Sunday, August 14, 2011

Chairman Issa: NLRB a ‘rogue agency’

The Hill  " “The public has a right to know the truth about why a government agency would choose to take action to benefit organized labor that threatens thousands of non-union jobs in South Carolina while setting a precedent impacting manufacturers across the country,” he said. “It is imperative that Congress get complete facts about NLRB’s decision-making process in this matter. Its continued refusal to fully cooperate will not deter this committee as it moves forward in efforts to determine what occurred and to hold NLRB officials to account.” "

Mike Reagan:  NLRB vs. Boeing – Tyranny vs. Freedom  "One of the shameful hallmarks of a dictatorship is the restriction of movement — telling citizens or groups they cannot travel or relocate freely."

Obama Versus Obama

Victor Davis Hanson  " "Corporate jets" and "millionaires and billionaires" are promiscuously lumped in with those earning above $200,000 in annual income, as if the two groups were synonymous and equally duty bound to pay higher taxes. So how can Obama reduce the unemployment rate to below 9.2 percent, given his past deprecations of business and the job-hiring affluent, coupled with his record of new regulations and rules that favor unions and shut down businesses? At this late stage it proves difficult for Obama to coax those whom he once so gratuitously offended and went after."

NORMAN PODHORETZ :  What Happened to Obama? Absolutely Nothing.  "That is why my own answer to the question, "What Happened to Obama?" is that nothing happened to him. He is still the same anti-American leftist he was before becoming our president, and it is this rather than inexperience or incompetence or weakness or stupidity that accounts for the richly deserved failure both at home and abroad of the policies stemming from that reprehensible cast of mind."

Ron Radosh: What Does Obama Believe? Norman Podhoretz Gets it Right " ...our president indeed is a serious leftist, who developed intellectually and politically in the left-wing culture of his time and who believes deeply in its goals and its programs. Democrats have denied this, he writes, but do so only by ignoring or dismissing what Mr. Obama himself, in a rare moment of candor, promised at the tail end of his run for the presidency: “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” "

Rioters, first and foremost, are Democrat Voters

Collins Report  "In an official statement, Milwaukee Aldermen Bob Donovan and Joe Dudzik said the riot had been “…spawned by a culture of violence that has been brewing in Milwaukee for some time,” and which “…has much to do with a deteriorating African American culture in our city.”
"In speaking of single parent homes which provide no supervision and demand no responsibility, failed schools and perpetually high unemployment and teen pregnancy rates, Donovan and Dudzik broke every rule of political correctness, stating facts which liberal Democrats dutifully ignore for fear of alienating a Jesse Jackson or losing the support of Black voters."
....  However in Chicago....
"Contrast the response to events in Wisconsin with what took place on Memorial Day in Chicago when North Avenue Beach was suddenly shut down by city officials.
"The reason for the closing, as announced by far Left Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy and later confirmed by Mayor Rahm Emanuel–an unusually high incidence of heat exhaustion.
"And with the assistance of the Chicago Sun Times and ABC News, Emanuel and McCarthy STUCK to that story in the face of hundreds of reports of criminal acts committed by 1000 or more Black gang bangers who attacked beach goers and destroyed property"
"For those of you complaining about the north ave beach in Chicago closing
 yesterday,  you can thank the gang bangers for that," said one Twitter user.

Police: State Fair mugger targeted whites; 'easy targets'

Philadelphia Mayor Nutter
WLS890am  "Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker was asked on WLS Radio’s Roe and Roeper Show Friday if he thought the crimes warranted hate crime status, “I think it is absolutely outrageous, it is a hate crime, and I would imagine the prosecutor will be very aggressive on this. There is no tolerance whether it’s white on black or black on white, there shouldn’t be any tolerance in general for that kind of problems.”"....
"Police say the teen told investigators whites were chosen because he considered them "easy targets.""

Some real perspective over at  Wake up Black America. This man has courage. But maybe no friends.

Let Tavis Smiley or Cornel West know your thoughts on this, since they have a stake in it all.
"If you don't treat poor and working people with dignity now, chickens are going to come home to roost later," West said. "And it won't be about love and justice. It will be about revenge, hatred, and then we all go under."
Basically, this is a Maxine Waters-style call to riot; "Brothers in the hood, you have our approval to help yourselves to new stuff!