.

"Fox Business reported:

California lawmakers unveiled a new bill at the beginning of the year that would establish a single-payer health care system – an ambitious plan that would be funded by nearly doubling the state’s already-high taxes.

"A new analysis from the Tax Foundation, a non-partisan group that generally advocates for lower taxes, found that the proposed constitutional amendment would increase taxes by roughly $12,250 per household in order to fund the first-of-its-kind health care system. In all, the tax increases are designed to raise an additional $163 billion per year, which is more than California raised in total tax revenue any year before the pandemic.

"Under the bill, the top marginal rate on wage income would soar to 18.05% – well above the median top marginal rate of 5.3% and the state’s existing rate of 12.3%. There would be an 18-bracket system, with higher taxes kicking in for individuals earning more than $149,509.The highest rate would apply to those who earn more than $2,484,121.

"California would also expand the payroll tax paid by employees who earn more than $49,990 in annual income if they work for a company that has more than 50 workers. Walczak noted the plan could deter small businesses from expanding by inadvertently creating a tax cliff. For instance, if a company that had 49 workers earning $80,000 each hired one additional employee, they would suddenly create a tax bill of more than $90,000.

"Finally, the state would also adopt a new 2.3% gross receipts tax (GRT) on qualified businesses minus the first $2 million in annual gross receipts, at a rate more than three times that of the country’s current highest GRT.

"Is this not insane? At what point will Californians say, ‘Enough is enough,’ and revolt?" . . . 

No, Jeffrey Toobin, Biden Is Not Putting Harris On The Supreme Court

 Mollie Hemingway

The real reason Kamala Harris won’t be nominated to the Supreme Court is that she simply isn’t up for the job.

. . ."The media and other Democrat Party activists are re-upping the campaign they ran last Supreme Court term to bully Breyer into retiring. Because the Democrat Party’s policy failures at home and abroad have become so disastrous that not even the corrupt corporate media can cover them up anymore, the Republican Party has a chance to re-take control not just of the U.S. House, but also the U.S. Senate, which handles all presidential judicial nominations. As a result, getting Breyer to retire so Biden and Senate Democrats can select Breyer’s replacement has become something of an existential necessity for the left.

"Toobin offers the conventional wisdom with his first two suggestions. Jackson and Kruger are both established judicial activists so political that radical group Demand Justice has them on their list of suggested Supreme Court nominees.

"But Toobin’s “longshot” suggestion is silly.

"Harris is simply not a serious pick. Remember that anyone Biden nominates would have to get through the Senate. Currently the Senate is tied with 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans. Harris, as the president of the Senate, is tasked with breaking tie votes." . . .

Federalism 101: A state’s authority over its citizens

 American Thinker

. . ."Thus, the United States was created not by “the people” but by the states. The United States is a federation, a federal state. Its powers are those that the states delegated to it in the text of the Constitution. The entire federal government is one of the “enumerated” powers.

"This is the fundamental element of the structure of American federalism which Sotomayor apparently slept through in law school. The federal government possesses only those powers granted it by the federal Constitution, whereas the states possess all powers not granted to the federal government nor forbidden by the state constitutions. Hence the state of Colorado, for example, is a sovereign state just like France or Germany, except to the extent that some of its sovereign power has been forbidden by its own constitution and some of it delegated to the United States federal government by the United States Constitution.

Wokeness Hits the Upper Echelons of the Air Force

Quite simply, regardless of the outcome, it is important to stand up for reality, even if it means sacrifice.

 Mark Jarrett  . . . "In 2018, a female Special Tactics Officer entered Special Tactics training, where she quit in the first week of dive training.  She was then not selected for continued
training.  In 2019, she returned and retook the course and did not pass again, but higher leadership dictated her selection for Special Tactics officer training.  She then went through more training while continuing to quit.  She quit in dive training, but the leadership had her retake a more relaxed version of the course.  She then quit in the solo land navigation portion of her tactical training.

"She encountered the physical differences between highly athletic men and women being tested to their limits.  In one event, "she just physically couldn't flip the tire," the instructor said.  "The team handed her a kettlebell and she just kind of walked behind the team for the rest of the iteration."  The officer herself reportedly wrote, "I believe the change in standards invalidated me with a majority of my team ... the cadre [instructors] 'rioted' when they found out the PT test was changing back to lesser standards."  Despite her repeated desire to quit — Air Force Special Operations leadership would not allow her to find a different career path.  Instead, she began working directly for the commander of Air Force Special Operations Command — where she wrote a report and an Equal Opportunity Complaint resulting in investigation of everyone who interacted with her.

"Now, according to the memo, she will return again to retake the Special Operations Course, with instructions from above, that she will graduate, whether or not she meets standards.  As of now, an investigation into this matter is being conducted by the Air Force inspector general.

"What I want to elucidate is how this episode is representative of how wokeness often works and how it was resisted." . . .

Wait...So the FBI Lied About the Ending of the Texas Synagogue Hostage Situation

 Townhall   "British national Malik Faisal Akram took four people hostage at Congregation Beth Israel synagogue in Colleyville, Texas. It lasted over ten hours. It had a good ending. All four hostages are alive and escaped injury. Akram is dead. Yet, we have new developments on how this whole saga ended. At least one was released, the other three were later released as well. That’s what was Initially reported.  Now, it seems like the rabbi created the situation in which the hostages were able to make a break for it. In other words, the FBI lied again. Our friends at Twitchy had the breakdown:"

. . ."The FBI already has egg on their face for suggesting that this attack might not have been related to anti-Semitism. Right, because synagogues have always been random targets for hooligans—said by no one ever. The FBI is sure Trump colluded with Russia, which was a Democrat-funded circus act grounded in zero evidence but not so sure that a leftist who tried to kill the entire GOP congressional baseball team in 2017 was politically motivated. The bureau also refused to investigate the horrid sexual abuse allegations lobbed against Larry Nassar by scores of American gymnasts possibly because they were too busy manufacturing fake evidence to support the shoddy Russian collusion myth. It’s clown town over there." . . .

FBI Admits It Doesn't Track Antifa Violence - The Political Insider